How to swim in pure Thursday before Easter - Orthodox customs and rites


Thursday on the passionate sadmice is called great or clean. This day must be devoted to cleaning the house and yourself. Therefore, the main ritual to the Great Thursday is swimming. According to tradition, it is cooled in cool water, as it has a strong cleansing energy. How to swim in pure Thursday before Easter? Consider the topic in the article.

how to swim in pure Thursday before Easter

Folk customs

How did our ancestors spend the rite of ablution in pure Thursday? There were many beliefs and customs related to bathing. For example, so that the face is clean, the soap from Wednesday to Thursday was taken out on the street and left all night under the moon. Silver coins were made to the water so that the year was rich.

The ritual part of the Great Thursday was entirely aimed at clearing itself and housing from the negative energy accumulated over the year.

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People walked to the river and dipped into ice water. It was believed that the river would wash all the energy mud and takes the health and longevity. Swimming in the river was accompanied by a plot:

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What time do you need to go to the river? Before sunrise sun. In a modern city, you can just get up under the cool shower and do the same.

Before sunrise, it is taken in a bath. What do you need to talk at the same time, because at night it becomes unclear? The following words said:

Kresthenny on the shelves, unresolved - from the police.

How to wash it right if you do not have the opportunity to visit the bath or take a bath? Just stand up to dawn, type water into a bowl, read the conspiracy words above it and work:

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Bathing in pure Thursday before sunrise

Get rid of damage

On this day you can quickly remove the wrong damage. Need to wash with the words:

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What time do you need to do it? Wash away from damage until dawn.

You can head water and differently:

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Then you need to ask the water in your own words so that it will be freed from evil and damage, the sickness and dismisses, gossip and peresise, evil eye and bad molva.

To the Great Thursday put in water silver and left until Sunday to wash. It was believed that after this rite no suffocation is not terrible.

How to wash in pure Thursday

Cleansing housing

At dawn were taken for cleansing their home and yard. The room was first fured by juniper twigs, and then they did general cleaning. If there is no juniper, you can lay down the house incense, a hunter or sage. Well cleanses from negative energies and wormwood with a thistle.

How to fool the room? You need to warm up the frying pan with a long handle, put herbs on it or incense and get around the whole house, while you should read prayer. The ashes of the grass must be thrown out into the street in the trash can, wash the pan. Returning home, drink a little holy water and proceed to general cleaning.

Note! In pure Thursday you need to pour flowers, replace water in vases with bouquets and wash the laundry clouded on the eve. It is impossible to leave individual underwear in the pelvis until Friday.

Attracting good luck and happiness

What needs to be done after general cleaning at home? Someone goes to the evening service, someone is preparing food. If you stayed at home, spend the ritual for attracting good luck and happiness to the house.

Put around the perimeter of the corridor, which leads to the kitchen, 8 church candles in candlesticks or on skewers. Lighting the candles, read a plot:

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When you light the seventh candle, say:

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Olion in pure Thursday had a ritual value. People believed that this holy day can be cleaned and get rid of troubles, misfortunes, failures, diseases and damage. Soaps and cleaned everything around. It was believed that not only an Orthodox Christian rejoices the resurrection of the Savior, but every thing in the house. Therefore, the cleansing was exposed to all large and small kitchen and home accessories.

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