Evening meditation Osho - benefits and purpose, features


Evening meditation Osho helps to relax in front of bedtime, remove the fatigue accumulated for the day and go to the kingdom of Morpheus calm and peaceful.

How to meditate

Evening meditation technique is available to every person. The main principles are to follow the breath, visualize the right images and fully relax.

Evening meditation Osho for every day


  1. Before bedtime, when you take off your clothes, imagine that it is heavy armor. They are made of negative, fatigue, stress, everything, with which I had to face during the day. Mentally reset them and take a deep, conscious breath. Feel like they became freer, got rid of restrictions, your body became incredibly light.
  2. After that, disconnect the light in the room and sneeze on the bed. Close your eyes, but watch the eyelids to be relaxed. Do deep breaths and strong, powerful exhalations, accompanied by a loud sound "Oh!". Concentrate on sensations that occur in the process.
  3. After that you must feel complete relaxation. If it was possible, it means that you do everything right.
  4. Catch the instant full and absolute relaxation, and then stop. Hold your breath, but save a relaxed state, do not strain the body completely. Feel how time stopped, everything was frozen inside you.
  5. At the time of stop, there is a connection to a deep source of your mental entity, a powerful energy channel is revealed.
  6. After you need to take a deep breath through the nose. But again - do not strain, you should not make the slightest effort. The effort you attach only during exhalations, trying to completely get rid of the air in the lungs. Just relax and let the body easily take a breath.
  7. At this moment, the body usually occupies the most comfortable position for it, is filled with calm energy and prepares to sleep.
  8. Inspire and free consciousness from any thoughts. It is very easy to do if you can concentrate on breathing. Tell and just watch your condition, listen to the slightest sensations and body signals.
  9. According to the philosophy of Osho, inhale is similar to life, and exhalation - death. An instant between inhale and exhalation is life, its climax. Try it to feel.

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Listen online Osho evening meditation regularly you can, it is suitable for everyday use. It is important to give the practice of not less than twenty minutes. Then you fall asleep quickly, you will see a pleasant and colorful dreams. The body of the night perfectly restored, and you wake up fully rested, strength and energy necessary to follow an active, busy day.

The benefits and purpose of meditation Osho

Getting any spiritual practice, you should clearly recognize what you need it, and what results can be achieved with its aid.

Evening meditation Osho

What are the benefits of evening meditation:

  • They rescue insomnia, help you to easily plunge into the realm of Morpheus. This happens due to the fact that the mind is completely free from extraneous thoughts that prevent sleep.
  • A person can begin to see the bright, pleasant dreams, get rid of nightmares and anxiety. Disappears anxiety, because in the process of meditation, you get rid of all sorts of fears and other negative blockages.
  • You will begin to fall out of the relatively small bedtime. Free time to solve pressing problems, be sober, you will begin to feel much better.
  • By improving the quality of sleep increases efficiency, increases self-confidence and their own abilities.

And if other complementary evening meditation, often engage in spiritual practices and do it regularly, you can achieve the following results:

  • You will learn to independently remove their tremendous psychological burden, which is subject to almost everyone in everyday life. Stress at work, conflicts with family, misunderstandings will go into oblivion, and to replace them in the life enters harmony.
  • Will result in a balance of body and spirit, learn to listen and to physical sensations and interpret them correctly, and act at the behest of the soul.
  • Depending on the purpose of meditation to attune themselves to the powerful energy radiation: learn how to attract love, money, good health. But this ability comes only with practice.
  • Get rid of the negativity that poisons the soul and hinders to achieve success in life. Learn how to safely get rid of negative emotions and feelings, to remove energy blocks and clamps, which is beneficial to absolutely all spheres of human life.
  • Feel what it means to find harmony, learn mindfulness, happiness will be feeling at the moment.
  • Get rid of the burden of the past and will no longer fear the future. You will be able to live in the present, to set the right goals and reach them the right way.
  • You understand what is really important, and what you are used to attach excessive importance to you.

Watch a video about Osho evening meditation:

Other Osho meditation

The great teacher left behind a huge teaching and a large list of spiritual practices. In addition to evening meditations, there are others:

  • Kundalini is an active meditation to release energy at four levels.
  • Nataraj - active dance meditation, which is performed in three stages.
  • Chakrov breathing is a special respiratory technique that allows you to reveal the chakras and develop awareness.
  • AUM is the most powerful and long-lasting meditation from 12 stages.
  • Golden Flower - Morning Practice, is performed immediately after waking up to fill the energy and forces for an active day.
  • Cardiac - reveals heart chakra, helps to bring love and calm.
  • The third eye is developing intuition and reveals the gift of foresight.

Evening meditation

Important: If you want to achieve the result, it should be done regularly. Then gradually you will feel how the energy is filled, freed from the load of the negative and find happiness.

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