A strong conspiracy on love that is impossible to remove


Conspiracies for love that cannot be removed is called eternal lovers. The section with these rites has been studied quite small, so similar rituals in magical practice are considered one of the most dangerous.

Heart in fire

What you need to know about eternal love spells?

The eternal spell is a magical impact, which is very difficult to carry out. Only professionals with extensive experience and extensive practice will be able to make it correctly.

To the amateurs to engage in independently strong and unimbled conspiracies on love I extremely not recommended - the consequences of such activities can be the most terrible and unpredictable.

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In magic, three main ways are usually used:

  1. Use of biological material in ritual - Hair, blood or nails. The data of the human body of the human body contribute to the binding to its energy, so that the executor of the rite can get full control over the victim. The successful implementation of such love spells is manifested even unprofessional magicians.
  2. Strengthen the action of eternal love spell Helps and place where he is committed, for example, in the cemetery. No wonder the famous love spell with the name "Black Wedding" is considered almost the most powerful (as well as one of the most dangerous).
  3. Magic Voodoo. . You need to resort to her help only in cases where you have certain knowledge and magical abilities. Activities in this case are better to carry out with the use of wax doll.

To fulfill a delimaging conspiracy, little confidence in its need. It is very important that you sincerely love a person being traveled. Do not strive to make an eternal slave from him and resort to rite from revenge or mercenary motivation. In addition, you must have a strong energy. Energetically, weak people with magic are better not to contact - she will just suppress you.

To committing an eternal love speare of love, you need to approach with the maximum responsibility, thoroughly think about this step (a year - one and a half at least). Think, what if the desired man get tired after a while?

After all, the reverse path will not. Even the strongest magician to whom you refer can help only the fact that a little weakens the action of the attitude.

Consider that the eternal conspiracy for love is a burden for life, and it is not yet known how it will play on you.

Examples of conspiracies

As an example, I will give you two ways. Before you perform them yourself, consider this step very carefully, weigh everything for and mind, carefully prepare.

On the hair - for the love of a man

Conspiracy on hair

Before performing this ritual, due attention to the preparation. Buy in advance 2 wax candles (not necessarily in the church) - to do it immediately after the new moon. Also purchase the ball of red threads. Get the apart chosen one.


  1. Candles soften, holding them in the palms or on the heating battery. Connect them with hair: one - with your own other - with chosen parts.
  2. Take two dolls from the candles - male and female. Call them with real names - your and your beloved man.
  3. Cut the red thread from the ball and tie it two wax figures. At the same time, pronounce a plot: "How I can not live without you, so let you, (the name of the man), you can't live without me."
  4. Spell repeat as many times as you consider needed (orient to your intuition and heart prompt). Invest in words the entire range of your emotions and feelings to the chosen one - of course, only positive, bright, sincere and clean.
  5. Figures hide in a safe place. It is necessary that nobody saw them and did not find. In no case do not share them.
  6. Words of verbal formula Repeat daily until the full moon phase.
  7. Periodically update the ritual on the growing moon. To do this, pronounce the cherished words. It is necessary to reinforce your intention and the power of the Presentation.

Your relationship with your beloved man will not be threatened until the wax pupae will lie with you.

On the love and loyalty of the girl

Girl's love plot

The ritual is intended for male people who want to be wary to their beloved girl and keep her loyalty forever. The spell is done with the help of a new gold ring, which, after conspiracy and certain manipulations, you need to hand the choices as a gift. Time to make a rite - the phase of the growing moon. It is also necessary to prepare 3 of their hairs.


  1. Mix on the ring first of your hairs with the words: (Name chosen) With me connect with your heart and thoughts ".
  2. Swim on the ring of the second hairs with the words: (Name chosen) I will stick to my soul and body ".
  3. Mix on the ring third hairs with the words: (Name chosen) never wakes up for me and it can't leave another ".

The principle of action of this conspiracy lies in the verbal installation - it sets the rite defined, the direction necessary for the contractor. The ring with the hair wound on it needs to be stored until the day of delivery of a gift to its chosen.

Before the decoration goes into the hands of your beloved, the hairs you need to spill. They need to be well hidden and stored, it is impossible to throw away. Beloved anywhere and will not leave anyone until the hairs lie with you.

See some more white rituals in this video:

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