How to remove damage from yourself and a loved one yourself - Effective rites


How to remove damage and can it be done on your own? The damage is a black and good rite, with which the sorcerer can completely destroy the life of a person and even kill. Porch take health, overlap the road to a man, separated with a loved one. Consider several effective rites of removing damage from themselves and another person.

Removal of damage

Remove damage to wash

All rites on the water are made according to the same scheme: the conspiracy is read on the spring, holy or well water, and then the person is washing the face. Conspiracy is read either at sunrise, or at sunset (if there is no other hour in the ritual). During the rite there must be a church candle burn. Nobody should distract from action: the door is tightly closed, the phone is turned off.

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Rite execution scheme:

  • Three-time reading of the prayer "Our Father";
  • prayers for holy patrons, for example, to Panteleimonu healer;
  • The following is an appeal to the Virgin;
  • Prayer "God will resurrect";
  • Psalm number 90;
  • Conspiracy from damage.

You can remove witchcraft with water yourself if you observe all the rules. It should also be taken into account women's / men's days. Female applies to Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. To the men's - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Sunday, you can take damage to a person of any sex, as well as children.

Prayer appeal to the holy

Prayer text to Pantelemon

Prayer appeal to the Virgin

Appeal to the Virgin

Prayer "God will resurrect"

God will resurrect

When reading, they impose a cross-sign.

Conspiracies for water from damage

It is necessary to read all conspiracies in a row. After reading, throw a pinch of salt into water and 3 burned matches. After water can be used like this:

  • drink;
  • wash
  • sprinkle bed patient;
  • sprinkle the clothes of the patient;
  • sprinkle the body of the patient;
  • sprinkle room;
  • take a bath.

Text of conspiracies:

Countain text
Counting text 2.

Method in bath

To do this, read conspiracies and prayers for a glass with water or a liter jar, type water in the bath and pour the cruciform water from the glass.

Taking a bath, read the prayers to God. Do not forget to put on myself a native cross . After the bath, it is impossible to get out - water should dry on the body. When to gain water for a conspiracy? Better before holding a rite.

With salt

This rite should be made seven days in a row, starting at a decreasing moon. Prepare the following items:

  • Specially purchased for the rite a pack of salt;
  • cast-iron frying pan (you can take the one that you use);
  • white saucer without patterns (glass);
  • photograph of the patient or your own;
  • Church candles - 7 pieces.

In the evening, when the homemade will fall asleep, pour out the salt on the pan, and the rest of the salt immediately throw into the trash can. Light a candle and put next to you. Light gas under the frying pan and start reading the prayer "Our Father". When you read a prayer 3 times, read a conspiracy from damage:

Removal of damage to salt

When you read the plot, pour salt from the frying pan on the saucer. Take a saucer into the room and put a person on the photo of the cleaned - until the next evening. The next day you need to pour salt in the pan and repeat the rite. And so all seven days. Saucer hide to do not see his home.

On the eighth day, salt should be thrown into the river or just wash off in the toilet, the saucer is better thrown into the trash can on the street. If the salt will be black and smoked or saucer will burst, it means that there is a strong damage on a person. In this case, the rite is repeated to the next moon cycle.

Roll out the damage

How to remove damage with eggs? To do this, you will need a photograph of a sick person or your own, icon of the Blessed Trinity and three church candles. Eggs (7 pieces) is better to buy with grandmothers with hands, it is undesirable to take them from the refrigerator.

Stay in a room alone, put a photo on a clean tablecloth, put the icon and burn the candles. Sculpt the egg on the photo follows the right hand clockwise, not pressed. At this time, conspiracy is read:

Removing damage by egg

After reading the conspiracy, put the candles with your fingers, and throw the egg to the toilet - it should break. Wash three times. The same actions need to be repeated the next day at the same time - and so seven days in a row.

If the patient did not become better, after three days the rite repeat. Remember that the removal of negative needs to be carried out after the full moon: the growing moon is not made.

Squirt on the wax


To remove damage with wax, you need to buy two or three large candles in the church and take the holy water. You will also need your own photo or a picture of a person from which you need to remove the impact, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, stay alone so that no one bothered. Melt the wax in the saucepan, reading ours "Father". Pre-pour holy water into the glass bowl and put it on the photo.

When the wax is mocked, remove the water. Leut slowly liquid wax in water And read the plot 3 times:

How to remove damage from yourself and a loved one yourself - Effective rites 769_10

When the wax freezes, remove it with a knife and put on the newspaper. On the same evening you need to cast a casting into the street and bury into the ground or throw away into the river. Holy Water should be poured under the roots of dry wood.

If the patient's condition does not improve, spend the rite two more times . Removing damage can be observed both by casting - it must be smooth. If the bottom of the casting will be buggy, continue to cast.

Keep in mind that after casting you can become bad - either a head will overtake, either taplem, or feel the decline forces. This is fine. Soon the state will improve.

Cleansing candle

Look at the video of the negativity of the negative candle flame. For this, it is not necessary to purchase church candles. However, if you want to read conspiracies for the removal of negative, it is better to make a rite with candles consecrated in the church.

Method with land

You can remove the damage yourself with the help of Earth and new knives. The land is gaining at the threshold, and the knives buy without passing. For the rite you need to be closed at the dawn table with a clean tablecloth, install in the center of the church candle on the candlestick and to put a faceted glass with the ground.

Take knives in your hands, turn your face to the West and drag the blades of each other. At this time, read a plot:

Removal of damage

Words need to repeat three times. Then cross the blades of the knives and keep them above the candle so that the flames concerned steel. After 5 minutes, stick the knives into the glass with the ground and rotate them at the same time: right clockwise, left - counterclockwise. Take this way:

"To my business three times. True! "

How to say, skip the candle with your fingers. In a black new fabric, wrap the knives, a glass with the ground and a grid. Tie a bunch of black cord, take out of the house and scream in a deserted place.

It is necessary to get rid of items at the same evening, do not leave a bundle overnight. Coming out of the house, it is impossible to communicate with anyone. Install a bundle silently and come home silently. It is also impossible to look around, three days after the rite to give anything from the house nothing.

After carrying out rites, cleaning should be washed under cool running water. It will protect against the interception of negativity . Also, read the "Father" and carry out the room where the rite was conducted. The room can be cleaned with a candle.

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