Clean Thursday: Signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers for health


Our people very respect this holiday - the great, passionate, he is pure Thursday (signs, customs, conspiracies, prayers for health to that are bright evidence). It falls on the 4th day of the passionate week (or passionate week). It was on this day that a secret lip occurred, at which Jesus Christ treated the apostles with bread and wine, washed her legs and rushed with them, knowing that he was prepared for the bowl. It is believed that this holiday can get rid of many sins and even improve their own life.


  • If you have lost something important for yourself, you can find it, making general cleaning in the house on this day.
  • If the trash drop out of the house in pure Thursday, it will take a lot of negative from it, and happiness will arrive at the vacation place.
  • Make the permutation of furniture, you will live richly.
  • If you take all the money on three times, which is in the house (to the last coin), you will not feel the lack of funds by the end of the year. Important! It is necessary to do it early in the morning (before sunrise), exactly at noon, as well as at sunset, and so that you do not see any eye (hidey even from your relatives).
  • In order not to lose your luck, do not lend anything and do nothing on this day. However, this rule has one exception: salt. If you lend a little salt from the neighbors whose family you consider exemplary, you can bring a little energy of their family to your home (at the same time they will not harm them, because people who share with someone good strength receive her over even more).
  • If you cut your hair into pure Thursday, you can "cut off" from myself a lot of sins.
  • Look for in the morning in the window. Who will you see first? Grandpa: you are not lucky. Guy or dog: you will be happy. Child: You will have to learn something. Woman: Note promises you family happiness.
  • From Thursday, on Friday, it is impossible to leave clumsy, but not wicked underwear, as well as dirty dishes.
  • If you visited the liturgy, bring a candle to the house from the church and burn it, it will clean the dwelling from evil and heavy energy.

By custom, this day you need ...

Open the window

  • Swim. Moreover, it is necessary to make it necessary to spill, that is, before sunrise. Pretty washing together (or at least ritually obtaying clean water), you can wash off and sins, and illness. And the latter - for a year ahead. If you have a bath, it will be quite good with the whole family to get out there. Important! Think with this "procedure" only about good.
  • Confession and coming up. Sin is a soul disease, and the usual bathing can not always wash it off. It will be better if the father goes to you.
  • Surrive in the house, wash all the windows. First, the custom says: after your dwelling will shine cleanliness, a hundred joys will settle in it. And secondly, after that, even more stringent church holidays will follow, during which it will be banned in the house.
  • Wash silver. In the evening in pure Thursday pour into a small bowl of water, put something silver there (it can be a ring, earrings, a spoon). In the morning, in a passionate Friday, the worship of this water of children and do not forget about yourself. So you defend the family from the unkind eyes and discontinuities of unclean for a year.
  • Production Thursday Sol, the strongest facing damage. Our great-grandmothers baked it into the oven, mixing with salt. Today, knowledgeable women are doing this: mix the usual salt with rye flour, pour out onto a frying pan, spool, while the mixture does not become a brown shade (you don't need to leave the plate - stir salt, reading ours "Father"). Salt is shrinking into the bag (not in the bag, "packaging" should be natural). If someone gets sick, salt for him the food is this salt. If the bag is tied with a red ribbon (cord), you can wear it as a charm.
  • Prepare cakes, easter, painted. Since this is the most "working" day before Easter, bother to glory! Important: Cooking today is needed with prayer and kind, bright thoughts.

Folk Magic: Conspiracies related to this day

  1. Conspiracy on pure water. They enjoy people who are not able to swim completely. In such cases, they take a jug (or at least a cup) and whispering the conspiracy over it, and then wash the face "magic water". They say this: "Clean water - health get drunk, a clean watch - the soul will heal. Going out the early sins - day, evening - night, thoughts of evil, mournful dooms, the words are offensive, the sins are invalious! Stay the soul is bright, clean, shattered, washed, evil and illness closed! "
  2. Conspiracy on the wealth of this house, that is, for money. Pour in a bucket (bowl, basque) more water. Press there handful of coins. Speak such words: "Money coins, like leafs on a branch, grow in the future, in my wallet." It is this water that needs to wash the windows, as well as the doors in your home. When cleaning will be completed, the water is not pouring on the garbage, but under the living (not dry) tree, and the coins carefully remove and fold the stack in the clean corner. Let them lie there a week, lining wealth into the house, and then you can spend them.
  3. Conspiracy on marriage and love. You need handmade soap. Wash it in the morning, no one is alone (touch soap can only yourself). Returning in the house, use the same shelter. During work, you need to peak: "(name), stick to me like this soap." It is advisable to wash it off without a residue, and if nevertheless a piece of soap remains, put it near the church fence. Important: the conspiracy is not instant, the result you can expect no earlier than 40 days after Easter.

Prayers for health in pure Thursday

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Most often they are associated with the preparation of the Thurspen Salt. For example, in some regions, with the "frying" of salt there is a special ritual: three times read "Our Father", three times "Virgin", three times "dream of the Most Holy Virgin", after which seven times "live help".


Prayer of the Virgin

Holy Cross

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