Food in Ayurveda - Rules and Recommendations


Meals in Ayurveda helps not only think of a useful and tasty diet, but also to improve health. Selection of products for each time of day is based on the effects of different types of energies, therefore the physical, and psycho-emotional state of the person is normalized.


Breakfast is the most important meal. Those products you consume in the morning should give you a sufficient amount of energy for active interaction with the outside world during the day.

Food in Ayurveda

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Important Ayurvedic Rules:

  1. Scented products must be excluded. This is what you eat at 6 am (the most favorable time for breakfast). It is impossible to eat bread, cereal and sandwiches.
  2. Fresh Fruits in summer and dried fruits in winter is the perfect option for morning meals. Also be sure to eat fermented dairy products and milk. But only before the onset of dawn.
  3. If you drink milk, add spices to it and warm. It is not recommended to use cleanly, you can also use sweeteners.
  4. Women in the morning must eat something sweet. It will not harm the figure, so boldly turn on your favorite candy, gingerbread or chocolate in the diet. It is impossible to completely abandon confectionery products - it negatively affects the female hormonal level.
  5. Breakfast should be easy. Do not overlap too large portions to the plate. Food must saturate, but do not lose the stomach, otherwise all day you spend in half a heart.
  6. Fruit salad, filled with low-fat sour cream, kefir or light yogurt, is the perfect version of the female breakfast. Tasty, useful and fills the energy that is enough for the whole day.

How to determine what breakfast was suitable for your body? Very simple - after him you feel cheerful, full of strength, drowsiness disappears. To maintain the energy level, you often eat during the day, but in small portions. This is also useful for the shape, and for health.


Ideal time for lunch snack on Ayurveda - time to two o'clock in the afternoon. This meal must be the caloriest and dense among the others. You can eat anything, but do not arrange a belly holiday - you should feel full, but not with a stomach stomach.

Proper nutrition in Ayurveda

It is very important to dinner until noon, because at this time the digestion of food helps active solar energy. She will not give up unnecessary kilograms. But if you eat tight in the evening, it will definitely affect the figure.


According to Ayurveda, you need to dinner before the onset of six o'clock in the evening. Do not forget to arrange light snacks between the main meals. Nuts or fruits help the light hunger.

Food in Ayurveda Product List

Recommendations for dinner:

  1. Senobobic products exclude, you can eat them only at lunch (from 12 to 14 hours). If you taste porridge, bread or buns in the evening, they will only digest the next day. You will wake up with a feeling of gravity in the stomach and lose yourself a full-fledged rest at night.
  2. Vegetables - perfect option for dinner. It is desirable that thermal processing is minimal. Prepare a light salad, as a last resort, smear the vegetables. Potatoes and tomatoes eliminate. These are "heavy" products that are poorly absorbed by the body in the evening.
  3. All you eat in the evening is digested with the help of lunar energy.

For the night, be sure to drink a glass of warm sweet milk with spices. The most "Ayurvedic" useful seasonings are cinnamon and cardamom. They will help to enter a calm condition before bedtime, give the body to fully relax and gain strength for the next day.

Animals products

Ayurvedic teaching is negative about animal products. This is a fish, eggs, meat and a bird. But if you are not ready to become a vegetarian, do not rape your body. Eat your favorite foods at lunch, then the harm from them will be minimal.

Other products that are not recommended to use in Ayurvedic Diet:

  1. Coffee and any tea, except herbal. It is believed that caffeine is a real drug that is addictive. Such drinks clutter consciousness, interfere with thinking and feel clear. Try to abandon all caffery-containing, survive this breakdown, and soon notice that they began to feel and look much better.
  2. If you want to try to go to vegetarianism, do it gradually. For example, first refuse meat only. Then cut the number of fish in the diet. But if you feel that it is subconsciously not ready to give up animal food, it should not be done.

Check out video about Ayurvedic food:

Rules and recommendations

To feel good and painlessly go to a new power mode, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you do not have hunger, do not force yourself to eat forcibly. Limit a little snack. Gradually, the body will get used to the new regime.
  2. Fruits and fresh juices are a separate meal. They cannot be mixed with other products to avoid fermentation processes in the stomach.
  3. Drink a lot of water, but only warm. Be sure to heal all drinks, because the cold negatively affects the digestive system.
  4. Follow the principles of separate power: do not mix carbohydrate food with protein. Try, for example, fruits eat in one meal, and cottage cheese or fish in another. Porridge also allocate in a separate snack.
  5. Do not overeat. You must go out of the table with a feeling of satiety, and not with a stomach styled. Overbinding is fraught with drowsiness, lack of efficiency and energy loss. You will not be able to live an active life during the day, because the body will spend all the energy for digesting food.
  6. Carefully chew food. It is not recommended during meals to read, watch TV or distracted by something else. Fully focus on the process, enjoy food taste. Do not eat on the run and in a hurry.

Proper nutrition in Ayurveda helps a person always feel energetic, full forces. Such a system has favorably affects not only the health of the physical body, but also on the psycho-emotional state of a person. Over time, you will feel the whole effect fully.

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