Why dream of a cap of dream books and interpretations of the basic values


Cap - an important piece of clothing in the northern and middle latitudes. For a long time, the man was seen with her head uncovered is extremely serious. Cap, cap, cap, hat, bowler hat, earflaps, Treukhov - a form of headgear can tell a lot about the owner. In the dream hat can play a decisive role. Consider what it means to cap a dream and what she dreams of dream books.

yellow hat

Main values

  • The basic meaning of hats - a head, a person's identity. From this value, follow and derivatives throw in the dirt - to be humiliated, trampled - ape, show Fury, burns on the thief - Accused himself will give.
  • Lose in a dream means to lose your head in the literal or figurative meaning - love or success lose the ability to think clearly and control actions. The second meaning - a trick if the headgear in a dream you drop deliberately, aware of the possible loss. In this case, you want to pretend to have lost all reason to confuse the envious and zahrebetnikov.
  • To put on a new hat, measured hats - you will find new friends and interesting society. Perhaps you try a new role. Try someone else - unfair to judge a person, try to try yourself in his role, assuming that you have risen to the challenge better. Take care of their own lives and decide their problems. Not solve other people's problems in the vague hope that someone decides to answer yours.
  • The new headgear to the head - for a possible change of leadership.
  • Buy a new hat - to try to follow someone else's thoughts.

Knitted hat

Form headgear issues a claim on class and occupation

  • High hat - a man who wears such a hat in your dream, unsure of himself, but big opinion of himself. Overbearing and intolerant character, propensity to intimidation and threats have created a senseless protective cocoon, people try not to rebuke and bind to a brawler who sees such behavior as cowardice and inflamed even more.
  • Official cap, garrison cap with the emblem, badge, and the other symbols - a person in the service, a symbol of power, military, police. The identity of such a person is less important than its function.
  • Volumetric fur demonstrates an important position in society. Fur outside must demonstrate powerful thinking process. But the demonstration is usually used in an ironic way - the person who considers himself very clever and important.
  • Little Knitted cap - secrecy, isolation from the outside world. So too is the volume and the hood, low draped over his face.
  • Cap chef. Would you like to become the god of the kitchen, to give orders to the army of cooks and cooks, cook delicious dishes.
  • Hat from Hogwarts in a dream - would you like to be born in the magical world, and it is desirable wizard. Eliminate the injustice of this world and fight evil, waving a magic wand - that would be wonderful. Unfortunately, things are not so simple, but sometimes nice to dream in the real world.
  • Masquerade hat, cap comic fan - to ostentatious militancy, jokes, fun, rude sensual humor in the company of like-minded.
  • If a hat is old, worn - a good sign. You are confident and long engaged in their position. For example, wiped earflaps very unpresentable species in a dream always means a huge profit.
  • New cap produces uncertainty, you are not accustomed to a new role. Torn - the fear that you can not handle, the role is outdated and no longer relevant. Holes and gaps imply doubt.
  • If the cap on the whole remained one hole, come off the strings, it does not protect from the rain, your data is outdated, and you understand it. Luxury hat, a cylinder liner with ragged outputs fraudster. Torn lining with presentable appearance - you're trying to wishful thinking, to deceive others.

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Hat with ear flaps

Interpretation of authorities

  • Dream Interpretation Vanga says that the way you treat your hat and show your attitude to yourself. Headdress shows a relationship from those around you waiting. Little black cap - would you like to look a secretive and elusive Superman. Most fur - you are applying for the role of an intellectual and refined beauty. Funny baby with ears, horns - you are in doubt about their belonging to the society and prefer to look different, not like everybody else. Intricate knitting - a claim on a special train of thought, the creative mind.
  • Women dream book treats a new hat as a promising new acquaintance. Measure, to choose - look closely to the people around. Wear someone else - gossip. Throwing caps - make unrealistic promises and humorous, fooling.
  • Dream book of Veles interprets the cap in a dream as the charges for the road. The trip promises to be short and successful. The feathers on the hat - bragging, bragging. If hunting hat or in a dream you're going on a fishing trip, your bikes and hunting stories will be a success.
  • Wanderer's dream book examines the hatching cap as a sign of good profits. New knitted - perhaps you change your views on a number of important issues.

New Year hat


The cap in a dream gives your most intimate hopes for the idea of ​​your own person. The headdress is how you would like to see. Actions with a cap - fears and fears. Lose, trample, choose - all this means that you are not quite sure that your position in your own eyes looks dubious. Sleep has a positive value as a warning. Make conclusions and avoid unpleasant situations.

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