How to calculate compatibility on tarot and name cards


How much two people in relations are compatible with each other, can be checked using different ways - making a horoscope by examining the lines on the palms or making calculations on tarot cards. It should be noted that the latter method is one of the most reliable. In this case, you can make two options for the forecast - to the dates of the birth of partners and by name. Both of them consider in detail further.

Calculation of compatibility on tarot cards in love

By the way! On our site there Collection of fortunes on tarot cards online - Use on health!

Compatibility in Tarot by the date of appearance

The specified method can be used in cases where it is necessary to analyze any relationship - love, friendly, partnerships, family and other species.

With the help of the technique, you will quickly make the right conclusions regarding the likely difficulties that may occur in a pair, as well as on further prospects of relationships. At the same time, as a result, a person learns about the main "coarse" moments of relations, although this is often enough to draw up an approximate picture of the future.

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To calculate compatibility, you will need to stock paper sheet and handle. Most of all, the classic Tarot deck will be suitable, from which the older arcans need to withdraw - that is, twenty-two arcans.

To calculate compatibility, you should define a tarot map that matches your pair. For this, there are first numbers of the appearance of the first partner, and then the second.

For example, you were born on May 25, 1994, and your chosen one was April 18, 1994. Then the calculation will have the following form:

  • 2 + 5 + 5 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 35;
  • 1 + 8 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 36.

Pay your attention to the fact that if the resulting number is more than twenty-two, then it needs to take away the number of twenty-two.

It turns out: 35 - 22 = 13

36 - 22 = 14

The number of the first tarot card is obtained. Then it will be necessary to fold both of the numbers, resulting in the number of the first card, which provides general information about the relationship. More on it you can learn about the atmosphere that reigns between lovers.

The second card will show that you personally will be able to give these relationships, what impact they will be influenced. To get a second number, you should take a summable number of your date of appearance on the light and add to it the first of the resulting numbers.

In our example, this calculation is as follows:

13 + 14 = 27; 27-22 = 5. The fifth Arcan is a hierophant.

Based on the value of the third card, you will learn about what this union will give your partner. The process of calculating this figure is similar to the previous method, but in this case the date of the appearance of a loved one is taken into account. Calculation in our case will be like this:

5 + 14 = 19. The number 19 is answered by the Sun map.

And the fourth card provides information on the end of the Love Union. To calculate it, you need to fold all three of the resulting numbers.

Calculation of compatibility by name

The name of each of us contains many mysteries, as well as useful information about the identity of the owner. Similar to the previous method of calculating compatibility by the date of appearance, as a result of calculations, a map is determined, which characterizes the relationship in a pair.

compatibility in relationships by name

Compatibility by the name is calculated a little different - you will need the letter of the names of your and your beloved to translate into numbers. For more information, it is recommended to translate into the format of numbers not only names, but also the name with the patronymic.

For each of the numbers there are their letter compliances, namely:

  • One - she is answered by the letters A, and, C, Kommersant;
  • Two - b, th, t, s;
  • Troika - in, k, y, b;
  • Four - g, l, f, e;
  • Fire - d, m, x, y;
  • Sixer - E, N, C, I;
  • Seed - Oh, H, E,;
  • Eight - Well, p, w;
  • Nine - s, r, u.

Consider on a specific example on the names of Irina and Dmitry.

Calculate the number for Irina:

And (1) + p (9) + and (1) + H (6) + A (1) = 18

Now calculate the number for Dmitry:

D (5) + m (5) + and (1) + t (2) + p (9) + and (1) + y (2) = 25

Then it is necessary to fold the resulting numeric values, and we obtain the number of compatibility cards: 18 + 25 = 43. Do not forget in this case, take another number 22 and we ultimately obtain: 43 - 22 = 21.

It means that 21 Arcan answers the compatibility of this couple, after reading the value of which, we learn the further fate of these relationships.

The meaning of Arkanov

Unit - Mag.

Arcan indicates wisdom and experience. Partners are well compatible with each other, they are both independent and independent, capable of defending their own opinion. The only minus - in such a union, the struggle for leadership can begin. It is important to go to mutual concessions and compromises to achieve a harmonious state.

Two - priests

Very mysterious and difficult card. People are poorly compatible with each other even at the initial phase of relations, in the future they will be constantly separated by a huge invisible precipice. These are two absolutely different personalities who are difficult to understand each other.

Troika - Empress

Arcan indicates stability and family values. This marriage will be approved over, both lovers in the first place put forward family, comfort and tranquility. They will never betray each other and will not lie, in their relationship there are mutual support and stability.

Four - Emperor

Associate with the defender and father. In this pair there is a chance of a happy relationship, but only under the condition of Patriarchate: a man will extract food for a family, and a woman is to follow the economy and children. Otherwise, nothing will happen.

Fifth - Ieropant

People have good compatibility, but it is more spiritual than physical. In this pair, the beloved remarkably understand each other, provide mutual support in difficult situations and frankly communicate on different topics. This is a truly union of related souls, a spoonful of truth in which only the missing passion makes.

Sixer - Lovers

For a couple, a good degree of compatibility is characteristic. Such relations are based on passion, romance, as well as a constant desire to be together. But if we consider the prospect of family relations, then it is not very positive - marriage will be a non-serious and difficult because of strong differences between partners due to traction to freedom and rejection of mutual opinion.

Seed - Chariot

In such a union, eternal satellites will be lack of stability and constant disagreements. There is no compatibility. People are too unlike each other and do not take each other's life positions.

Arkan Chairs

Eight - Power

The Union has good compatibility, the real chances of creating a safe marriage union. The only nuance that can deliver difficulties is the battle for the role of the leader in relations.

Nine - Hermit

The arch is associated with loneliness, longing and tears. Unfortunately, there is no compatibility in such a union, as people have no common interests. Another Hermit Map can tell about an unrequited feeling.

Ten - Wheel Fortune

High compatibility level. Such people have successful marriage unions, in which they say that one of the partners was lucky with her husband (wife). Here is a variant of a mutually beneficial union.

Eleven - Justice

In such a union, we do not talk about feelings at all. This is either a relationship of considerations of calculation, or when people are connected with each other commitment. Partners are not associated with a sense of love or passion, but for something else.

Twelve - hanged

A man with a woman is poorly compatible, they have no prospects for a happy future. Over time, relationships will be in an impasse, if both of the partners are decided to start everything from the beginning.

Thirteen - death

It is quite realistic to build a strong family, but provided that people will not damage the vital obstacles found in the life path.

Fourteen - moderation

A good compatibility option provided that both of the beloved will move in one direction, dream of harmony, tranquility and family comfort. In this pair, many children can be born.

Fifteen - Devil

Despite the frightening name of Arkana, in such relations the level of compatibility is quite high. Both partners are overcome by passion, strong attachment to each other. But at the same time the union is constantly experiencing a quarrel, treason, disagreements, hysterics. It is unlikely that in marriage this union will have a long-term perspective.

Arkan Devil

Sixteen - Tower

Compatibility is not completely compatible, partners are so different that if they have to conclude a marriage alliance, family life will be filled with permanent quarrels, scandals, reproes and contradictions.

Seventeen - Star

Such relationships are possible, but only if they proceed at a distance. In this case, rather, we can talk about a friendly connection than any serious feelings. If the lovers are often visible, then quickly taper each other, they are not destiny to be together.

Eighteen - Moon

At the initial stage of relationship, everything can be very good: people are tied to each other passion, romance, attachment and sincere talk. However, in something more partners are very disappointed, since in matters of marriage they are not very compatible with each other, which is why they will face treasures, lies and tears.

Nineteen - Sun.

In this case, we can talk about 100% compatibility between people, strong mutual feelings. Pare has support, understanding and common goals. Such a union is approved by the highest forces. The relationship is characterized by a very quick start - love at first sight, the rapid marriage and the appearance of offspring.

Twenty - court

Compatibility is absent. And if marriage is, it is rather karmic: both partners should extract the desired lesson from relationships to correct the mistakes of the past.

Twenty one - world

In this pair, the beloved are perfectly compatible with each other, the relationship is very harmonious, based on mutual understanding, support and concessions, plus they are perfectly suitable for each other in an intimate plan.

Twenty tween

Relationships are likely to break down. They have no stability, a very big risk of change, "free relationship" is possible.

Please note that by analyzing the map that corresponds to the number of your compatibility, you must also take into account your life situation. In some cases, it may be necessary to verify compatibility using other methods.

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