Specifications: if the day of the inflorescence of dandelions closed


If the day of the inflorescence of dandelions closed - what's the sign? What can be predicted at all on the behavior of plants? It turns out quite a lot (and for those who are often in nature, this is not news).

Specifications: if the day of the inflorescence of dandelions closed 7743_1

Dandelions and weather

To predict the weather on plants, humanity has learned from the moment to observe them. Living nature tries to keep herself, hide from bad weather. Dachnips do not need to explain it, they know best of all that on the flower - a whole hydrometeorological center.

Dandelions bloom at the beginning of summer, one of the first heat and coming holidays. In the afternoon - fluffy yellow stains on the lawn, in the evening and at night - folded inflorescences. Dandelions - from those plants that are revealed during the day and collect petals at night, so on them with a certain share of accuracy you can guess the time (if you know when in your area Dawn, when the sunset).

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And what if the dandelion closed during the day? Note says: it will be raining . Useful prediction if you are in nature!

Options Signs

  • Dandelion in the white and fluffy ball Before the rain It will not give the wind to disrupt the seeds. And even it will not be completely blunting;
  • Even if the sky in the clouds, if dandelions did not collect petals, There will be no rain;
  • Dandelion closes inflorescences To coolness.

When dandelions achieved maturity (I would like to say - vital wisdom) and from yellow circles turned into white balls, it is possible to predict rain on them not only on folded / disclosed petals, but in order whether they will be released whether they will release seeds on the parachute fluffs. In the rain, the guns watered and not fly away, and the dandelion is important to spread the seeds on as much as possible.

Rational grain

Specifications: if the day of the inflorescence of dandelions closed 7743_2

Not all, but many signs are rooted into some scientific patterns. What is the case with a dandelion?

There is such a concept: filling (anesthetic movements) - the movement of leaves, flowers, plant petals depending on weather conditions and general environmental state. Sunflowers that turn over the sun is an excellent example.

There are, among others:

  • Thermons - movements due to temperature changes.
  • Photonastics - movements that are caused by changing light.
  • Nonctification - movements provoked by simultaneous change and temperature, and illumination, "falling asleep" plants for the night.

So, the dandelion is seen in the photons, that is, it reveals the petals in bright light. Fragrant tobacco flowers behave on the contrary, disclosed in the dark.

Specifications: if the day of the inflorescence of dandelions closed 7743_3

The temperature at the same time practically does not affect the dandelion. And it collects the petals, it is not because "feels" the approach of the night, but because it has become less than the world. In nature, this is the same: the day is equal to the light, the night is equal to the darkness.

With the exception of situations when the sky is tightened with clouds. Dandelion becomes not enough light, and it squeezes the inflorescence. Hence the beginning of the sign. Other plants that behave the same way: chicory and potatoes (when blooms, of course). Having to shine in frowning weather on a dandelion with a lamp - and he will gradually reveal.

Dandelions bloom when the street is still quite cold, so that of them are bad advisers about close cooling. They do not react to humidity. More precisely, perhaps, they react, but not so that people can be seen.

Note, in general, it works quite scientifically: if the sky is tightened with clouds so long that dandelions close the inflorescences (they do it's not instantly), most likely it will rain. Spicy or deliver umbrellas.

Do not work or work with errors "Dandelion Barometers" when:

  1. Approaching the evening. In some regions, dandelions begin to close the inflorescences for the three o'clock day.
  2. Dandelions grow in a thick shadow. But there they are usually blooming with difficulty.

For us, three hours is another day in full swing, and for dandelions - almost the time to go on the side. But they "get up" before: in summer - about six in the morning. From this point on, their day begins, from the same moment you can follow: will bring the inflorescence to the rain or will not collect?

If there is no dandelion nearby, the rain can be foreseen on the behavior of crocuses: they collect petals when cooling, and in front of the rain the temperature goes away. Clover in the heat brings cloves and lowers the leaves, and when cooling it straightens into normal position. Plants feel more than our!

But the grass or flower, which would be sensitive to the change of pressure (the indispensable sign of the rainy), we do not know. It's a pity! We will bypass while dandelions.

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