Meditation for the fulfillment of desire - Preparation, technique


Desires - an integral part of a person's life. This is especially noticeable in communicating with young children - for many infants the word "give" becomes one of the first in life! Wishes are different, among them there are intimate. How to implement them? This will help meditation to fulfill desire. Take this and talk in the article.

Meditation to fulfill desire

True and false desires

What is meditation? This is a concentration of attention on one exciting person. You must choose one most desire for you and think over the smallest details of its implementation. How to choose the right desire and exist incorrect? Unfortunately, not all dreams can lead us to good, sometimes the fulfillment of desire can completely turn the fate in an unnecessary direction.

To make sure your desire is correct and useful, do the following. Write a list of your desires in a blue handle or pencil column. Now look carefully for the first desire - what do you feel inside? If joy appeared, it means that the desire will not harm you. Look at the second desire - what do you feel?

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If at least the slightest concern or some kind of uncertainty, strike it out of the list with a red handle. Thus, work the entire list and leave only the right desires. But do not rush to sit in a meditative position - leave it for tomorrow. The next day, review the list of desires, recheck yourself, and choose from it one most intimate dream.

There is another technique for verifying the truth of desires. Imagine that today is the last in your earthly life. What would you choose from the list of desires? This is a harsh technique, but very effective and effective. Thus, all the fumes and unnecessary in our lives are sifted. Check yourself!

Preparation for meditation

Preparation for meditation

Now that you have decided on the desire, you can proceed to meditation. But this does not mean that you need to immediately close your eyes and repeat repeatedly "I want, I want, I want"! Meditation techniques implies the right attitude to practice.

  • First, you need to choose free from business.
  • Secondly, stay alone.
  • Thirdly, prepare the premises and yourself.

Any spiritual practices, like magical rituals, must be carried out after ablution. Take a shower or warm bath to free the body from sweat and dust. The fact is that the sweat and tie skin cells distort the energy in the human body, and this greatly interferes with the conduct of spiritual practices. In addition to bodily cleanliness, the cleanliness of the room is important.

The room should be well ventilated and released from the jams of things and dust. Why is it so important? Things have the property of accumulating not only physical dirt, but also energy. Therefore, all dirty and dusty things need to be cleaned. Paul should also be washed away, and the carpet is to spend. Finally, call the room by the bell or we will delight the aromatic wand or incense - the room to practice is ready.

When is best practicing meditation to fulfill desires? At any convenient time. You can do this at dawn, you can at night - the main thing is that you have a corresponding mood. To calm psyche and emotions lit the candle and just look at the flame - emotions calm down.

Pose during meditation should be comfortable, so that the back does not cry, and the legs did not lie. You can sit on a chair with a smooth back, you can sit on the pad to the floor, you can even lie on the sofa, but there is a risk of falling. Sit comfortably, but that the back does not slope - this is important. Smooth spine will allow the cosmic energies to flow through your body.

Over meditation for desires

Simple technique for achieving the desired

Start with the simplest meditation using visual images. This technique is considered simple, but you need to be able to represent different images in the move in the imagination. It is possible without movement, but the picture in the head should be quite clear and concrete.

So, imagine your desire implemented. If you need a car, imagine its color, brand, determine the cost and other details. Imagine that this car is already yours - you are sitting driving and driving along the highway. It is advisable to hear the sound of the motor and feel the speed. If it does not work, not scary. Suitable and simple visualization of the picture to start.

If you need a house or apartment, determine exactly which object you need. Why do you need accuracy in the formation of desires? Because the desire can not be done as you thought. Suppose the apartment will appear not in that area, or instead of its own car, you will roll endlessly by taxi. Therefore, the more details, the better for you.

When you all presented, fix the visual picture into the frame, as a real picture. Now imagine that this picture is moving away from you further and further. So she turned into a point, but in general disappeared from appearance. Why do you need it? It is necessary in order to convince the subconscious in sending the desired desire to the universe. If this is not done, the realization of the desire will not be - it will "hang" next to you to infinity. And so - you sent it.

What do you need to do now? Just forget about everything. If you constantly think about your desire, it is hardly fulfilled. The law of conservation of energy is entered into rights - you gave a desire for yourself with our thoughts and do not want to let him go, and no supergrocation will help. So go along with him now. Everything is true! Therefore, done - and forgotten. You can record the day and month of meditation to the notebook, to see later, after how much the desire was fulfilled.

Is it important to observe the Phases of the Moon in achieving the desired? This is also important, since there are certain lunar days, the energy of which is aimed at implementing desires. Look at them in the lunar calendar. The best day of planning is the first lunar day (not the day of the calendar month, namely Lunar). Wishes are well implemented in the days of full moon and church holidays. Also strong days are the New Year holidays - old and new.

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