Damage to the disorder and divorce family - how to determine and remove yourself


In this article we will look at how to determine, and then remove the damage to the disorder and divorce the family on their own. At all times there were people who someone else's happiness and well-being brought moral suffering. To get rid of them, they used the methods of black witchcraft - threw the house and the whole family. If you encountered such a misfortune, you need to fight for your family peace and restore the harmony using white magic methods.

Damage to the disorder and family divorce - determine and how to remove yourself

Signs of black witchcraft

How to determine that quarrels in the house and financial troubles are the consequences of the witch impact, and not a series of random troubles? As a rule, temporary bad luck does not last long, and soon life enters the usual direction. After the induced impact, it does not end, and households and animals begin to hurt constantly. Financial problems are added to this, debts appear.

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Other signs of magical attack on the house and family:

  • Animals begin to behave unusual, attempts to leave the house;
  • Home colors begin to wake, and new plants do not want to take care of the best conditions for them;
  • Sometimes unusual drawings appear on the walls of the house, which are no longer washed;
  • Friends and acquaintances have become more and less often, and after the arrival, under any pretext, they seek to say goodbye;
  • Households get injuries "in the same place" - burns, injury to limbs, bruises and bumps;
  • In the house the oppressive atmosphere, disappeared joy, disappeared by laughter.

This is the action of damage to the family and the house. There are other signs, in each case they are individual. If you suspect a nonladny, carefully review the family albums - is there any spoiled photos with punctured eyes or body.

If the photos are well, it means that there may be a conspiracy subject - needle, pin, scissors or something else. Make general cleaning and review all things in boxes, pantry and cabinets, beat feathers in the pillows, look under the mattresses.

Diagnostics and cleaning home salt

Salt is able to absorb any information, so it is often used to diagnose and clean magic influences. To determine the damage in the house you need to buy a new pack of salt and throw a few grinds on the cast-iron frying pan. Take no modern frying pan with a coating for this purpose, namely from cast iron alloys.

Light a strong fire and pump salt by stirring with a wooden spoon or a branch of a tree. If the salt turns, it will begin to make an unpleasant smell or shoot, there is a damage in the room. Figure salt is needed at least fifteen minutes. At this time, you can read ours "Father". After washing the salt in the toilet, and rinse and roll on the frying pan.

Definition of a enchanted subject

How to check whether the subject is enchanted in the house? To do this, use the church candle. Light a candle, read the "Father Our", bring a candle to the subject and slowly assigned to the side. If a black loop is drawn from the fire, the thing is filled with negative information and needs to be cleansing or removed from the house. Come with a candle around the house and check "Libery" places and objects.

Definition of damage on households

Sustrate for each family member a linen bag and fill it with half a salt of large grinding. Top pouch squeeze a secret seam. Salt is bought specifically for diagnosis, the residues need to be thrown into the trash can not use in food. Put the bags in the room where the man is sleeping. After a few days, check the condition of the salt - if it flipped into the stone, there is a damage. If the salt remains crumbly, it should not worry.

Damage to the breakdown and divorce of the family - to remove prayers

Prayer cleansing at home

The most affordable way to clean the house from damage is considered to read prayers. The prayer word has a lot of power and can cope with any black and magic influence if you believe in salvation.

Light in each room a large church candle, weak incense. Go from the room to the room and read the following arch of prayers and appeals to the highest forces:

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Read prayers for cleansing at home follows at a certain time: sunrise, noon or sunset. You need to read daily until you feel positive changes in the atmosphere of the house. After prayers, it is necessary to froze all the rooms with holy water - dip in the container with water beam of greenery and pertin cruciform corners, doorways, windows, walls. When you make a cross to a bundle, say "in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit" without "Amen."

Cleansing the house with cereals in full moon

Clean the room from the damage will help porridge from seven croup:

  • oatmeal;
  • pearl;
  • rice;
  • milled;
  • buckwheat;
  • pea.

Peas must soak before. Porch should be boiled in the full moon at sunrise, taking each cereal over the tablespoon. Add salt and butter into porridge. Go around the whole house with the porridge, stop the windows and doors. Capture porridge and read a plot:

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After you need to go out with porridge from home and bury together with the Misk on the wasteland either in place where people do not go. Skip deep into the ground, and on top cover a sprig of a poplar or aspen. At the same time, tell me:

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You need to return home silently, it is impossible to look around. To wash your hands under the crane and until 12 hours do not ride any words. Such a cleaning need to be held monthly if your house visits a large number of people.

Cleansing at home with oxin branches

This rite you need to start on the first Sunday of the month - to gain several aspen sprigs. Before breaking the branch, you need to ask the for forgiveness for anxiety and permission. Leave the spill under roots - coins, bread, honey, milk.

On Monday you need to branches with boiling water in an enameled bucket. When pairs go, read 12 times a plot:

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When the water cools, start magic cleaning at home. Wash with water and a new cloth first windows, then the doors, and then the floors and the threshold of the house. Water should be pulled out at the crossroads, put on monophonic clothes. IMPORTANT NOT SHOULD SHOULD on the road to crossroads and from the intersection. Choose a time when there are few people on the street - early morning. Returning home, wash your hands under the crane. And it is better to take a shower and wash off the energy mud.

Special conditions. Your house should be the icon of Our Lady. Before the rite should pray to her, read akathist. Only after that wandering the branches and wash the house. It should also be on the eve of the usual cleaning in the house, clearing the room from physical dirt.

Cleansing the house on the trinity and on Good Friday

These days should conduct preventive cleaning of the house from the negative, even if it is not felt. In Good Friday, you need to defend the candle in the service, and the lights bring home. Light a candle and go around the perimeter of the room with reading ours reading. Where the candle will smoke, delay and baptize the space. After climbing with a candle, sprinkle the room with a holy driver.

The trinity cleans the house of mint. Narvita fragrant mint (or buy several bundles on the market) and scatter on the floor. Floors need to be preached and flushed. In the morning we scatter, and in the evening, collect mint with a broom on a scoop and burn outside the house. You can bury deep into the ground where people do not go. Drain and scoop throw into a trash can on the street, do not bring to the house.

damage to disorder and divorce family - determine and remove yourself

If there is no consent in the house

Church candles, holy water and prayer "Cross Life-Giving" will help to remove a quarter scandal from the family. Exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning he burn 12 church candles and read a plot 12 times. It is important that the sky is clear - with the stars. In the house there must be the icons of Jesus and the Virgin, before the rite should be fed the room incense.

After reading the prayer, the cross will pronounce a conspiracy 12 times:

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Before candles, place the holy water, and after reading the conspiracy, sprinkle all households and the entire room. If you have your yard, turn the courtyard cruciform.

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