What dreams storm in the dream book Miller, Freud, Tsvetkov


A black band appears on the horizon, the wind pokes, the air is stupid and wet. Excited and screaming birds with flocks are hastily fly deep into the mainland, away from the sea. So begins the auction of the elements - storm. What dreams of this phenomenon will find out in proven dreams.

General interpretation

Water is a symbol of variability, flexibility. The storm in this case bears changes in the life of a dream, but whether they will be favorable for it depends on many plot parts.

Any excitement on the water personifies the inner experience of sleeping. It is significant to be in the mercy of the elements - it means to lose control of the situation, not to be able to manage and own the circumstances that fate sends. Swang in the midst of the sweeping ocean - in reality to be in a very difficult situation, in which it will have to count only on its own forces.

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To see yourself in neutral waters and not know how to escape from huge waves, it means to feel loneliness and confusion. You cannot find the right decision, and the situation is exacerbated by the fact that you have no one to ask for advice and help.

Such dreams are rather warned of future difficulties, as if preparing to harsh realities. Young people will be a kind of dedication in adulthood. Such periods are fraught with stress and complete apathy. But gradually comes the realization that with the experience gained becoming stronger, wiser and persistently. The main thing is to know what you want in this life, and firmly go to the goal.

For middle-aged people, which by this time must already build a career and personal life, such a scenario hints at the volatility of the marital status and dissatisfaction with the development of a career. At the subconscious level, you reject and criticize everything that happens to you lately. Someone wants passion and love, and someone dreamed of dizzying success in the profession, but, alas, reality is completely different.

He dreamed of his father who fell into the epicenter of the elements - apparently, and in reality he is in a very difficult situation. Dad urgently need your help. Do not ignore the forecast, call your parent and offer your support.

Danger lies and those who are trying to save the tsunami of a friend and sinks with him - this feeling of fear can go to the present. In reality, someone is trying to involve you in an unpleasant criminal history. Do not agree to light crazy money, they will only bring misfortune and drag you to the bottom.

In water

Storm Warning for Family Happiness

They saw how big waves destroyed your home - expect betrayal from a loved one. This dislike may be a reason for property disputes and scandals. The moral atmosphere may be heavier if you have children who do not want to divorce parents.

The girl on the eve of the wedding to be in the marine puchin in a dream means to reveal his choice of a mistake, be in full confusion and doubt. A lifeboat appeared on the horizon - a successful case will save you, indicating another, happing path.

The newlyweds were on the shore after a terrible storm - it would be possible to avoid the crisis period in the relationship. Quarrels and scandals in the past, it is time to build love and think about the future offspring.

Went a sinking ship, on which your parents were, - these fears are not in vain, sleep foreshadows a serious parable of someone or the aggravation of chronic diseases of someone from loved ones. Get ready for you to spend a lot of strength, time to treat and restore parent health. Material resources can also be pretty exhausted.

On the wave

Author dreams

Miller's dense

Natural cataclysms in a dream are the emotional shocks of the dream reality. At the subconscious level, nature itself is experiencing for you, giving a momentum, warning through a dream. Even if it is possible to avoid big problems, it is impossible to smooth the whole situation as a whole. For business people, it may be a familiar financial loss, losses and even ruin.

Married ladies such dreams speak of their loss on the way to family idyll. The more damage caused the element in a dream, the larger than the tragedy in life. Desperation can master the dream, because he cannot cope with the cycle of unpleasant events.

An extremely negative interpretation carries a dream where you float on a ship into a raging storm. This means the complete collapse of your creative activity, deterioration of health and other vitality.

To overcome the woven large emerald waves - a good sign. Such a dream personifies the impression of a dream, speaks of his thrust to spiritual enrichment, enlightenment. Decisive small steps to great knowledge will help in career growth, raise the authority and the status of the dream, will make it financially independent and confident.

Sigmund Freud

Element of water in the interpretation of a psychologist personifies the oily water, motherhood, the conception of the child. Unrest in the ocean - a sign that you are not ready to become a parent. This news for you will become a big shock. A man get into the storm in a dream means trying to influence the wish partner to become a mother. This dreams will only increase the resulting fracture in relations, which will undoubtedly lead to a rupture.

If a woman has given great waves and they cause fear, revealing it reflects her unwillingness to conceive a child. Even if the second half of it completely satisfies in intimate intimacy and delivers a lot of pleasure, it does not expect to have a child from this person. It is extremely concerned about the issue of security in sex and protection.

David Lof.

Sleep, in which a technogenic catastrophe or a natural cataclysm disappeared, displays the inner panic of the dream. Sleep released the situation from under control. Thus, for him, everything lost its meaning, he floats downstream, without having a plan. It may say that a person wants to start all over again. Life from pure sheet will seem strange and unusual, but you will restore the balance of the forces and fill the soul with the previous feelings if you are more optimistic to look into the future.

Evgeny Tsvetkov

Interpretation can be positive if the storm does not scare a dream, he desperately overcomes him in a dream and goes ashore. So, in real life, you should not thicken the paint at the slightest difficulty, preparing for a series of problems. We are sent only to those tests that we are ready to withstand. The larger the spray from the water and whiter is marine foam, the events in the life of the sleeping will be brighter.

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