Meditation for energy recovery - Tips and recommendations


If you feel the decline, meditation to restore energy will help to quickly relax and come to yourself. Let's talk about effective techniques that healing the soul and the internal reserves of the body.

How to return vitality?

Spiritual exhaustion can overtake the person completely suddenly. And if the physical overwork is treated with sleep and relax, then in this case everything is not so simple.

It is meditations aimed at relaxing for nice music, help cope with the problem and restore the balance of vital energy.

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What helps meditation:

  1. Restores the energy balance and leads a mental state into a tone.
  2. Returns lost forces and helps to wake up from almost comatose spiritual exhaustion.
  3. Rises mood and fills positive emotions.
  4. Releases from negative thoughts and emotions.
  5. Returns cheerfulness and returns wins thirst.

The main rules for relaxing meditation filling the body of the energy:

  1. Suitable time for meditation - morning, evening or in a period of colossal decline.
  2. Meditate is needed in the most convenient position. For someone, there is a lying position of the body, and someone comfortably feels like Yoga asanas. Choose a position in your physical preparation and status.
  3. It is necessary to follow the breath. It should be deep and relaxed. It is the concentration on inhales and exhalations that helps abstract from extraneous thoughts and enter the right state, so pay particular importance to this.
  4. Focus on sensations. Your body must leave the voltage. Feel like vital energy fills you, penetrating all cells of the body. Feel the feeling of freedom, self-confidence.

It is not necessary to use some special music or singing mantras. Enough work of your subconscious. You are able to independently regain inspiration and excellent well-being.

How to restore women's energy?

Women is especially important to replenish the balance of vital energy in a timely manner, because the female organism aims to create. It is women who are able to give their energy to her husband, children, inspiring them to achieve them.

meditation relaxation

What kills female energy:

  1. Negative emotions: insult, anger, irritation, envy. These feelings in themselves must be controlled, in a timely manner and correctly get rid of them.
  2. Heavy, unloved, male work. If you exhaust during the working day, then all efforts to restore energy will be vain.
  3. "Sleeping" energy in sexual life. If you often change partners, then distribute the stocks of your female forces into the back. That is why the chastity of girls and their indispensability so appreciated in the old days. Give your energy only to one, your favorite man, if you do not want to feel the decline in the strength.

Features of working with meditation for women:

  • You must take care not to lose energy in vain. Avoid stress, get rid of fears, grow love and self-confidence, do not be offended by the night and do not complain "on the heavy life and a loser's husband."
  • Detach meditations a few five minutes during the day.
  • In the process of meditation, concentrate for such purposes as taking themselves, forgivenessing yourself and others, complete relaxation. Think of your beauty and health and about how every day they are getting better.
  • Free consciousness from negative and anxiety.

The easiest way is to include and listen to a pleasant, relaxing music, and mentally for it to repeat positive statements, affirmations. For example: "I love this world in all its manifestations, and he replies to me", "I am filled and save energy every day," "I goodbye and accept myself what I am."

Healing meditations

Thanks to meditations, you can significantly improve health, because it is not in vain that all diseases are from nerves. Relaxed music and concentration on their feelings help to get rid of the first symptoms of any ailments.

Check out video with very strong meditation to restore energy:

Recommendations for the practice of healing meditations:

  • Start with cleansing the soul from negative and negative locks. The best assistant in this is the Hawaiian Meditation of Hooponopono. Its meaning - in repeating four healing phrases: "I am very sorry", "Please forgive me," "Thank you" and "I love you." Contact yourself, the universe, God or any other higher forces in which you believe.
  • The next stage is alpha meditation. It is done under special audios with certain vibrations resembling a sharp knock of the Chechki. During the meditation, you must enter the state of "between sleep and a jaw", which looks like a person's condition before bedtime. In the process, you must submit the image of your illness, and then mentally get rid of it. For example, you first visualize your high temperature as the fire, which then cut the fire extinguisher.
  • Well, the easiest way is to include calm, pacifying, pleasant music and repeat positive affirmations under it. For example: "With each day I feel better and better," "I am absolutely healthy," "I am filled with vital energy."

Diseases and bad well-being steal your energy, so it is so important to get rid of the source of problems as soon as possible.

Tips and recommendations

To strengthen the action of meditation for filling the vital energy, follow these tips:

  • Read the healing mantras. Special vibrations that create the necessary energy radiation around you are concluded.
  • Practice yoga. Asans carry a deep spiritual meaning. Meditation in the correct posture has much more effect than the usual.

Work with the subconscious and in ordinary life, learn to be happy "here and now", live in the moment and enjoy every moment. Then you install a powerful energy barrier around yourself and never suffer from the decline of forces.

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