Love spell on apple - methods, consequences, reviews


Do you like apples? Do you know that an apple can be a reliable weapon of love spell in skillful hands? After all, the biblical mythology interpreted it as a temptation symbol. Ruddy fruits Immediateness of centuries were used by witch and sorcerers in magical rites to achieve the desired. The spell on the apple was present even in the magic of Celtic Druids, which sucks horror on ordinary people.

Love spell on an apple

Judging by the reviews of people who did a love spell with an apple, they do not lose their strength and these days. The popularity of them is caused by the availability of an attribute, ease of execution and effective result. Love rites based on apple apply will not cause difficulties even from newbies. My task today is to tell you how best to make a love spell on your apple yourself.

What you need to know when making a love spell?

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Although love rituals with an apple are pretty simple, they require high care to detail. To avoid negative consequences (such as can be, like any love spell) and get the desired result, you have to approach the ritual with the utmost seriousness. The frivolism and appeal to the help of magic from simple curiosity can turn into such a rollback to your address that it will not seem little.

Decided to shimarivate the chosen or elected apple? Then carefully read all the factors and conditions that directly affect the future result directly:

  • In the ritual with an apple You can not use fruit from the store - They went through the hands of many people whose energy was imprinted on the fruits. The apple must necessarily be broken from the tree, and you must do it my own. The extreme case is to buy an apple in the market at the man who grows apple trees himself.
  • Your choice should fall on the most healthy and beautiful, and most importantly, ripe apple. It is impossible to be with dents, wormworms and rot. It is desirable that the fruit is red (this is the color of passion and love) or ruddy. Fruit should attract your attention, cause a desire to eat it.
  • It is best to prefer an apple large - it will be easier to work with it.
  • Newbies it is better to choose a love spell on an apple, designed for the fact that the trapped fetus.
  • Act strictly according to the guideline instructions.
  • Cut the ritual in full solitude: nothing should distract you, one should not interfere.
  • Do not tell anyone about your actions - the magic of publicity does not tolerate.
  • I sincerely believe in your success.
  • Having made a spell, release your thoughts, do not think about it - an unexpected effect is always more pleasant.

Bulk apples

When you drive a welcome person with an apple, do not rely entirely on the power of magic. Any spell helps only in cases where the customer does not inactive it. The apple will allow you to get sympathy, love or physical attraction from the side of Walking, but to keep it next to me is the task that falls completely on your shoulders. Only from your actions and desires depends, whether you will be with your loved one together "Alternatively" or forgive in the near future.

Consequences: Symptoms of unsuccessful and untimely attractions for an apple

It often happens that the spell does not manage to do either leads not to the effect that I wanted to achieve. Do not spend in any case the ritual if:
  • something interferes in the process;
  • Apple on the section turned out to be with flaws (worms, with rot);
  • Suddenly, well-being deteriorated;
  • drunk candles;
  • They burned or cut.

All these signs say that the highest strength against the ritual or you chose not the place and not that time. In this case, it is better to postpone the spell for a certain period or not to make it at all (perhaps the victim of the love spell is not the one who you need, and fate prepared another person, you just need to wait).

How to make a love spell on an apple yourself?

love spell on your apple yourself

Method number 1 - for beginners (weak)

It will take: the fetus from the tree, the candles - 7 pieces. Permanently performed at night.

Put an apple on the table, around it make a circle of 7 lit candles. Read the plot - exactly as many times as a trained person:

"In the shady garden, I will find an apple. It grows high, no one pulls out. Torn the fruit is not for food - for treating, God's slave (Selected Name) on all over. A piece bite - the heart is angry. As it was near the apple to the Sun, they were sogret and the cluster and the slave (Selected Name) hill, fill in love, to God's slave (own name) turns. To be together forever - for centuries, not by year. Like an apple with a sun - to be merged, never part.

The next day, deposit chosen apple.

Method number 2 - love spell on two halves of apple

It will take: Fresh Point Picture (in the picture it is one), an apple with an apple tree, alaty or red ribbon.

On the reverse side of the photo, write your full name and date of birth. Cut the fruit in half (not to delete the core!), Fold the photo with a small square and place it in the middle of the apple, between halves. We reliably tie half the fruit with ribbon, hide it in a secluded place. It is necessary to keep the apple there for 7 days at least, and then bury into the ground. The action of the attitude will noticeably for several weeks.

According to the reviews of those who did a spell on two halves of the apple, this method is one of the most powerful.

Method number 3 - with the icon of Our Lady

Conduct it on a growing moon and only if you feel firmly sure that you like it, but with decisive actions he delays. Install in your room the icon of the Virgin, hide the apple behind it. Exit the threshold and read the plot:

"The Red Apple dries up, and the servant of God (chosen name) sighs for me. The apple rot is gradually sharpening, and the servant of God (chosen name) see me soon wants me. Remind, Holy Mother of God, he is about me, the servant of God (his name). Let him thank about me, thinks only about me. As an apple will dry, so he will miss me and see me to see and talk to me. Only it will be, my cute will not forget me. Amen".

The action will begin after the fruit is dry. It is desirable that no one has seen him for an icon.

As a bonus in this video, you can see another way of apple love:

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