What dreams sperm in dream of dreams and what it means in reality


Sperm in a dream is an integral part of the pubertal age and erotic dreams. Such dreams are more often shot by boys than girls, and have a simple actual value. The selection of sperm can be triggered due to shyness and too bold dreams.

Young people are not easy to accept changes in physiology separating childhood from the youth. An additional factor becomes an evaporated sleeping place and the impossibility of sleeping in pajamas. To see in a dream, sperm for young people means being proud of themselves, shy changes and attention to them, to be afraid of a realization for dirty underwear.


Actual value and Peter Parker

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Peter Parker is not in vain, the young man of puberty. It is at this age that some changes in the body occur, allowing the white liquid to be sprinkling everything in a row. No, in fact it is not a magical web at all. A peculiar superpost manifests itself, about the true meaning of which is usually silent.

Perhaps you will not be able to calmly watch movies about the person-spider, but the fact remains a fact - the sperm is of great importance in the consciousness of man, and Peter Parker seeks to sprinkle his sperm for maximum distances. Unlike ordinary adolescents, he does not scold for it, and praise. He saves the world. That is what a teenager represents this.

Do not be surprised if the sperm in a dream takes half the room, "just remember Peter Parker. Indeed, the boys dream of something like that. The standard volume of ejaculate is 3-8 ml, it does not even be enough to fill the yogurt cup. What, however, does not interfere with the dream of more.

Dreams only reflect dreams, demonstrating an unattainable maximum. The dream reflects the maximum delight. The ability to allocate cum can be perceived by subconscious as super supporting. In the real world, the result of such dreams can be evaporated bed linen.

Do not scold new superheroes and do not force them to wear pajamas. Try to refer to the innovation as delicately and with understanding. Absolutely, no superpicure should be kept in secret.


Main values

  • A lot of sperm in a dream - complacency, self-confidence, boasting.
  • Powerful jet - to good luck and success.
  • Walk out over the surrounding subjects and on your own body, try to shoot a jet to the sun or a neighboring building - there is a process of self-knowledge, studying our own opportunities.
  • Miss with test tubes, overflow cum, study it under a microscope - to new discoveries. Search for your place. Such a dream shows a positive attitude towards peace, but also a high level of criticality. You clearly doubt our decisions and are looking for solid confirmations. The scientific approach is really capable of providing more arguments than any other. Doubts are good because they hold from rapid and hasty action.
  • Sperm, which sprinkles on girls, leading them to delight and humility, is the sign of power, more precisely, the dreams of superiority. Good dreams, just do not get carried away. Real girls are very different from obedient and enthusiastic gury from dreams.
  • Web - a frequent allegory of sperm in female dreams. The need to remove the web to go further, - you have to put up with some inconveniences for the development of relationships.
  • Black, green, dark sperm - fears in their own insolvency, the fear of internal aggression, imperfection. For women, the abnormal and unpleasant color of the discharge means non-soluble in contacts and fear of sexually transmitted diseases, fear of pregnancy, fear of partner. It makes sense to slow down a little and limit the ease of contacts, it is possible to change the circle of communication.


Sperm values ​​in a dream on recognized sources

  • Female dream book treats cum in a dream as an unexpected enrichment, excellent health, a possible pregnancy, a happy affair with a good sexual component. Walk out the male seed to face and body is possible dissatisfaction with their own appearance, flirting, practicality. After all, it is known that the seed contains zinc, magnesium, potassium, collagen in such concentrations that are impossible even in the best cosmetics. In addition, you may not doubt the naturalness and high ecology of the product.
  • Chinese dream book treats cum in a dream as a seed of the heavenly dragon - a sign of full victory over competitors and absolute superiority. What is significant, this dream has a general interpretation for men and women.

Girl and web


To see cum in a dream - an excellent sign for young people or for women who consciously want pregnancy. For women, sperm in a dream can be a sign of male sexuality without rejection.

Most likely, this means that you found the man who is good for you. The rejection of sperm, disgust, disgusts show that or you are not quite ready for sexual relations, or did not find a match suitable for yourself.

But the most important value of sperm in a dream for young people. The example of Peter Parker can help relive the difficult period of restructuring the body. Please note, initially sperm dreams regardless of sex and relationships.

This is your own opportunity, what distinguishes men from women. In a dream, a sense of omnipotence awakens, new opportunities are usually called clean and no insane delight.

In a man-spider suit

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