What dreams someone else's wedding for dreams of Miller, Freud, Vanga, Tsvetkov


The marriage ceremony is always a significant and exciting event in the lives of newlyweds. To visit the guest at such a celebration means pretty to have fun, taste delicious food and participate in fun contests. What dreams someone else's wedding will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

A strange wedding in a dream personifies many pleasant surprises that will happen in the near future of the dream. For this sensation in dreams should be as pleasant as possible, deliver you a lot of pleasure, please our solemnity and beauty.

Joyful holiday

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Dreamed that you were offered to be a witness at the wedding, "a serious mission will be laid at you, which will require you a lot of strength, energy and experience. But this is a great opportunity to show your talent, reveal business qualities, develop intuition. I do not know whether you will reveal a new potential that will expand the scope of desires and opportunities.

The girl is spinning in a dance next to the bride and groom - a good reason to think about your own marriage. You have the opportunity to feel like a princess at the very moment when a potential fan will reveal the seriousness of his feelings and intentions to you.

Family people see themselves at the wedding banquet among the invited - expect pleasant hassle. You will have little time to organize a very serious, but pleasant event. The reason for the celebration will be a joyful reason to meet relatives, friends, familiar.

A business person is to watch the wedding tuple, which prevents him from passing, - to achieve the desired result from long and painstaking labor. You will meet the hopes of investors and achieve personal financial stability.

Author dreams


Dreamed to be among those invited to the wedding - pleasant events will capture you in reality. They will not enter the cardinal changes, but refresh everyday, monotonous weekdays with new troubles and affairs.

They saw himself an honorary guest on someone else's wedding celebration - the appearance will have to help and support closest, who recognize your patron in you. In the future you can rely on them, because for such responsiveness and generosity they will pay devotion and good deeds.

Participated at the wedding in ridiculous contests - a dream says that you cannot avoid rivalry, even if it seems that you do nothing for this. Everything in this world is relative, today you are proud of the past experience and recognition, and tomorrow you understand what has yet to achieve much to become a professional in your field.

The girl to redeem the bride in a dream is to show creative abilities and talents that fans will highly appreciate. You will demonstrate yourself from the best side and provide an occasion to think about you as a potential spouse.


Miller's dense

Celebration on the occurrence of friends for a dream - a good sign. In reality, this may indicate the emergency resolution of accumulated problems. You may be able to find an answer to the question that has long been haunted and bothered. Such a dream also reflects the successful implementation of conceived. You can safely build plans and move to the next stage of life.

The girl dreamed of watching her bridegroom offers a hand and a heart of an unfamiliar beauty, "this reflects the emotional tension of the reality on the occasion of the upcoming marriage. You should be distracted from fear and excitement, engaged in pleasant organizational moments of the celebration. Doubt in the correctness of the choice will help the beloved, pleased with a pleasant surprise.

To see a woman at the wedding banquet of someone in black guise - revealing bad news from a loved one. After a series of events, which will make you nervous. Troubles can touch off the sphere of personal relationships or health.

Sigmund Freud

Men having fun to celebrate someone else's wedding in a dream - it means to be at the peak of its popularity among the opposite sex. Your sexual activity now rolls. But it is worth noting that this sexual experience is very dubious and can affect your health status in the future. It's time to think about the offspring, and not to look for fast disposable sex without commitment.

Wedding flowers

The young person see a pleasant stranger among the invited groom - in reality there is a real chance to meet a man of your dreams. He will be the embodiment of your sexy dreams and fantasies. To achieve its location, be natural and more positive. Do not try to immediately designate the seriousness of your plans for the future with him. Otherwise, your novel will not last long.

Play toasts for young and shy to congratulate personally - the sleep reflects the excessive custody and the modesty of the dreams. You are afraid to express your own feelings and emotions to the one who is close to you and roads. From this there is a misunderstanding in the intimate sphere, claims and dissatisfaction accumulate.

David Lof.

To be among those invited to a wedding event, it means to consider the opportunity to take on additional obligations. From this you plan to benefit, but not able to assess the scale of personal responsibility. The joyful and more fun will be for you this event in a dream, the more the prospects are promoting the future deal. Deciding some formal issues, but you will get the expected profit.

If the holiday on which you visited dreams was spoiled by someone, wait for a trick in a tempting sentence. Do not take speaking solutions, agreeing on light money. The consequences may be aggravating for your financial position.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

A stranger wedding in a dream is a sign of what should be prepared for a series of trouble. The more people at the marriage ceremony, the more expected negative points. For young beauties, such a dream reflects the envy of the opponents that claim your fan.

Married lady to visit the marriage of his own spouse - in reality to catch him in infidelity. In some cases, this may indicate excessive suspicion and increditation of the second half. In any case, do not try to quickly break your union, call your husband for a frank conversation.

A man to dance with girlfriends of the bride is to experience dizziness from success that can do expensive. Excessive self-confidence will affect a vaccine solution. This will violate the stability and prosperity of the business.

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