How to find out the floor of the child for folk signs?


It is believed that folk signs are the remnants of the past, which today practically nobody uses. But when the family is planned to be replenished, impatient parents want as soon as possible, by the birth of who they prepare them - Son or daughters? How to learn half a child for folk signs, we will tell you in this material.

How to find out the floor of the child for folk signs? 7552_1

Folk signs to help determine the gender

  1. If the tummy is pregnant It has a wide and rounded shape, you will have a girl, and if we are sharp and stupid, wait for the birth of the boy.
  2. Is very sick in the morning time? There will be a girl, and if throughout the day, then the boy.
  3. You will become my mother's son, If the enhanced hair appearance has noticed. And if vegetation, on the contrary, decreases, get ready for the birth of a daughter.
  4. If a woman is in position a little breaks out Boy will be born.
  5. I want sweet and fruit In the first weeks "interesting position"? Wait for a girl. If salted and meat food stands the biggest temptation, son will be born.
  6. If pregnant legs have become colder, Than usual, the boy will be born. When there are no changes, you need to prepare for replenishing the family of the girl.
  7. Orange juice became your real fetish? Then it will soon become a happy mother's daughter's beautiful mother. And if every day the head hurts, we carry my son under the heart.
  8. If the aroles around the nipples Start brighten, there will be a boy, and if darmest is a girl.
  9. If a woman's belly occurs Excessive vegetation, boy will appear. And the presence of pigmentation indicates the birth of the girl.
  10. At the beginning of pregnancy Attimes overwhelms the heat - the son will be born, and chills - daughter.
  11. If often and badly knocks the heart, There will be a girl, and if the heartbeat, on the contrary, slows down, then you will become a boy's mom.
  12. Strengthening appetite Also indicates the birth of the Son.
  13. If the child is more pushed At the top of the abdomen, this is a girl, and if in the bottom - a boy.
  14. Your chest has practically not changed in form? You will raise my son.
  15. Go to bed on the left side? Boy will be born.
  16. If you go crazy from a bad mood, A girl will appear on the world. And if you are in good location of the Spirit, boy.
    How to find out the floor of the child for folk signs? 7552_2
  17. If before conception The couple actively lived sex, a girl will appear on the world, and if the breaks were made, there will be a boy.
  18. If the first stomach movement He felt on the right side, a boy will appear. And if from the left side - a girl.
  19. First trimester of pregnancy It goes well enough - get ready for the birth of a son, and otherwise the girls.

Signs of various states of the world

It is believed that loving parents should not worry the issue of the sex of the future kid, but this is not because of all states. For example, In China, the law is permissible Have an exclusively single child. And many want it to be a boy. To determine the gender of the baby, the Chinese use a special table.

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It is necessary to know the age of a woman, as well as a month in which the conception occurred. When the dates are compared, you will answer the question of who will be born.

Japanese have other tables . According to their data, you need to know the month of birth of each of the partners. Based on these data and a reliable forecast is drawn up.

The British and are at all enjoy a fairly unusual way, Helping installing the floor of the baby: a pregnant woman should remove the meat from the scapula of the ram and hold it over fire before burning. Then the shovel is picked up with a thumb and make the rope through the hole, tying the knot. The bone is hung over a black entrance and then waiting for who the first (from other people's people) will enter the dwelling. If this is a man, a boy will appear, and if a woman, then a girl.

Definition of the Child Flood

  • Pregnant asking to show their hands. If she turns them with his palms up, a girl will appear on the world, and if the son becomes the mother;
  • A pregnant woman is asked to take the key from the table. At the same time, carefully observe for which part it will take the product - if for round, then a boy will appear in the family, if for a narrow and long, girl. And if in the middle, the couple will become the parents of twins!
  • You need to ask the girl show your hand, and then get up. If at the same time it shows the right hand and helps himself with his right hand, becomes the mother's mother, and if the opposite is a daughter;
  • If pregnant will choose in the food process, it needs to be asked to call any of the numbers. Then they calculate which of the alphabet letters it corresponds (for example, "A" - corresponds to the figure 1, "B" - 2 and so on), and ask to call any name starting to this letter. If a female name is called, respectively, a girl will appear on the world, and if the men's boy.
    How to find out the floor of the child for folk signs? 7552_3

Truthful beliefs

Before that, we have acquainted you with the signs (that is, physical changes, moral spirit, sensations), directly denoting the gender of the baby. And now it's time to draw your attention to the beliefs that exist for centuries and have no reliable confirmation, but for unknown reasons quite often performing. Spend just a few minutes to check them:

  • If the conception occurs in people who are in legal marriage (or the hennacled), it is necessary to prepare for the appearance of girls, and if the guy with a girl is not bound by any uzami, very high probability of birth of a boy;
  • If in a pair, a man loves his woman anymore, a boy will be born, and if the position of things is fundamentally opposite, get ready to become parents of the girl;
  • In ancient times there was one effective way of determining the floor of the future kid: for this it was necessary to take a ring, tie it to a very long thread and keep over the left palm. If it began to rock back and forth, then parents were preparing for the birth of a boy, and if he spun in a circle, waited for the girl.

Of course, trusting folk signs or not - it is a purely your right. In the end, it is not so important who will appear on the world, the main thing is that love and harmony rear in the pair, and the kid rose happy and healthy.

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