Snacks to yawning: why a man yaws at different times of the day


What value is attributed to call to yawn? According to the ideas of many peoples, including Slavic, the yawns are not at all about sleepiness, this is a danger signal. A person is very difficult to oppose the desire to yawn, and if you yawned, they discovered the path of unclean spirits, which can penetrate the body and harm your soul. From here the frequently found recommendation to baptize the mouth or just cover it with his hand.

Other nations believed that during the soul yawning, the soul could leave the body, so it is not necessary to open your mouth wide or should be protected by his hand or procession.

On the other hand, in some other nations, the sign of the yawns is associated with positive values. The Chinese, for example, believe that when someone yawns, he thus calls for the help of higher strength.

Yawns girl

Goodbye, Negative!

Esoterics believe that sowing has a different meaning. This action begins when there is not enough oxygen in the blood and the body seeks to replenish the supply of energy. But where does the lack of energy come from? Why does man often yawn? Mystics put forward a suggestion that the evil eye or damage is manifested in this way, so if you often yawning, it may appear to be concerned about what they smoothed you. Although, of course, it can always be in a simple lack of sleep!

There is also a point of view, according to which a man yaws when the negative leaves his body, so the yawa is often found during healing sessions, including the healers themselves.

In the East, it is common that in real life, the yawn can say that you currently communicate with an unpleasant personality, perhaps the energy vampire, and your body, feeling the decline, is trying to think about the lack of energy. Thus, the sign of the yawn may be associated with the fact that there is someone in your environment who "pulls" from you.

It is also interesting to such a fact that the yawn is "contagious", while not all people have someone else's sowing. What is it connected with? There is such an explanation here: we are "infected" by the yawn of other people only when this person is close to us when he is similar to us and there is a sympathy or good relationship between us.

Male yawns

Meaning Signs to yawn up to an hour

Collections of folk will accept their meanings to this takes up to an hour at different days of the week. According to such collections, the spectrum of this sign is very wide: from negative (for example, getting very bad news) to wonderful. If desired, you can check the meaning of action on such collections. Interestingly, it will take a lot related to love relationships: the sowing can report someone else or, on the contrary, about losing interest.

Yawn baby

Bad news

Zevotan early in the morning on Monday, from 7 to 8 am, predicts the receipt of bad news. Tuesday from 10 to 11 am and Friday morning from 7 to 8 - not the best time, the people's oracle says that this sign is not good.

If you started to yawn on Monday from 16 to 17 hours or on Tuesday from 7 to 8 am, it warns it: you gave your heart to a person who is not fit to you. Looking like a sign of yawning at midnight on Monday. Time from 17 to 18 Wednesday has the best value: your body suggests that you change.

Meeting of new love

Very often, the People's Superstition connects to yawn with the advent of new love. This can be predicted by sowing during the following time:

  • From 7 to 8, from 11 to 12 am on Monday.
  • From 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 on Monday.
  • From 8 to 10 am on Tuesday, as well as from 11 to 12.
  • From 9 to 10 on Wednesday.
  • From 20 to 21 on Wednesday.
  • From 8 to 9 on Friday.
  • From 6 to 7 am on Saturday.
  • From 7 to 8 am on Sunday.


On the future conflict can say the yawning from 12 to 13 on Monday, as well as from 21 to 22 hours. Tuesday from 12 to 13 - also at least a good time, signs to yawn talks about possible quarrels and twigs.

The following time periods are also not very successful: on Wednesday from 13 to 14 hours, on Thursday from 12 to 13, on Friday from 16 to 17 hours.

We wish you a successful rapid of the true cause of the yawn! Do not forget that a lot depends on your attitude to one or another phenomenon. If you are sincerely consider that your zevot is a good sign, then it will be so!

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