Equipment of desires with the help of the Universe - how it works


Desire is born with a man. From the first minute of life, we constantly need something in something, we strive for something, we dream about something. Who fulfills our desires - we ourselves or some power? Is it possible to fulfill the desires with the help of the Universe, the Universal Reason? What is the universal mind and how is it connected with us? These questions ask themselves many people, try to find the answer to them in this article.

Execution of desires with the help of the Universe


This word all is associated with space, eternity and infinite space. There are many interpretations of the word "universe", sometimes they contradict each other. But one thing remains: when we ask the universe of the execution of our desires, very often this request gets a response. For example, the design of New Year's desires takes place for everyone who has not forgotten them to guess!

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So what is the universe and a person in it? Physician scientists argue that the person and the universe is a single creature. It is difficult for us to understand, but you need to take into account. Man is a particle of the universe, and not some autonomous creature. Therefore, our desires addressed to the universal reason come true if they are valid and correctly.

How to ask for universe

People in the depths of their soul feel that the Universe is not already already a foreign creature. More and more people in our age begin to contact her with their requests. But how to do it right? What words do you need to chite or convince the universe to respond? Consider the question of how to ask the Universe.

Esoterics say that only those requests are performed, in the implementation of which a person believes sincerely.

Vera is the main component of this event. If a person does not believe either doubts the exercise of the desired, nothing will happen. A person may doubt the depths of his heart, it is not necessary to express doubts out loud!

The next rule of execution of desires through the Universe is friendly attitude towards it. It is impossible to consider the universal mind as a source of evil or cold indifference. Since we are all parts of the universe, it should be sincerely and friendly.

The universe executes wishes

True and false desire

On this point, few people know, but desires are divided into two types:

  1. false;
  2. True.

You ask how desire can be false? It is called false because it does not proceed from the depths of our nature and is not our true need. A false desire may be requested that there is from our friend or an outsider. He has a cottage - and I need, he went to the Canara - and I need. Is it necessary at all and why it is necessary? Everyone himself must answer this question, do not breathe with himself. Budavia is not perceived by the Universe for a true desire.

How to check the truth of your desires? There is one simple technique. Write all your desires on a sheet of paper, about the implementation of which you dream. Now start working out each desire. What should be done? Just imagine what will happen if this desire is fulfilled? You spent the energy to achieve the goal, got this goal - and what's next? Will you feel happiness? If at least on iota you doubted the need to execute this desire, cross it out of the list - it is false!

Work on this list as much as you need to check all your desires. At the end you will find that you have only two or three desires from twenty, and even one thing! Do not hurry to send the request of the Universe until you work all your dreams and desires in this way. First, you will not get an answer on them. Secondly, the Universe knows better than the desire to be true!

As she knows it, it is not known for us. We can only see facts - not all wishes are executed. Esoterics spent great research work in this direction and concluded: only true desires are being executed. Therefore, the request "I want to have a super house so that the whole districts burn from envy" will never be! But the formulation "I want a house so that everyone in it is comfortable and cozy" will be fulfilled. Of course, not tomorrow - but will be.

The desire "I want a car to drive around the city at high speed" will never come true. This can harm both the wishes itself and his surround. Therefore, it is responsible to approach this issue and do not put on its life for the sake of achieving momentary pleasure.

how to ask for the universe

Clear intention

To make a desire to come true, you need to mark all the details in it. If you do not comply with these details, the desire can come true "crooked" - so, but not as I wanted. Therefore, consider the wording and specify all items in it. For example:
  • I want to get high paying work;
  • It must be close to the house;
  • I should not work overtime if I myself do not wish;
  • And other points at discretion.

The universe does not have humor, but sometimes it looks like this. For example, the desire to ride the car can be performed in the form of a trip by taxi. You did not indicate that the car should belong to you personally and should you sit behind the wheel? Your desire turned, but not the way you needed. It is necessary to blame only yourself, and not the universe.

The time of execution of desires

For what time the universe answers our desires? New Year's desires are performed during the year, it has already been checked many times. You too can check, making a list of desires. Sea it in the envelope and put in the closet. On the next New Year's Eve print the list, and you will see what desires have been realized. Usually they are executed all if they were intended correctly.

There is one more opinion on this: a desire will come true as soon as important for you. It can be checked by an experienced way if you keep a diary of desire. Record your dream and date in it when you asked the universe of execution. After fulfilling wishes, mark the date of implementation. This diary will eventually become a powerful artifact: it will be filled with the energy of the desired desires.

Are the desires of harmful?

This is another question that worries many people. Fear of your desires - they are executed! It said Confucius and was right. Because the implementation of some desires can lead to trouble. For example, you can get rich, but your loved ones will die. What kind of prick will you be from their inheritance?

The Vikan tradition of magic clearly adheres to this rule, so at the end of their spells they add: "To no one harm." It is very important to note when you ask the Universe of the fulfillment of desires!

Let all your desires come true within reasonable limits and without harm to others. And do not forget to share your joy with close people when it will overflow your heart!

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