Cali Meditation - internal update and rebirth


Confidence in their forces and freedom of expression - this is what the practice of meditation of the Vedic Goddess Kali gives. Agree, many women lack these qualities to sense themselves with a harmoniously developed personality. Cali Meditation is a tantric practice that came to us from the depths of centuries. With this practice, you can open new qualities and perceive the world in new colors. Consider in detail all aspects of potassium meditation.

Cali Meditation

Goddess Kali.

Who is the goddess Kali? In the Hindu tradition, this is one of the revered goddesses, which millions of believers worship. Kali is the goddess of horror, death and darkness. However, this is just one aspect of the Divine. Another aspect is to protect against evil, the destruction of all unnecessary and exemption from the captivity of their own prejudices. It is with this aspect of the goddess we will work to achieve a certain result.

To become a successful woman in the modern world, it is necessary to develop the qualities of Kali - confidence, purposefulness, courage and patronage. A woman is a custodian of the hearth, a defender of children, so the quality data is needed. Boldly look into the face of troubles and not to succumb to the weakness of character - Cali teaches by the meditation.

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Find in yourself to be always on top, attract and enchant her husband again and again - this teaches Cali Meditation. Get rid of complexes, psychological blocks and insecurity in their charm - this teaches the Goddess Cali.

The practice of meditation will fully liberate in relations with a partner, feel their female strength and not be afraid to be incomprehensible and abandoned. The dance of the goddess Kali is the dance of female power and charm. Previously, meditation was conducted in a pair, today you can also practice meditation with a partner.

Preparation for meditation

In order for the practice to be successful, it is necessary to fulfill a number of requirements for meditative technicians:

  • stay in complete loneliness;
  • Disable the phone and turn off the TV;
  • free the mind from pressing problems and stop the thoughts;
  • relax the body from muscle tension;
  • Fully plunge into the meditation process.

To properly set up consciousness to meditation, you need to muffle the bright light and delve the aromatic wand with the smell of sandalwood. Since Cali is a fiery deity, you can freeze the red candle during practice. In summer, you can put red flowers in a vase. These preparations help tune in to the Bogini stream and contribute to the successful meditation.

Watch some time on the flame of a red candle, inhale the aroma of the sandale and try to enter other measurement - the world of the goddess of potassium. You can listen to Cali Mantra record to fill the vibrations of the Divine.

Cali Meditation Liberation


This meditation refers to dynamic, that is, active. It is spent in the morning to charge the energy for the whole day. For the night, practice is better not to spend not to confuse a dream. Meditation clothing should be free to not interfere with movements.

The practice of meditation consists of three parts:

  1. Cali's strength activation;
  2. passing the forces of potassium;
  3. Release of the goddess.

At the first stage, meditation needs to be actively breathing his mouth, focusing on the field of the sacrum. It will contribute to the awakening of the forces of the goddess in your body.

At this time, you need to completely give up internal experiences - to recall the bitter experience of lesions, getting angry with your cowardice and a sense of awkwardness. Remember everything negative that you prevent you from being a free self-sufficient person. Go to the power of natural instincts, awaken an animal in yourself.

You can shout loudly and cry - release emotions. You must overcome any fear, giving way to the energy of the Goddess of Kali. You can make a practice for the militant music of the worship of the goddess.

You must feel yourself the winner, the glorious warrior on the way to success. How much time do you need to pay this part of practice? It depends on your internal condition and sensation. When you feel emotional liberation, go to the next stage of practice.

Dynamic Cali Meditation

The second stage of meditation - shaking. During the shake of the body, the energy from the tailbone, which has accumulated during active respiration, rises up and fills the whole body. You must feel complete freedom psychological and physical, surrender to instincts and discard any complexes. This is the winner dance over his fear and uncertainty. What you managed to free up in the first stage of practice, leaves the body finally.

Third stage - release. You need to take jumping up, rejoicing the victory over yourself and your fears. Jump high, give this action completely. So that there are no complaints from the neighbors from below, lay a soft rug. Jumping symbolize the exit from the past life, complete exemption from the past negative experience. Your soul must be tied with the body up, celebrating liberation. If you want to scream - shout.

When you finish jumping, wait some time calmly and move away. You can smoothly vouch from side to side or perform any other non-refinery movements. After restoring the breath, go to the shower and rinse.

How many days do you need to practice? Yoga recommend practicing Cali meditation 21 days in a row. During this time, the body is fully updated at the cellular level, and therefore new information about your mental and physical condition will be recorded in the cells.

After 3 weeks you will become a completely different person - confident, brave, charming and charming. Now you will not be afraid of the former disappointments and errors, you are confidently looking into the future are not afraid of change.

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