List of vanga predictions by year - forecast nuances


Explore the list of vanga predictions by year to learn about the future a little more. Share that humanity expects in the opinion of the mysterious Bulgarian prison.

List of predictions for the 22nd century

Of particular interesting prophecies of Vangi about the distant future of humanity. Now they sound fantastic, but many predictions have already come true, so you can believe in the execution of these.

Vanga predictions by year

What Sulit Wang mankind:

  1. Scientists will come up with a new source of energy, according to its strength comparable to the sun. Thanks to him, it turns out to highlight absolutely the whole earth, "turn on" the day at night when it takes.
  2. By 2111, due to the latest invention, medicine, patients with people and disabled will replace damaged internal organs and limbs to artificial. They will become half-child, there will be no physical injury. This age is completely healthy people.
  3. In 2123, the planet will cover a series of wars. Bloody battles will be held only in the territories of small countries, and large states will not intervene, so there will be no serious consequences for the planet.
  4. 2125 year - very significant for the history of mankind. Hungary will play a huge role - aliens will appeal in the territory of this state. People will be able to establish contact with extraterrestrial civilizations and establish cooperation.
  5. Already five years after that, aliens will help people completely settle the land. Underwater cities will be created, there will be no unexplored corners of the planet, people will reveal all its secrets.
  6. In 2164, evolution will reach its apogee. Many animals will turn into reasonable creatures and will interact with people.
  7. In 2167, a prophet will appear on Earth, who will confess a new religion. It will become the main for the entire population of the globe. People will stop sharing on Muslims, Christians and Buddhists, will become one whole.
  8. 2170 marks global drought. The world ocean has it, but the crisis will succeed in overcome thanks to the help of alien creatures. Negative consequences will not be.
  9. By the end of the century, people completely learn Mars. On this planet will create whole settlements, the new alien cities will move part of the earthlings. But in the end, this will lead to military conflicts and an interplanetary war.
  10. By 2195, underwater cities will become the most developed compared to earthly. The standard of living in them will be significantly higher, so people will strive to move to live under water.
  11. Asian race will disappear in 2196. It is completely mixed with European, a new nationality will appear with their culture and traditions.
  12. The beginning of the 23th century is an unfavorable period for the population of the Earth. Global cooling comes, and the power of the Sun will weaken - the heavenly luminaire will cease to warm the population of the planet. But thanks to artificial sources of heat, the crisis will be avoided.
  13. In 2256, an epidemic of an unknown occasion will begin on Earth. Many people will suffer from some kind of cosmic disease. Because of this, the conflict with aliens will exist, which will bring infection to our planet.
  14. In 2263, the settlement on Mars will be at risk. A catastrophe will happen on this planet, which will take with him the lives of many people. Perhaps it will be a collision with a meteorite or something like that.
  15. By 2271, physical laws will be changed. This science will have to be changed almost completely, because its principles will cease to work.
  16. In 2273, most of the population will not be elderly. Races are mixed due to the contacts of earthly people with aliens, they will make marriages and breed unusual children.
  17. In 2279, the scientists invent an eternal engine and a new source of energy that will come from black cosmic holes.
  18. In 2288, some inventor will create a time machine. There will be an opportunity to go to the past and solve a lot of secrets that exciting humanity over the centuries.
  19. By the beginning of the 24th century the Sun will cool completely. But people by this time will create some artificial shining, so no one will suffer.
  20. At the same time, the Universe will open its most important secret to mankind. This will provide a grand breakthrough in the development of science and technology.

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List of predictions Vangi.

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Forecast for the 21st century

It is still unknown to us how precisely the researchers managed to express the prophecies of Vangi. Some of them sound almost crazy, but so far it is impossible to understand what will come true and what is not.

Prophecies Vangi

Predictions about the fate of mankind in the 21st century as follows:

  1. Europe will become cold and empty. It is not known what was meant Wanta. She could talk about the complete fall of morality or about the war, as a result of which the European continent will empty, and people will die.
  2. China will turn into a powerful superpower and will rule the world. The government of the state will be released by oppressed countries and suppress the developed, because of this, the political situation will change dramatically.
  3. The Earth's orbit will change, as a result of which the planet will cover a series of natural disasters and natural cataclysms. A lot of strength will be thrown on the salvation of people, and gradually the situation stabilizes.
  4. At the end of the century, scientists will create a new source of energy. This is a grand breakthrough in science, as a result of which the lives of people will change much for the better.
  5. Because of the global warming, the ocean will come out of the shores, many coastal cities will be flooded, people will die.
  6. Muslims will rule the world. For a long time, they will imperceptibly strengthen their positions, they will be accumulated and in the end they will come to power, but will last for a short one.

We summarize: according to Vangi, in the 21st century, humanity will have to seriously suffer from the forces of nature. But over time, people will cope with the situation, "will be demolished" with space and learn to live using all sorts of resources of the planet and outer space.

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