Extrasens Safonov Vladimir Ivanovich: psychic lessons


Safonov Vladimir Ivanovich - Psychic, whose lessons of psychic are known worldwide. He left behind the great heritage of knowledge and during his lifetime proved its strong paranormal abilities.

What did Safonov talk about?

Safonov believed that the human surrounding reality is only a small part of the universe. The most important and most importantly laid in the subconscious. And everything that happens in the physical world is the reflection of unconscious processes, which affects the other world, hidden from human eye.

Lessons of psychic

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How to understand that you get the signs of the Universe to which you need to listen to:

  • Random information that came to your life from an unknown source. It may be sudden thoughts - they cannot be ignored, because they laid an important message.
  • Incredible coincidences, even in the trifles that surprised you. In fact, accidents do not happen, and if such things happen, they need to listen and try to decipher the value.
  • Events that seem fatal, inevitable, in fact exist only in your current reality. They are always familiar: you need to go to another level where life is more prosperous.

Safonov insisted: Ignore all of the above it is impossible if you want to learn to hear the subconscious and interact with it correctly. Our world consists of reasons and consequences, not always available to human mind.

Laws of the Universe

Everything that happens in your life and the world as a whole obeys the general laws of the universe. There is no exceptions, no accidents.

Safonov Vladimir Ivanovich Psychic


  1. The law of attraction. Everything that happens in a person's life is attracted by himself. What is your life mood, then you get. Familiarity with those or other people, favorable and not very events, circumstances. Your thoughts and emotions resonate with the world around.
  2. Equilibrium law. It is easiest to understand the example: if you win a large amount of money in the lottery, then this positive event is compensated by a negative in another area of ​​your life. Can suffer relationships, health. This can be avoided if you give a part of the winning charity or otherwise express your gratitude.
  3. The law of mirroring. The world always reflects what you radiate. It works as if you look in the mirror: you smile, and reflection is answering a smile. Therefore, if you are a joyful and happy person emitting positive, get a happiness and joy in return. If you used to think negatively and blame in the problems of others, spoil your life.

Knowing only three ordinary laws can change your thinking and radically change your life. Just live in agreement with the Universe, remember that, giving, get much more.

Books Vladimir Safonova

The doctrine of the Safonov was also based on the existence of seven bodies of a person: one physical and six invisible eye, astral. They can be represented in the form of a translucent hologram. After death, only the physical body dies, and the rest continue to exist.

Safonov Lessons ExtrasenSoriki

Vladimir passed his knowledge not only personally, but also through books written by him. Among the most famous:

  1. "Incredible". In this book, the author shared the experience that received during numerous experiments. He spoke about his work with people and unidentified. You can learn a lot of curious and even shocking things.
  2. "Thread Ariadna". In this work, Safonov considered clairvoyance through the prism of personal observations. He shared conclusions about the peculiarities of the physical and psychological interaction of a person with otherworldly forces. Simple and understandable about mysterious and unusual.
  3. "Ten letters Robinzon." A fantastic story of a traveler who performs mystical tasks. The book helps to figure out how to use the strength of the human subconscious to solve any, even the most difficult problems and exit from difficult situations.

Watch the video about the main psychic of the country:

What abilities had safons?

Vladimir from nature were given strong extrasensory abilities. But he sought to constantly develop them, so it became stronger.

What gave him the opportunity to help people:

  • The ability of the diagnostic - without the help of any medical devices, Vladimir could determine what a man is sick where problems are licking.
  • The ability to heal. Safonov could treat people with their huge inner strength. But unlike many other psychics, he did not try to earn on it. It was practiced only on volunteers in the laboratory and helped close people.
  • Contact with otherworldly worlds. Using his innate gift, Safonov could establish a connection with mystical entities. He called it to enter the astral plan and often practiced esoteric sessions.
  • Transfer of bioenergy. The energy of the human body at all levels (physical, mental, astral and ether) are concentrated in the chakras that are constituent parts of the aura. Safonov could transfer this energy from yourself to other people.

Vladimir gift was so strong also because he combined a scientific approach to extrasensory with zoterikoy. Engineer of education contribute to this. In addition, he was a deeply religious man, so their activities did not try to break the spiritual precepts.

Knowledge that Safonov passed to their descendants, do not fit into the usual human conceptions of the world. Some may find psychic crazy but loyal followers of Vladimir confident in his righteousness and seek to achieve the same level.

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