Women's energy - how to awaken femininity


Ancient Wisdoms believed that female energy is the basis of all basics. Psychology experts come to the conclusion that women's energy for a man is very important - she is able to give him wings, revive the fooling strength, send to the right channel and stimulate further actions. It's time to deal with what female energy is how to fill its reserves and how to use it correctly.

Women's Energy - Great Power

  • 2 How to restore female energy - the role of hormones
  • 3 Do you have a female strength?
  • 4 female energy how to awaken her
  • 5 How to develop women's energy attracting men
  • Two types of energies manages the world


    In total, there are two energies in our world - male and female.

    1. Male Energy personifies the courage, risk, aggression and the ability to leadership. But in essence, men's energy is very weak and it needs regular recharging. And getting her representative of a strong floor can from his woman who gives him tenderness, affection and peace. Without female energy, a man cannot build anything! Therefore, it turns out that femininity is a special female energy that manages the world.
    2. A beautiful sex representative filled with female force, Carefully inspire your man, protect it from troubles, misses, it can easily forgive and bless. It is believed that harmony of marital life on seventy percent depends on the number of female energy. And if the lack of the latter is observed - the marriage breaks down. A man from nature is inclined to follow feminine installations, for this reason he cannot control family relationships.

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    A woman is designed to become a good mother, harmonize the situation in the house, creating peace and beauty around him. When a woman does not oppose his female nature - everything for whatever she would take, it turns out easily and easily. It is easily achieved.

    How to restore feminine energy - the role of hormones

    Female physical and psychological health is depending on the work of the glands of the internal secretion and the allocation of special female hormones. Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor the condition of the hormonal system to preserve their beauty, attractiveness and female strength.

    Scientists conducted many experiments on this matter and found that ladies having an ambitious, male behavior behavior for the most part suffer from certain hormonal disorders. They produce a lot of testosterone, which is a male sex hormone, which does not allow the ripening of the egg.

    And those representatives of weak gender that cannot conceive a child should be changed in our society priorities and instead of implementing in society, to fulfill their homework, pay more attention to themselves. All this ensures filling of female energy.

    If a woman has a lot of male energy and wants to arrange his personal life, she needs to rethink his manner of behavior, change his own actions and attitudes towards the environment. After all, a real man never looks at the social status of a girl, he is interested in and attracting her life-giving female energy.

    There are professions that increase the amount of men's energy in women. This is accounting, all that concerns advertising and trade. It is necessary to take into account if you strive to develop real femininity.

    It is also believed that the woman is three times stronger than a man. Therefore, if it will try to become a leader in a relationship, it is invariably suppress the male energy of her spouse. It is important to comply with a harmonious balance!

    How to increase women's energy will also tell this video

    Do you have enough female strength?

    If you constantly suffer from a sense of guilt, stay in the depressed mood, quickly tired, personal life collapses in front of the eyes - on the face of signs of violation of the energy balance. Externally, this is manifested in hair pathologies.

    Also find out the amount of female strength you can at the state of your room plants. They are very sensitive to the energy drops and if you noticed that they quickly dry out, wept - take the necessary measures!

    We also offer you also to take a test for the amount of female energy. Particularly follow these steps:

    • Sit down to a comfortable position, cover your eyes. Visualize the beautiful forest path at which you come to an excellent house.
    • Come in it. Hear the sounds of relaxing music, watch the pictures that the walls of the housing are taken.
    • Go to another room in which Molbert is located, and the sketch of your portrait is drawn on it, but it is black and white.
    • Nearby is the palette of the paints, in which white and red is presented. You need to take a tassel and revive your own portrait, but do without mixing dyes.
    • When the work is completed, you must move away to a small distance and evaluate the result. What color solution will be more in the picture?

    Draw your own portrait!

    Ideally, the red color should occupy about 75 percent of the picture (responsible for the women's essence), and white - about 25 (men's essence). If you received another result, you should like to change your life plants.

    Female energy how to awaken her

    Many girls are interested in the question of how to restore women's energy.

    Planet patron female strength is the moon. She will help representatives of weak sex filled with lost female power. To do this, you need to hold a small magic ritual - at night, when the moon shines brightly, retire in a quiet room (you can go to the balcony) and ask her blessings and support.

    Also, when the moon grows - ask her to increase his female strength and increase any good. And when decreases - pray to get rid of any ailments, obstacles, envy and other things.

    Another effective technique, how to fill yourself with female energy - to leave their cosmetics and water in the rays of the lunar light. Be sure to remove all this with the first rays of the sun, which personifies the sunny, male energy.

    How to develop women's energy attracting men

    Women's energy gives typical female classes.

    1. Caring for your body . You need to care for yourself, admire your reflection in the mirror, to love yourself and be beautiful - and in humans, and at home, alone with yourself. It is important to monitor the condition of your skin, on time to carry out the procedure of manicure and pedicure, care for hair, then you will always be feminine and very attractive for the opposite sex.
    2. Massage. He fills the need for a female body in touch, successfully fighting the power of energy, ensures health and good mood.
    3. Water. It is one of the main sources of female strength. It's more often to indulge yourself with a bathroom with rose petals, swim in the water bodies and the pool and, of course, provide a sufficient drinking mode. And if suddenly sadness will attack you - you can safely cry, but it is better to do it, taking a bath, and not in the pillow.
      Provide a complete relax
    4. Proper clothes . In order not to waste your female strength, but on the contrary, to accumulate it - give up clothes, which is tightened by the bottom of the body. The downward stream of energy is responsible for the production of female sex hormones and controls the process of detection. It is more correct to cover the upper part of your body, and the bottom left free. A woman is better to wear dresses with skirts, not jeans and pants.

    Also important is the color of clothing - give your preference to light tones that are lunar.

    1. Stylish decorations . The decorations do not just look beautiful, but also provide energy protection:
    • Beads are short-length - perform a guard for a throat chakra;
    • Beads are long - this is protection for the energy center;
    • Hanging earrings - protrude protection for the upper chakras;
    • Bracelets - promote the protection of the main energy channel passing through the spinal line. When we make movements with hands - we provide protection and accelerate energy streams.
    1. Sweets. You could see that if we exclude sweetness from your diet - the mood is immediately deteriorating, and hormonal disorders occur in the body. And it is not surprising, because it is sweet that is the basis of the female hormonal system. Also, for a high level of female strength, vegetables must regularly have and consume milk products. But the meat should be abandoned, as it contributes to the development of aggression necessary for manifestation in the social sphere, but not for the family.
    2. Failure to rush. A very effective method, how to restore feminine is to be in a calm state and do not rush anywhere. Exclude from your life fuss and constant hurry. Do everything slowly and with pleasure.
    3. Hardness by housekeeping. They are a very powerful source of women's strength. A woman becomes more feminine when she prepares delicious food, engaged in arrangement of a family nest and performs homework.

    But there is one important point - you need to perform all this, staying in a calm, harmonious state, so that homemade concerns are in joy, and not in a burden.

    For feminine energy, it is important to comply with order and purity, especially in the kitchen. Therefore, more often arrange global cleaning, buy new decor items and your mental state will definitely be better.

    If you like the oven, give your preference to yeast dough - it is how it gives you a female strength.

    1. Planning . Women's energy is lost due to the presence of unfinished affairs. Therefore, it is important to make plans for the future and fulfill them.
    2. Communication with girlfriends . You could see that communicating with girlfriends, your mood becomes better, you are filled with energy and charge positive. Therefore, you often talk on the phone, organize your bachelides and go to joint shopping.
    3. Women's hobbies. Their goal is to create something beautiful and decorating the surrounding world. Women's hobby allows you to develop sensuality and femininity.

    Traditional women's classes are embroidery, sewing, drawing - with the help of which the opportunity to freely express their thoughts and dances are open - non-energous stagnation and providing a seductive female figure. Singing - Causes Cleansing Women's Chakra.

    Oriental dances develop femininity

    1. Communication with nature . If you can't be in nature every day, then do it as often as possible, choose the city, arrange picnics in nature, walk through the forest - in general, communicate with the outside world.

    You can fill the balance of women's strength if you regularly perform the following actions:

    • work in the garden;
    • to study indoor plants;
    • walk barefoot in nature;
    • arrange picnics;
    • Walk under the moon.
    1. Female care . A woman in order to reveal their female strength to the maximum, it is necessary to take care towards those who are near her - it can be people and animals.

    Therefore, practice charity, it is more often to indulge your relatives with pleasant surprises, help your loved ones - all this will develop feminine in you.

    Women's energy gives representatives of beautiful sex. Energy force. When a female essence manifests itself in a woman - life begins to turn into a pleasant fairy tale, in which all the dreams are easy to come true, and you get whatever you want. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully take care of female strength, love your inner woman, indulge yourself, make pleasant surprises. Only in this case will you achieve positive changes in your life.

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