Morning affirmation Andrei Rakitsky - Attracting good luck


Morning affirmation Andrei Rakitsky will help you quickly wake up and get a charge of cheerfulness for the whole day. Working on positive statements, you will rather achieve the fulfillment of desires and gradually begin to change your life for the better.

Rules of affirmations

In order for affirmations to work, you need to follow some rules. They are very simple and easily remembered, so nothing grand is difficult to do.

Morning affirmation

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Recommendations are as follows:

  1. Remember that one affirmation is not power. But if you repeat it repeatedly, the positive promise of approval will penetrate into your subconscious and entrenched in it. Therefore, repeat affirmations daily for 10-15 minutes.
  2. Do not use denial and negative wording. The universe ignores the "not" part. Instead of "I am not sick", she will hear "I am painful," and you will get not very good consequences.
  3. Decide for a view. What do you want to achieve with affirmations? Get good luck and luck? Attract money or love? Find the work of your dreams? The purpose of the goal is the most important stage in working with the subconscious.
  4. Watch your thoughts during the day. If you were tuned to a positive wave in the morning with the help of affirmations, and in the afternoon you annoy, swear and angry, the whole useful effect will be reduced to zero. Therefore, notice your negative thoughts and immediately change them to positive.
  5. Use any convenient time to work with the selected affirmation. Mentally pronounce statements on the way to work, on a lunch break or taking a shower. Turn it into a habit.
  6. Do not attempt to repeat different statements - choose something one without spraying. When you feel that the affirmation has been worked out enough, go to another.
  7. Do not forget about the practice of gratitude. If, with the help of affirmations, some kind of desire was fulfilled, be sure to sincerely thank the universe for her gifts.

Morning affirmations are repeated on an empty stomach. The easiest way to do it in bed immediately after awakening. They configured themselves to a positive way - and go on business, towards new achievements and active life.

Attracting luck

It happens that a person works a lot and hard, but the result of the effort disappointing him. But the whole thing is that he lacks the toliki luck. Affirmations will help to enable successful opportunities from the Universe for good luck.

Morning affirmation Andrei Rakitsky

Examples of allegations that Andrei Rakitsky offers:

  • I am a baloveman of fate. I'm always lucky. And today, luck accompanies me in all matters. Three or more wonderful events happened to me during the day.
  • The universe takes care of me, loves me. The guardian angel is behind my back and sends good luck in all matters for which I would not take.
  • I am surrounded only by good people who appreciate and love me. All the events that happen to me are good.
  • Life supports me in all endeavors, for my shoulders support the higher forces, they give me good luck in any business.
  • I am worthy of all the best, all my desires are performed easily, and positive thoughts are quickly materialized.
  • I am gratefully accepting luck from the universe and luck in everything.

You can formulate your positive affirmations, using examples of Andrei Rakitsky. The principle is clear - express a desire in the present time and without denying.

Attracting love

In order to attract love, you must first love and take yourself. Therefore, morning love meditations are aimed at raising their own self-esteem, and then a suitable man.

affirmations in the morning


  • I deserve love, gifts and feats, because I am treasure.
  • I love and accept myself what I am.
  • I am beautiful and attractive, I get a lot of attention from the opposite sex.
  • I love myself, people, the whole world around, and my feelings are always mutual.
  • My relationship with your beloved man happy and harmonious.
  • My heart is open for love.
  • Love around me, inside me, she fills my heart and soul of divine energy.
  • I am a magnet for decent and successful men, they want relationships with me and achieve my location.
  • I met a decent man and build with him happy, harmonious relationships, full of love, trust and mutual understanding.
  • My partner fully corresponds to the image of the perfect one.
  • I am ready to meet and take real love.
  • I love and loved, I am fully implemented as a favorite woman, mother and wife.
  • My husband is a worthy father, a successful man. He is caring and attentive to me, loves me certainly and considers the best of women.

Check out video with morning meditations from Andrei Rakitsky:

How to work with the affirmations of Andrei Rakitsky?

The technique of Andrei Rakitsky is slightly different from the traditional. He recorded a lot of video with affirmations and recommended them just to listen during the fulfillment of ordinary morning.

You turn on the entry, listen to the speaker and repeat it those affirmations that you close. Caucasiously energetic Andrei turned work with the subconscious in small morning entertainment. His recordings are accompanied by incendiary music, and the voice sounds very cheerfully and fun.

But you choose for yourself the most comfortable and convenient way. You can listen and repeat affirmations, and you can simply remember them and use at any free time.

Start the morning with Andrei Rakitsky, and you will instantly forget about the bad dream, stop worrying that the day promises to be difficult. You are configured your consciousness in such a way that it will easily look for a solution to any problem during the day. You will be filled with energy and get a colossal charge of life forces, everything will be on your shoulder.

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