What dreams scarf in the dreams of Freud, Miller, Vangi


No matter how changing the fashion, the wardrobe will always remain things that are relevant at all times. Wearing a warm slander with cold autumn, we can warm up not only our voice ligaments, but also the soul. What dreams scarf will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

A scarf in a dream has several different meanings for a dream. This warm accessory is able to save from the chairs our throat, and, consequently, to keep the ability to express your opinion, judgment through the voice. Usually such people are very confident in themselves, and they always have something to say.

Knitted scarf

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A scarf of a complex structure and colors reflects our desire to hide the real nature, seem like others, put on a certain "mask" to achieve its true goals. The dark colors of the slander talk about the desire to distract attention. This refers to those who are tired of excessive popularity and is looking for the opportunity to be alone. Such persones are often afraid to be not understood by others, they are wounded and offended.

Those who gloomy, deepening in memories, a dreaming Palantin indicates nostalgia about the past, where it was warm, cozy and safely. So, at the moment you feel very vulnerable, and you need support for loved ones and expensive people's heart.

It was harmful to knit a warm scarf - in reality trying to postpone the adoption of a fateful solution. You seem to you, whether you have more time, you definitely do not make a mistake with the choice. But this state of discomfort and instability only complicates the already difficult situation.

Scarf's color in dreams can make a lot about the emotions of sleeping and its internal condition.

Scarf color value in a dream

  • White - characterizes the usefulness of the dream, his freedom for opportunities, a clear understanding of its tasks, goals, needs. Such people are very fundamental in their actions, actions, are able to inspire, enlighten, give confidence to others.
  • Black - talks about mysteriousness and sleeve sleeping. You are able to attract your mysteriousness, sexuality, meaningful, the gift of foresight. But, on the other hand, you carefully try to hide your tendency to depressions, depression, isolation. You can use force as a manifestation of weakness and egoism. Girl, this color scarf speaks about loneliness and desire to close from potential fans.
  • Gray - this color lives on the border of white and black. Sleeping such a shade of sind indicates that he feels strangers and unnecessary. He wants stability and harmony. Woman gray scarf in a dream comes in her emotional miserness and restraint. The cause of your loneliness is the inability to respond to the feelings of reciprocity. You are striving for the search for the ideal, without noticing the simple human happiness.
  • Red - indicates the leadership and authoritarianity of the sleeping. You adequately received the status of a powerful and influential person. Because always energetic, able-bodied, decisive. In intimate proximity, such persons are very passionate, open, easily excited and insatiable. Your activity is eager for permanent reforms and transformations. Always strive for justice and prudence towards others.
  • Yellow - reflects optimism, activity and flexibility of sleep. You are able to quickly make decisions, affect the concentration of attention to others, inspire new feats. Your resourcefulness, the intelligence gives you a high self-esteem that sometimes annoying ordinary people. But the ability to beautifully and convincingly speak makes it possible to rally the correct team of like-minded people.

Yellow scarf

  • Orange - the dreams always keeps himself in a tone and strives for self-realization. Your softness, warmth and responsiveness can create a close mood. But you are peculiar to superficiality and frivolity. Instant of interests and constant need for new hobbies affects the attitude of those who love you.

Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

A scarf in a dream personifies the male beginning and is a symbol of phallus. For a woman wrapped in a soft and gentle palatine in a dream - in reality to have a harmonious relationship with a man. This lover fully satisfies you, seeking to fulfill all your erotic fantasies. In this case, spiritual connection with the partner has considerable importance. You feel His power, passion, charge it with sexual energy.

New Year's scarf

The dirty accessory that you disgust on the neck, talks about conflict or contradictions with the second half. The reason for this is treason and betrayal. This will certainly lead to rapid parting.

The man dreamed of shooting a ribbon and worn sound - a sign of sexual impotence. Reducing your sexual activity is a clear way to impotence. Urgently deal with male health, otherwise the bed will have only direct appointment for you.

Miller's dense

A young person to dress on the neck scarf to a friend is a symbol of ambulance, which will most likely become the final point in your relationship.

Cover the expensive and warm prostine - marks life, full of joy, wealth and well-being. Lose the accessory to the dear heart - to loneliness and depression. The moment when rash deeds will lead to the desire of complete isolation from others. But if in return for the loss you will give you a new sneody in a dream, a person will appear in reality, able to pull you out of the shadow of his own fears and prejudices.

Knit with your own hands a beautiful scarf and see the end result of your work - a great sign. Thanks to its scrupulous work and perseverance, you will achieve great financial success and quickly raise the new social level.


Feel like a scarf tighten on the neck - to a severe shock or severe illness. During this period, you are especially vulnerable. It should be extremely careful. Do not plan major events or new cases. Avoid risk, even if he promises big income and light money.

Knit someone sind as a gift - to a romantic date and meeting with new love. This union promises to be long and strong. Masite yourself such a product - Trying to postpone an important conversation with a close relative who can affect relations with this person in the future.

Buy a scarf - revealing appreciation from colleagues and colleagues. Authority and respect will grow in a proportionate level of wages. Sell ​​a gift - disappoint a close environment to your immoral behavior

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