Affirmation before bed - Examples and decoding


Affirmation before bed - an easy way to heal yourself from insomnia and nightmares, learn to see beautiful bright dreams or achieve any other purpose. This method is effective because before bedtime, the human consciousness is in a special, very sensitive and susceptible state.

How to formulate affirmations

Using positive statements, you send a request for the Universe, which will definitely fulfill your desire. But there are some rules to observe that you want if you want to be understood correctly.

affirmations for healthy sleep

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Recommendations are as follows:

  • Use allegations only in the present time. Not "I will see beautiful dreams", and "I see pleasant dreams every night." If you write text in the future, in the present your desire will never turn.
  • Avoid denials. Not "I do not see nightmares," and "My dreams are bright and joyful." The universe ignores the "not" particle and executes the request as if it is not. That is, if you repeat that you do not see nightmares, they will begin to appear in your dreams.
  • Affirmations should concern only you and your well-being. You should not interfere in your formulations of other people. "My husband sleeps firmly and not snoring" - the wrong option. It is better to say: "I fall asleep in full silence, I feel comfortable and comfortable."

Remember that a single-pronounced thought has no power, and repeated many times it creates a powerful energy funnel, which will attract the opportunity to fulfill your desires. Therefore, the selected statement repeat daily minutes to 10-15 minutes.

Rules for the compilation of affirmation

Make a correct positive approval for everyone. The main thing is to act consistently.

Affirmation before bed

What do we have to do:

  • Determine your goal. What do you want to achieve? Get rid of nightmares, see bright dreams, fall asleep faster, cure insomnia, get enough sleep for a short amount of time, easy to get up in the morning?
  • Try to formulate the desired offer on the paper sheet. Then adjust it. After a couple of hours, take a look at the resulting affirmation again - perhaps something needs to be changed?
  • Then learn the text and repeat it before bed for 10-15 minutes.

A few days later you will start notify the effect. It is very important that you believe, by virtue of your subconscious, then everything that makes it will surely come true.

Examples and decoding affirmations for a relaxing sleep

The best affirmation is the one you came up with and formulated themselves. Over time, you will learn how to do it yourself. And for the beginning you can use the ready-made examples:

  1. "I thank the Universe for this day, because he brought me happy moments. I believe that tomorrow will be even better. " With this statement, you, using the energy of gratitude, pay painlessly for everything that has already received, and customize the universe to send you even more benefits.
  2. "I fall asleep quickly, easily, immediately immersed in deep sleep." This statement is suitable for everyone who suffers from insomnia and usually can not fall asleep for a long time.
  3. "I see pleasant, happy, colorful dreams." This affirmation will save from nightmares, will help replace horrors on positive dreams.
  4. "During sleep, I am filled with energy, I give a full vacation to the body and relaxing the mind." For those who do not fall out, in the morning feels broken and completely unreacted.
  5. "In the morning I look beautiful and feel full forces and energy." For those who are usually difficult to wake up, and then take order for a long time.

These are just examples. Better, if you yourself think of a suitable version of affirmation for sleep. Remember that the request must come from your soul, reinforce with emotions. The soulless and mechanical repetition of the text will give a small effect.

Affirmation for sleep

Success Equation: Emotions + Creativity + Proper Formulation + Regular Repeat = Result.

Affirmations for all occasions

Before falling asleep, you can repeat positive statements and those that do not concern the duration of sleep and the quality of dreams. While your consciousness is in a half-condition state, it becomes very susceptible to any kind of requests. Use it!

You can make up a variety of affirmations that will make sure to succeed and attract good luck in those life areas in which you are experiencing difficulties. Consider examples.

But first, look at the video about the positive ASMR affirmations, which read in a whisper:

And now we share examples of affirmations for all occasions. To attract love:

  • I love myself and take completely.
  • I attract decent men who want a relationship with me.
  • Our relationship with your husband get better and better every day.
  • I received an offer of my hands and hearts from a man who fits me in all respects.
  • I love and love, I have a partner with harmonious and happy relationship.

For good health:

  • I feel better and better every day.
  • I lead a healthy lifestyle and free from the dependences of any kind.
  • I am happy that my child is completely healthy.
  • I have a slim and beautiful figure with attractive outlines.
  • I become healthier and feel better every day.

For financial well-being:

  • I found the work of my dreams. She brings me pleasure and income sufficient to satisfy all the needs of my family.
  • I am happy that my husband earns more and more, and his career is moving.
  • I can afford everything that I want.
  • I earn 50,000 rubles per month or more.
  • I am gratefully accepting financial benefits that God sends me.

It is very important to remember the law of equilibrium. If the universe sends you good in one field of life and does not get gratitude, it will take something valuable in another sphere. Therefore, do not forget to thank for everything that already have and get in the future. Then the equilibrium will not be broken.

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