What dreams garlic in dreams of Miller, Hasse and Freud


Nutritionists from all over the world periodically make up lists of the most useful products. And on the leading line of this list, garlic is always located. Though he is not very pleasant to taste, but he and the truth is very useful. And what is the dream of garlic, dream book will tell.


Sat garlic

  • Your faith in the Most High protects you from committing bad actions. But interpreters recommend not to put pressure on their relatives and not impose their point of view. Because of this, you can lose the location of loved ones to yourself. This image is enhanced if you were incredibly active in the dream during landing.
  • Also put garlic in a dream - to change. It is worth throwing all fears and doubts, only then changes in life will benefit. You will get rid of the past to boldly move forward.
  • This image marks serious dream health problems. Treatment will require a considerable investment of time and cash.
  • If the plant is already growing, and you care for him, then you should expect the unkind Westa from distant relatives. Also, these news may be associated with work and career.
  • You plant garlic next to other plants. Your head will fall on a lot of work and problems. If it is hard for you, you should seek help from friends and loved ones. Together will be easier to overcome obstacles.


  • If you have to collect garlic with beds in your night gold, it means that the troubles that have prepared enemies and enemies for you are waiting for you. Fighting with them will require maximum care. Even the smallest error can lead to unpredictable consequences. The richer was a harvest in night gold, the more serious will be the enemy.
  • Collect this plant in a basket. You will have to realize your own mistakes. This will give a big step to advance the career staircase. You will also be able to get rid of fears and experiences that were tormented and not allowed to go ahead.

Use for cooking

  • Cut garlic cloves. You have a long war with your enemies and enemies, from which you are unlikely to get out the winner. Your task is to get out of the fight with minimal losses. Also waiting for you a break of relationships with your loved one.
  • Clean garlic - to improving the material situation. You will be generously rewarded for your works and efforts. But it can last for a short time if you slow down. This image is enhanced, if in a dream you had to clean many cloves of garlic.

To eat garlic

If you have to eat a clove of garlic in a dream, in real life, all sins and misdeeds will be known to the public. For this you will receive a well-deserved penalty.

Buy garlic

  • Interpreters argue that if you have acquired garlic in dreams, it means that in the real life will get unfavorable news. You can learn that your far relative is seriously sick. Do not get upset. It is better to help him cope with this misfortune.
  • It is also not worth dealing with people who you do not know. This may lead to serious consequences and disappointments. Interpreters recommend attentively to approach the choice of a person for a romantic relationship. The lets usually hide evil intentions for beautiful phrases.
  • But sell garlic is a favorable image. Many people will try to deceive you, but they will quickly expose. But one should not make rapid purchases and conduct operations with big money.

See garlic in a dream - the interpretation of the image on the snorker of Miller

  • Plant garlic and care for him. If you are in an extremely difficult financial position, it will stop. This image marks wealth and financial independence.
  • For lonely people, garlic is an unfavorable symbol. It marks that finding his soul mate will not work for a long time. Perhaps the first marriage will not be like love, but by calculation.
  • To eat garlic. This image symbolizes that you are able to cross everything and start life from a clean leaf if something does not suit you. You can not find your life path for which you will move. In the future, it can play a joke with you.

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White garlic

Interpreter Freud.

  • If you are watching how someone eats garlic, in reality you are experiencing strong feelings for a certain person. You are afraid that this person is indifferent to you. If a person is located to communicate, then feelings are mutual. But it is better not to forcing events. You can scare this character with your determination. Let him take the first step.
  • To eat garlic. Often, this image is seen people who are bound by marriage bonds. Such a dream symbolizes the subconscious desire to change its partner. This is due to the fact that the married life stopped bringing joy and turned into a routine. Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud recommends not to make rapid decisions. Try talking to your second half on this topic, offer to experiment on a love bed.

Dream Khasse

  • See garlic in a dream - to disputes and disagreements in the family. You will also soon get unkind news from distant relatives. You may need your help.
  • To eat garlic in night gold - to strong health in the real life.
  • Buy garlic. This image warns that ill-wishers want to make serious harm to the dream. It should be extremely attentive.

Garlic in tanks

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