What dreams Circus for dreams of Miller, Freud, Longo


Many love Circus. Really fascinates this atmosphere of the holiday, an enchanting show, shine of sofit and a living orchestra. What is the dream of a circus, we will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

The circus in a dream marks the spectacular and unusual event in the dream of a dream, if you were not a passive viewer, but a member of the program. It reflects activity, eccentricity, courage, the desire to go only forward and achieve the tasks.

Circus is an artificially created holiday, decorated with Mishur and lanterns. For a dream - this means fake, frivolousness, aimlessness and frivolity. A person is looking for easy ways to develop and existence, evading worries, trouble, responsibility.

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Watch the trained animals in a dream, which run in the circle of the arena, - marks fatigue from everyday workers everyday life. This means that in life there is not enough new emotions, impressions, events, news. The dream leads to depression monotony and monotony of work activities, the lack of personal life. You are aiming not to lose the pace, so as not to seem like a weak loser and not to stay. But such a life is more and more disappointing you.

To see yourself among the participants of the wandering circus - it means that being a mature person, not to have soil under your feet. You are not interested in material benefits, you do not want to have a stable job, you are alien to family values. The main thing is freedom and independence. Such views on life are melted by a perspective of lonely old age without livelihood.

Dreamed how you deftly demonstrate risky tricks - in reality to be successful and held by a person. Sleep predicts a favorable period for risky deals and major financial investments. Fly on the bars and enjoy it in a dream - personifies the rapid growth of the career and material well-being.


Author dreams

Sigmund Freud

Representing yourself in a dream of a circus artist means being at the peak of sexual activity and maturity. Intimate proximity during this period brings the greatest pleasure as a dream and his partner. You feel your liberty, openness, desire not only to receive, but also deliver a lot of pleasant moments to a close person.

Dreamed to train predators - this reflects your desire to suppress your second half. The more you dominate intimate intimacy, the more satisfied. But it is worth restraining its emotions and desires, as the partner can be afraid of violence and rudeness.

Ride a bike under the circus dome and not feel pleasure from this pleasure - in reality to complete the monotony of frivolous sex ties. Sex in this case satisfies your sports interest. The desire to show your reservation and popularity from the opposite sex can prevent a meeting with true love. Stop this sexy marathon and try to refrain from one-time, for nothing binding sex contacts.

During an intermission to rush into the buffet and stay there - in reality, the low-albele needs that you strive to satisfy first. You are not familiar with the tender feelings of love, and the lack of temperament will not lead to an unrestrained passion. Classic poses and the casual bedroom furnishings are what makes your life comfortable, stable and uniform.

Miller's dense

Being a circus dome and feel thousands of frightened views - a dream says that in your life there are a lot of not indifferent people. They seek you to help and warn against danger and meaningless risk.

To see yourself acrobat in a dream - to sacrifice your carelessness and freedom for the sake of others. You will feel free to take responsibility for someone who will oblige a lot. Get ready for difficulties and finding the right solutions in urgent issues. This period promises to end for you by the Sea of ​​Ovations and thanks from others.

A beautiful focusman was dreamed of a man - it is worth expecting cunning and deception from a quiet person, which many years trusted their secrets. Do not despair, the fact that you saw the betrayal in time and removed this person will affect future success in all matters.

Snovidice to see himself with a rope - to be a bold and decisive person. You have already made enough in this life and implemented our talents, opportunities. But the desire to comprehend new vertices is burning in you, you are not afraid of dangers, obstacles and consequences of failures. Your obsession, faith in victory admires and gives the charge to those who surround you.

Yuri Longo

Circular Arena symbolizes the movement, activity, but at the same time it can mean monotony, circulation of events, repetition of previous situations and errors. Buy Tickets for the idea means to show frivolousness, frivolity, mediocrity, miss favorable opportunities.

Horses on Manege

Watch the circus as gymnasts hurt in the air without insurance - a sign that you have long worried about one problem for which you cannot find a right decision. Do not reject someone else's opinion, listen to the advice of loved ones. The answer to the difficult task will come completely unexpectedly thanks to friends or relatives.

Dreamed training on the circus scene without spectators - this means that the period of obtaining new experience and accumulation of the material base has come in your life. Good time for self-education, work on yourself, getting rid of bad habits and bad addies. Great things await you ahead, but to comprehend them with benefit for yourself, you need to carefully prepare. Do not miss the opportunity to communicate with smart and interesting people, attend exhibitions, go to fashion shows and presentations. It will all expand the horizons and push the framework of possible desires and prospects.

It is impossible to perform an acrobatic exercise in a dream - not the most successful period for the implementation of new ideas. This is a hint that you have not yet prepared enough for something ambitious. Show exposure, patience, diligence and perseverance, only so your goals will begin to be incarnated in reality.

Deftly turn the hoops, throwing out of his hands, - with ease to seek everything you wish. To see the positive emotions of the audience means to attract a lot of attention to your person. Soon it will increase not only your popularity, but also material well-being. This will contribute to those who love you and adores.

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