Kabbalah - Science of knowledge of the Creator and the World


What is Kabbalah? This is an ancient doctrine about the structure of the world and the knowledge of the Creator. Many confuse Kabbalah science with mysticism or religion. Neither to the other Kabbalah does not have a relationship. Also, Kabbalah is not related to esoteric as science of knowledge of hidden. What does Science Kabbala say, what is her essence? Consider in the article.


History of the question

When did it arise the ancient doctrine of the structure of the world? It is believed that the teaching arose in ancient Babylon, and the Biblical Abraham is the Biblical Bible. This is not the doctrine of mystics and magicians, as some people mean him wrong. This is the doctrine on how to know the Creator in its inner world.

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Around the Middle Ages, the Kabbalistic Books fell into Europe along with the migration of Jews. Since that time, the doctrine has covered with non-feasible and fiction. The uninitiated saw the description of the demons in the books and accepted them for otherwithstalls. So the cult of Satanism was born and the teaching about demons, allegedly managers and human consciousness arose. Even the teachings of the Black Kabbalah emerged, in which the issue of the functioning of the infernal world was studied.

In modern conditions, the ancient science of Kabbalan has been leaving to the household level, they began to offer various kababalistic amulets and chambers. For example, a red thread-protecting has nothing to do with Kabbalah. Kabbalah does not consider the issue of the prosperous existence of a person in the physical world - it considers the issues of spiritual dimension, that is, the knowledge of the Creator.

The main question of the exercise

As mentioned above, the subject of studying Kabbalah is the internal comprehension of the Creator individually. How is it possible and what needs to be done for this? Kabbalah argues that the Creator created the world with opposite its own qualities. If the Creator is an absolute good and altruism, then our world is evil and egoism. To get closer to the comprehence of the Creator, it is necessary to change its internal qualities to the opposite - evil on good, selfishness to altruism.

To understand what to deal with and what to change in yourself, you need to define the concepts of "evil" and "egoism". Egoism and evil is the same condition. It is expressed in the desire to use the whole world in their own interests. This includes human exploitation by man, deception, fraud, murder, robbery, condemnation and other sins mentioned in the Ten Commandments. Kabbalah argues that these sins were created in creation. The task of a person is to change these state to the opposite, because only in the corrected properties you can feel the Creator.

Why did the Creator created evil? Because creation can separate from it only if there are opposite properties. The Torah describes the episode of the fall and participation in this process of Zmia. Was it really? It is worth noting the peculiarity of the Kabbalistic language - it describes spiritual things allegorically, allegorically. Why is it not necessary to describe spiritual things in understandable language? Because no one will understand anything. How can you understand the true meaning of biblical allegory? Only with the Kabbalist teacher, otherwise there is no way.

Myths about Kabbalay

Consider a list of basic delusions that are attributed to the science of Kabbalah. He is quite impressive, so consider the most common delusions:

  • This is the mystical teachings of Judaism;
  • This is religion of the Jews;
  • Kabbalah helps become rich;
  • Kabbalists conduct rituals and rituals;
  • Kabbalists use amulets and overalls;
  • Kabbalah requires asceticism.

The word "Kabbalah" is translated as "receiving". This is the acquisition of knowledge about the creator and structure of the world. These knowledge was available to a narrow circle of dedicated, and from 1995 Kabbalah became accessible to all people. Since Kabbalah's doctrine was hidden for many centuries, it was counted to mystical. For a long time, the doctrine was transferred orally from the teacher to the student, the first kabbalistic books appeared only 4500 years ago.

Note! Religious education is opposite to Kabbalistic understanding of the highest world.

Kabbalah is not a religion of Jews and to Judaism has no direct relationship , although it uses in his teaching Torah and other works of Jews. Kabbalah gives a fundamentally other interpretation of these books, considering them as part of the description of the events not earthly, but spiritual manifestation. To approach the comprehension of the Creator, there is no need to perform religious rites and regulations - you just need to change your properties to the opposite. In the process of working on the change in the properties of the soul, the body of the feeling of the spiritual world opens. In other ways it is impossible to open it.

Does the study of Kabbalah give material well-being? No, it is impossible to achieve material wealth with the help of studying Kabbalah. Because this teaching does not investigate the events of material incarnation - only spiritual measurements. Kabbalah is not magic and not magic, but a pure experiment. However, the comprehension of the Creator gives much more ordinary selfish filling with material benefits. It is impossible to describe in words, you can only feel.

Many believe that Kabbalists spend some ritual actions. This belief is far from the truth, because Kabbalah teaches the internal comprehension of the Creator. For this you do not need to perform rites or rituals. If you see that someone performs ritual actions, it does not apply to true Kabbalah. True Kabbalah is a change in the internal properties of the individual.

No amulets and oversets of Kabbalists use. There is no need for this, since to comprehend the Creator, only a desire to do it. We can comprehend the Creator only in our inner world. How can the material charm help comprehend the spiritual worlds? It is only suitable for complacency in this world. Does the wubble or amulet protect against evil in this world? If you believe in it, you will get protected - but not from the highest strength, but simply by your faith.

Note! Kabbalah is not a means of enrichment in this world. It is impossible to obtain glory and honor with this science.

Kabbalah teaches that any supernatural spiritual power cannot be concluded in any object of the physical world. The effectiveness of the amulets and the fabrics is only in psychological impact on a person according to its faith. Forces in a person having an amulet, appear only from the faith in the fact that there is some supernatural power in the amulte. The spiritual world cannot conclude in the subjects of the material world, it is a big mistake. The spiritual one cannot communicate with the material in any way - these are opposite concepts.

Kabbalaye's doctrine

Higher Mir

What does Kabbalane talk about the higher world? The Higher World is the Creator, and its basic property is a return. Comprehensive the highest world can be possible only under one condition - to learn the properties of the return instead of receipt. This teaches the science of Kabbalah. As far as a person succeeds in changes in its egoistic properties, he will be able to comprehend the highest world.

In the higher world there is one law - the law of Altruism. If we want to enter this world, must comply with this quality. There is nothing material in the highest spiritual world, so it is impossible to comprehee with the help of material objects or mechanical ritual actions.

How can you get closer to the spiritual world in comprehending the Creator? To do this, you should read the original Kabbalistic sources, for example, the books "Zohar" or the works of the outstanding Kabbalists Baal Sulama, Ari, Rabash. In modern presentation, Kabbalah is available in the works of Michael Lightman, a disciple of Rabash. Information can be found on the Internet on sites or channel YouTube.

Is it possible to study Kabbalah on their own sources? This is possible because in the formation of a strong desire for knowledge, the highest light begins to operate - it reveals the true essence of Kabbalah. However, the interpretation of the teachings with outstanding teachers helps to quickly master the knowledge.

Is the Kabbalah prerogative of the Jews and is it necessary to join the Jewish religion to comprehend Kabbalah? No relation to Judaism as the religion of Kabbalah has no. This teaching is available for a person of any nationality and any religion. Kabbalah says that all people on Earth are a single shower by Adamam Kadmon, divided into parts. We are all united on the spiritual level, therefore belonging to any religion is not a significant obstacle to the study of Kabbalah.

Kabbalah - the doctrine of comprehension of the highest world

Kabbalah and asceticism

Does the studies of Kabbalah require a complete rejection of the material world, how is it characteristic of some mystical oriental teachings? No, no asceticism of Kabbalah does not require. On the contrary, this doctrine obliges a person to live a full-fledged social life - to study the profession, to form a family and enjoy the material abundance. The Creator created this world for a person not to refuse him. Only enjoy needed in corrected properties, that is, not exploiting others for their own purposes.

Is there a punishment in the "world of the world" for sins and disbelief? Kabbalah says that the Creator is an absolute good, therefore no one can punish. Punishment we feel the properties that distort the true nature of the Creator in our self-egoism. He sends us an absolute good, which we cannot accept and feel a blessing in our egoistic properties. Hence the roots take all our suffering.

A worn out of desires and filling them, so the desire of material goods is not a sin. Sin is the use of others for their own mercenary purposes, and not the pleasure of the benefits of the universe. Kabbalah says that the purpose of creation is to achieve eternal perfect pleasure, because the Creator created us for this. The only question is how to get these pleasures correctly and do not interfere with the Creator to fill us with bliss.

How to deserve the favor of the Creator, what is needed to do this? Will the Creator treat a person if a person deals with his actions? The love of the Creator does not need merit to creation, so no mechanical actions will be able to help a person get rid of trouble. There is no misfortune, and the Creator does not punish anyone - we only feel the punishment only in our defective properties. There is no need to deny yourself with pleasures and limit your comfort - you just need to learn how to change the intentions. This teaches the science of Kabbalah.

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