Money Meditation "Magic Tree" - Charging Talisman


The universe does not have the concept of a monetary crisis, because it is a source of abundance. To become a secured and prosperous person, you need to seek care to the universe. Monetary meditation is what you need to do first. How it works? According to the principle of attraction of this similar. To become rich, you need to become rich in the universe, the essence of which is abundance.

Monetary meditation

Terms of work with meditations

In order to correctly conduct meditation, it is necessary to prepare your consciousness to this - completely calm and remove a fussy dialogue of the loser from thoughts. It is necessary to throw away from the head all interfering concentrations of thought, forget about their failures and trust the wisdom of the universe. Look at the sky - it is calm and calm. Also, you should become calm and calm.

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Meditation is better to spend in the morning or night hours when the world around is in silence and rest. You will not interfere with extraneous sounds, and homemade will not be interested in your occupation and distract. Turn on the relaxing music (better listen through headphones), we will enhance the aromatic wand with money fragrance and burn the candle. Sit alone for a while, inhale the fragrance, look at the flame of the candle.

Start slowly counting from ten to one, freeing your thoughts from everyday problems. Now you are standing in front of space one on one, think about the eternal and imperishable. Perhaps someone will help calm down prayer - read it several times in a row. When you calm down completely, proceed to monetary meditation.

Meditation for wealth and success

Money Meditation Magic Tree

For this meditation, gold decoration will be required, as gold is associated with wealth and prosperity. Put the decoration in front of yourself on clean fabric. But before the start of attracting wealth, you need to clean your mental body. Many people have mental blocks in consciousness that impede the flow of money. These can be a variety of psychological codes, grafted since childhood:
  • money can not buy happiness;
  • poor but honest;
  • The main thing is the wealth of the soul;
  • I am indifferent to gold;
  • and other mental codes.

In order for meditation for wealth and success to help attract abundance, it is necessary to clean the consciousness from psychological blocks and installations.

Cleansing in the summer

Summer is the river oblivion, whose water is washed away about the past. Your past is monetary failures and defeats. Therefore, the water years should bury the unsuccessful past. What should be done? Imagine that you entered the cool river whose waves gently wash your legs. Move along the river and feel how the flow of water is flushed and carries out the money-related sadness and chagrin. You can fully plunge into the flow of water so that it completely cleaned your body.

Exit the river and feel freedom in the whole body. Now you do not care anything else and does not worry, the world has changed around - and this is your new world. In this world, any wonders and transformations are possible, all wishes are performed instantly.

Money Tree

Exit in your imagination on the green glade and stretch your hands to the sky. Imagine that your hands began to turn into a tree branch, and the body in the mighty trunk. The roots in the ground stretched out of the foot feet and hold the trunk in the soil tightly.

Imagine that the tree branches draw up to the sunshine and get the lively energy from the shining. Each leaf is golden in the sun, casts a gilded glitter. Now it is no longer leaves, but gold coins and bills. You are watching and feeling how many gold coins and bill are growing on the money tree. This tree is, because in the magic world any miracles are possible.

Now pay attention to your legs from which the branched system of powerful roots is growing. Roots pull the lifelike moisture from the ground, filling the energy of abundance and wealth. The source of groundwater never runs out, the same will not run out your well-being. The sun rays will never stop learning the land with their light, so you can never go to me.

Stand under sunlight, you can sway from side to side. Imagine the rustle of foliage - it will rustle and ring the bills of your money tree. Now imagine that big beautiful flowers bloomed on your tree - a symbol of prosperity. Enjoy the type of these colors, fill with the joy of contemplation. Now you are a flowering tree with golden leaves and strong roots. No storm will be able to break this strong tree, no adversity will drag the underground water source, no clouds will close solar heat.

Monetary meditations

Charging Talisman

When you enjoy new sensations, turn out of wood. Raise your right hand - there is a golden leaf from a tree as a memory of what happened. Open your eyes and take the golden decoration into the right hand - this is a leaf with a magic tree. Press the decoration to the heart and feel how heat from the heart passed into a golden decoration. Now feel like a ray of gold jewelry and penetrated into your heart. Now you are one.

Wear a gold mascot constantly, aware of the connection with the magic golden tree. You can conduct meditation every full moon or in the days of the growing moon. Watch how your tree is becoming more and more powerful. See how many new leaves on it appeared how many new colors bloomed.

Cut the meditation in the gold jewelry. After a while you will notice how your money will be improved. Do not lose touch with your tree, otherwise everything will come back into circles. And do not tell anyone about the secret of success.

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