What dreams a tiger in a dream?


What dreams a tiger in a dream? This beautiful animal carries a two-way meaning in dreams - either foreshadows victory and success or warns about danger. To interpret sleep is necessary, taking into account the situation in which a tiger appeared in night gold.

What dreams a tiger in a dream? 7632_1

Folk interpretation

The image of the tiger symbolizes excess energy and power. Which energity will be directed at which energy - for the good of the dream or in evil? Sometimes the image of a tiger symbolizes the dream itself, its ability to survive in difficult conditions and circumstances. Also, a tiger can symbolize an indispensable one of the dream or lack of self-confidence.

  • See in a dream tiger manual , affectionate and obedient means that I was able to tighten your dust and become quoted. If a robust man saw a predator in a dream, the subconscious prompts - become stronger, stop being afraid, expand your natural power and strength. Tiger in a cage - in life in humans problems with self-realization.
  • Kill a tiger in a dream - unkind sign. This foreshadows due to self-confidence and short-sightedness. Failure can touch the working sphere - conflict with the boss or colleagues; missed opportunity in business; The misties of competitors behind their backs; Quarrel with a reputable person.
  • Lying on skull The killed animal is to temporarily extinguish the victory. Also, the dream reports that funds were mined by the wrong way.
  • There is a different interpretation of sleep with the killed animals - the dreams will overcome their enemies and competitors, will be able to independently cope with a difficult life situation and get out the winner.
  • Trained animal symbolizes the influential patron, which will appear in the dream of a dream. To stroke and feed a hand tiger - in reality to please and crush before influential person.
  • Tiger attack in A dream is a warning about danger from enemies and does not ride a threat. Sleep must be interpreted from this position. Be careful: competitors do not sleep.
  • Tiger eats prey . In reality, you will have to share profit with companions or give all the laurels competitors.
  • Young tiger In the dream symbolizes the lack of experience and knowledge.

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What dreams a tiger in a dream? 7632_2

Color Tiger Wool

In dreams, an animal of the most amazing color, for example, a pink elephant can be dreamed. Tiger can also dreame with any hair:

  • White;
  • black;
  • blue.

Tiger white masta Symbolizes the intellectual and creative sphere of the dream of a dream, and also prophesate success in any endeavor.

Tiger albino foreshadows an unexpected turn of events. What it will be successful or not - will show the dream details and the emotional dream response to the events in a dream.

Black wool Animal foreshadows unkind. The trouble is not far from the mountain, and the source will be the dreams himself due to explosive character. Outbreaks of anger, unreasonable pickles to the surrounding will play a cruel joke with a man. Better to tame your own inner beast, until he ruined the life of his owner.

Blue Tiger In a dream, what dreams of? Animal blue color foreshadows a chance to improve its financial position. This is a fabulous luck that can not be missed - it happens in life.

What dreams a tiger in a dream? 7632_3

Interpretation of dreams about Tigers in dreams

Modern dream book Pushes the image of a tiger with a tiger to unexpected attention from the authorities: expect encouragement and remuneration. An animal on a leash symbolizes complacency in the face of impending danger.

To see the attack of a tiger to another animal - will witness the brutal reprisals of the authorities with disagreeable employees. Friendly animal symbolizes the favor of a reputable person. Tiger bite - to undeserved accusation.

Esoteric dream book Pushes the vision of tigritis with young as the patronage of friends and relatives, thanks to which the dreams will be able to achieve a lot. The trained animal is the location of an influential person to the dream. Tiger bite - lose the location of the influential person. Play with a tiger - to the danger. Kill the animal - stay without protection and protection.

Dream Khasse It believes that the image of a tiger in a dream appears as a warning about enemies and envious. Any successful dream activity can cause indignation from opponents. It is especially dangerous to see in the dream of kids tigry: the dreams are not aware of the forces of opponents, does not see the threats in it with his well-being.

Feed the animal in a dream - to prudnity and foresight. Thanks to its small dreams, it will be able to bypass the danger and achieve the desired one. The attack of an angry animal on the dream is noticing about the aggression of opponents: he grew his own actions / words.

Dream of flowers Also sees in the image of a tiger a symbol of danger, especially if a couple of animals dreamed in a dream. White tiger is a positive symbol, according to the Tsvetkov, and denotes the correct energy direction by a dream. The same meaning carries the image of a manual or trained animal ordinary color.

Dream Interpretation Loffa It considers the image of an adult tiger with a symbol of positive energy required to implement the conceived. Accordingly, the young will express the lack of energy, experience and knowledge. The attacker bears a direct threat to the well-being of a dream, like an animal of black color. For a woman, a home tiger image is a symbol of a despotic and cruel husband.

Psychological aspect of perception

Psychologists consider the image of a tiger manifestation of an animal in man. If an aggressive tiger is constantly dreaming, it can symbolize the dissatisfaction with the sexual partner. Perhaps the Tiger expresses the need to satisfy the passion by violent means.

In female dreams, tigers symbolize a man. If the dreamy is constantly dreaming this strong animal, it means that there is not enough male shoulder in real life. The image of tigeritsy symbolizes the woman itself. If she sees Tigritz in a dream, it means that it subconsciously considers himself a defender of a family hearth.

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