Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong


With the help of Runic Formulas, many vital problems can be solved and not only your future, but also the future of another person. Runic signs are a conductor into the world of energies and, compiled by a competent master, can affect the human energy and circumstances. Consider some Runic Stoves and Formulas: Proven and Strong. Personally, they helped me get rid of diseases, attract financial well-being and good luck. And I also helped my sister to solve the issue with a mortgage, which was not enough for the payment of funds.

Application of formulas

Runic formulas can be applied to the photograph of the patient, on its body, on the thing. It is also possible to schematically draw on a pure sheet of paper (without cells / lines) a figure of a person and write a formula on it.

In the photo, the formula is drawn with a felt-tip pen or chalk so that after it can be easily erased. On paper, you can draw formula by anything: after the completion of its work, the paper is simply burned with gratitude. If the formula is drawn on things of the object of exposure, it can be simply watched. Therefore, before applying the strike, consider what you will draw.

Note! Becoming can be drawn nail polish and a thin tassel. After completing the formula, it is erased by a solvent. You can also draw watercolor paint formula.

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Which color to write a formula? It is better to prefer red: bunners compare it with blood color. Previously, many formulas activated their own blood, so the red color is considered priority.

It should not be drawn on the body of henna or okra, since these dyes are cleaned only after 4 weeks, and becoming it can complete its work much earlier. Henna is better to use for other long-term goals.

At the end of the title, you must certainly add words to failing anyone harm. It is like this: "Also, the Runic Formula does not have a negative impact on all blood relatives (the name of the patient) and domestic animals. Becoming starts its action from the moment of applying to complete health recovery (the name of the patient).

Formulas for health


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_1

Runes used:

Algiz, Laguz, Uruz, Yera, Ingus, Berkana, Woney, Odale.

  • The point in the formula symbolizes the matrix itself, that is, perfect health and strength.
  • 3 Runes Dagaz - elimination of obstacles that interfere with updates, rehabilitation;
  • Runes Ingus and Yera - activate updates and restoration;
  • Runes Perth and Berkan - activate the rebirth of the body;
  • Dunes of the Odale / Mirror Fell / Algiz / Woney - activate the restoration of health and youth.


This runic formula eliminates all blocks and obstacles that interfere with connecting to the health matrix. Runes activate the process of recovery and transformation of internal organs and the entire physical body. After becoming a "matrix" brings joy, well-being, mental and physical comfort.

(Authors Runava and Velya)

Restoration of vision

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_2

Ricestav acts on the eyes, as well as to transmit nerve signals, eye receptors, information processing centers.

Runes used:

  • 2 Runes of Kenaz and 2 runes Fehu - activate the natural gift of vision;
  • 2 Runes Algiz protect their eyes from adverse factors, retain achieved success in healing;
  • 2 runes of the vehicle and 2 runes fee - ensure the achievement of the result;
  • Rune Laguz - restores receptors of visual organs;
  • Inverted Rune Laguz - elimination of symptoms of the disease;
  • Rune Berkana - Provides the correct work of the steel;
  • Rune Ingus - gives the insight;
  • Evaz - Specifies the direction of healing;
  • 2 Kenaz runes - provide healing, activate the power of the rune.


This formula activates the visual system, affects the physical and somatic level, ensures the correct operation of neurons and the transfer of nerve pulses from the optic nerve to the brain. The formula completely restores the functionality of the visual system without harm and side effects.

(Authors Runava and Velya)

Soul cure

Since scientists have proven direct influence of the emotional sphere on the state of the physical body, then much depends on the mental equilibrium. This becoming promotes the harmonization of the mental sphere, gaining internal equilibrium.

Runes used:

  • Odale - promotes the slowdown of the organism aging processes, retains the mind in a clear state; This rune is a patron of elderly people;
  • Dagaz - configures emotions to a positive way, eliminates depressive attitude;
  • Mannaz - reduces the degree of anxiety, produces stress resistance;
  • Laguz - eliminates fetaned fears, phobias, various complexes;
  • EVAZ - contributes to a harmonious mental state, warns senior dementia, warns spiritual disorders;
  • Berkana - Strengthens the female energy, aligns the balance between Yin and Yang.


This runic formula contributes to mental equilibrium, eliminates fears / phobias / alarm / panic (list what needs to be eliminated) and sets up (the name of the patient) to positive way. The formula slows down the processes of the body of the body, degenerative processes; Prevents mental disorders, dementia and senile insanity (unnecessary to remove from the title). My soul (or soul of the patient) is filled with sunlight, joy, happiness and hope for the best future.

Longevity and well-being

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_4

This two-component formula attracts health, gives mental equilibrium and optimism. An optimisticly configured person attracts well-being in his life: it is interconnected.

Runes used:

  • Dagaz - attracts the success of a person, contributes to reincarnation, favors new endeavors.
  • Ingus - increases financial well-being, material abundance, as it symbolizes development and growth.


Let this becomes attractive to me (or the person's name) well-being, expands the financial stream, attracts success and provides victory, contributes to new beginnings (you can also list what you need to get). This formula strengthens my (or human name) health, grants longevity and well-being.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_5

Before using this formula, it recommends cleaning to eliminate all negative programs and blocks. After that, you can activate the formula. It is recommended to make a talisman and wear with you, you can draw a formula on a jar with a face / body cream and use daily. However, it can be considered cleaning from negative, as it hinders the natural aging of the body.

Runes used:

  • Slavic letter KH - Returns youth;
  • Rune Soulu - returns former beauty;
  • Rido - to point out to which age it is desirable to return;
  • Tourisas - ceases the processes of aging and fading;
  • Yera - provides a stable constant result.


This ruffy becoming it is younger and more beautiful (you say young). This ruffess returns to me youth and beauty, which was at 20/30 years old (specify the right age).

(Author Nooma)

Elimination of female health

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_6

With this formula, you can get rid of the problems of the female sexual sphere: Moma, cysts, inflammatory processes. It is advisable to apply it to the body (marker) or on the underwear of a light shade.

Runes used:

  • Perth - leads to the balance of the hormonal sphere;
  • EVAZ - gives impetus to the formula;
  • Dagaz - contributes to the elimination of the disease;
  • Laguz - nourishes the female power by force;
  • Yera - execution of the desire to heal.


Let this becoming completely eliminating the disease (to say what) will restore my female energy and will lead the hormonal background into the balance.

Strengthening the child's immunity

This Runic formula is applied to the beloved toy baby, or on his belongings with which he often contacts. You can also draw a formula with honey or sweet syrup, then dilute with water and give the child to drink. Runes should be drawn in the following sequence, activate with breathing. The formula is updated every week.

Runes used:

  • Algiz - protects the child from the adverse environmental impact;
  • Uruz - helps to strengthen the immune system;
  • Mannaz - personifies the child himself;
  • Algiz - closes protection.


For the power of this Runic Stava, I strengthen my child's immune system. My baby becomes stronger every day, healthier, more active. Strong immunity helps (child name) to cope with any infectious and inflammatory diseases. The formula works for the benefit of my child, brings him only benefit.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_7

This formula helps to lose weight in a short time. You can draw on your own body, you can in the photo either on clothes.

Runes used:

  • Two Dagaz - sets up the energy to change;
  • EVAZ - Specifies the impetus to the formula;
  • Tourisas in mirror mapping - eliminates the causes of weight gain;
  • Kenaz in mirror mapping - burns fat stocks;
  • Berkana - acts as a softening ingredient (softens the impact);
  • Uruz - adds forces;
  • 3 Algiz - soften the stressful situation accompanying the process of weight loss.


I am aiming the power of the runes on the gradual, but steady weight loss. The action of the formula begins from the moment of applying to the required weight loss (indicate how many kilograms).

(by Runava)

Maintain health

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_8

This formula can be applied to a photo, wooden blank or stone. There is a long time. Charm can be worn with you, the photo is kept at home. You can periodically update activation.

Runes used:

  • Soulu - the connection of human energy to solar;
  • EVAZ - leads the body into tone;
  • Gebo - internal comfort;
  • Uruz - promotes regeneration and update at the cellular level;
  • Dagaz - processes the external negative in positive energy;
  • Yera - stabilizes the result.


Rune Soulu is saturated with my energy solar energy, Rune Evaz eliminates fatigue and apathy and leads my body into tone. Rune Gebo gives excellent well-being from morning to night, rune Uruz updates my cells and heals damaged, Rune Dagaz accumulates the external negative energies aimed at me and transforms them into positive. Rune Yera stabilizes the result and retains it at a high level. Becoming begins to work since the activation (call what) and charges me health every day.

Magic Tablet

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_9

This is a universal formula for treating any disease. Before it is activated, you must specify which disease you need to cure. Becoming can be drawn in the photo of a person either on the body, you can also make an amulet. After healing, the runes are erased from the photo, the amulet can be burned on fire with gratitude for their help.

Runes used:

  • Dagaz - finds and destroys the cause of the disease;
  • EVAZ - speeds up the process of recovery;
  • Algiz - the rune of protection and the patronage of the highest strength;
  • Uruz - Regeneration, Recovery, Improvement.


Rune Dagaz destroys what caused a disease (call what), Rune Evaz launches and speeds up the process of healing, Rune Algiz protects against the influence of negative energies and does not allow the dark forces to block the healing process. Rune Uruz restores the cells destroyed by disease, launches the process of regeneration and recovery. Becoming a magic tablet begins to work since the activation (called what), my body heals, fills the energy and gives health.

Author Eva Runalina.

Formulas to attract good luck

Lady Luck

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_10

This becomes universal, it attracts good luck in any matter to be solved. The formula must be applied either to your skin or on a leather object, or draw on a paper sheet without cells / lines. Becoming always keep with yourself before performing the scheduled.

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz / Naties / Ansus - these characters increase self-esteem and set up for victory;
  • Laguz - exacerbates intuition;
  • Licking Yera / Uruz Mirror / Laguz / Ansus - charge with optimism, attach confidence in yourself, help think creative and non-standard;
  • Mannaz and Soulu - directly attract the good luck energy;
  • Fehu - attracts well-being;
  • Veuno - gives pleasure life.


It is accompanied by luck and lucky for me, creative ideas and inspiration is overwhelmed, my intuition is actively working and helps to accept non-standard solutions. All I do, leads me to success, prosperity and well-being.

(by Runava)

Dar Sky

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_11

This universal action formula attracts good luck in any endeavor. The formula is disposable, that is, it helps to solve only one question. For the permanent attraction of good luck (as a talisman) is not suitable.

Runes used:

  • Gebo and Algiz - attract success that does not depend on the efforts made, but is given as a gift;
  • WUNO - attracts harmony, well-being, pleasure, joy;
  • Raido, Fehu - indicate the direction of the path to welfare and the final result.


Becoming to provide me with favor and support of the highest strength. He, as a gift from heaven, brings me good luck in solving the issue (called which). Thanks to him, I gain success, filled with joy and happiness. The formula leads me along the way to well-being and prosperity.

(author Rudra)

Flickering in the night

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_12

Flickering in the night is a mythical deity that helps the lost travelers to find the road. After the request of the traveler, shiny lights appear, indicating the direction of the path. It becomes attracting the fortune and indicates the correct way to solve problems.

Runes used:

  • Kenaz - symbolizes flickering in the night;
  • Laguz - enhances intuitive vision;
  • Raido - indicates the direction of movement;
  • Fehu - symbolizes fortune;
  • Background runes - Woney, Soulu, Gebo, Berkana, Tourisas - you can not stort.


This Runner becomes intuition, indicates a safe direction to prosperity and good luck. The flickering fairy takes my hand and takes out of adverse circumstances, gives good luck and happiness. All that prevents finding the desired, the flickering fairy eliminates from my way.


Becoming "happiness in everything"

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_13

With this steel, the negative is completely eliminated, which keeps over to gain happiness and well-being.

Runes used:

  • 3 GEBO - Provides a successful partnership, thanks to which a person acquires happiness and good luck in everything;
  • 2 coil - positive attitude, vital energy in excess;
  • 2 Woney - positive, fun, positive emotions;
  • 2 Ansus - the fulfillment of desires, Fortune, the gifts of fate;
  • Odale - complete independence;
  • Dagaz - helps the personality transform, consistent with the specified conditions;
  • Algiz - Provides protection.


This Runic Formula provides me with a comfortable condition, attracts (listed that), attracts success and good luck, attracts the gifts of fate, gives happiness and joy, attracts the necessary connections and dating. The formula destroys any negative and obstacles to success and well-being.

(author T-Montana)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_14

Formula attracts a favorable confluence of circumstances, a man is accompanied by luck in the conceived. Having become "Horseshoe" significantly increases the chance of winning the lottery, sportloto.

Runes used:

  • Perth - increases intuition, gives clarity of thoughts and self-confidence;
  • Raido is the right way, the right choice;
  • Laguz - allows you to think flexibly, adapt to the situation, symbolizes good luck;
  • Dagaz - turns good luck to the operator;
  • Perth and Rado opens new horizons and perspective;
  • Fell in direct and mirror mapping - symbolize the implementation of what the operator seeks.


This becomes opens up new horizons and new opportunities for me, gives a calm clear mind, self-confidence, exacerbates intuition, helps to make the right choice. I confidently go through life to my success, the power of Stava opens all the doors before me and leads to luck.

(Author Natalie)

Pure luck

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_15

Runes used:

  • Gebo - Rune of Success, Good luck, luck in everything;
  • Ansus - helps quickly and optimally solve the necessary task;
  • Fehu - promotes a happy concrete circumstance for the realization of conceived;
  • WUNO - enshrines the result obtained, provides stability, and also protects;
  • Uruz - connecting powerful natural strength;
  • Kenaz - activates becoming, starts into operation;
  • Soulu - cooperates with Assuz on the decision of the issues.


In this case, it is necessary to negotiate exactly the situation to be solved for what the luck is required. It should be remembered that this formula will only work for attraction of one situation: it becomes not suitable for creating a talisman. You can draw a formula on a sheet of paper, on a wooden plank, on your body. You can use the Arab Magic method: to draw a formula for a divorced turmeric on a saucer, then pour water, and drink water. Instead of turmeric, you can take another edible composition.

This becoming helps me quickly solve the right question (indicate which) in a short time. May the strength of the four elements will help me, and it is accompanied by luck everywhere and in everything. Becoming starts work from the moment of applying the Runic Formula and before the realization of the conceived.

(author EMRIS)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_16

This formula attracts good luck in any endeavors (especially in solutions of monetary and business issues). The energy of the rune opens the necessary doors and sends to the right place. A happy concise circumstance is happening to implement success. The formula helps to overcome laziness.

Runes used:

  • Kenaz - attracts good luck energy;
  • Fehu - symbolizes new beginnings, material abundance, financial flow;
  • WUNO - brings joy and pleasure from the result.


I am accompanied by luck in everything, my business (what) solves quickly and at the right time. All obstacles on my path disappear. Becoming starts work from the moment of applying the Runic Formula and before the realization of the conceived. (You can also just speak runes out loud and ask them the direction of movement).


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_17

The Karsannowan word Auja is translated as luck. Becoming Auja consists of 3 runes that attract good luck from all sides.

Runes used:

  • Uruz - attracts goodness energy to quickly solve the planned task, gives the operator with life force;
  • Yera - Rune harvest, in this context multiplies the result;
  • Ansus - Runes of the patronage of the Higher Forces and Protection of the Gods, helps to gain wisdom and intimate knowledge.


This ruffy becomes helps me to find good luck in my case (call in what), opens all the paths and the necessary doors. I am constantly in a fortune stream, each of my step towards well-being brings me success. I am a good luck magnet. Gods help me to achieve success and patronize my undertak.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_18

The formula is suitable for those who seek to embody the desired life. Lovely eliminates obstacles, displays bad luck from the strip, opens new horizons and opportunities. After becoming a "breakthrough" to shifted the most hopeless thing with a dead point, it will help to get out of the state of stagnation and implement the most bold dreams. The formula can also be applied to the healing of chronic diseases. After the fulfillment of the conceived becoming becoming fire, if an amulet was made, or erased the record with a marker in the photo.


  • Dagaz - gives health, well-being and success in the beginnation;
  • EVAZ - changes the existing state of affairs in the right direction;
  • Fehu - Rune of material well-being and physical health;
  • Woney - fills with joy, gives the feeling of happiness and completeness of being.


Rune Dagaz helps to realize the conceived (call what). Rune Evaz eliminates obstacles and forms circumstances in the right direction (called in what), eliminates any interference and obstacles. Rune Fekhu helps to find the desired, gives success and abundance (in the case of the disease - gives health and well-being). Rune Wüngo fills happiness and joy. Becoming begins to work since the activation (call what) and helps me to fulfill the dream, attracts success and gives prosperity. The action of the formula does not have a negative impact on my health, psyche and finance, and also does not harm my native, pets and relatives.

Bouquet of winner

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_19

This formula is used for sporting achievements, but can also be applied for other purposes. It works to attract success in joint actions of the team / collective. You need to draw directly on the photos of the team or the working team, you can in the photo of the office / enterprises. Activation occurs in any available way. After the fulfillment of conceived runic signs erase.


  • Dagaz and Soulua attract success, happy lot;
  • Tayivaz - enhances courage, masculinity, factories, striving for victory;
  • 4 runes Uruz double strength;
  • Hiding Algiz forms protection against dark energies.


Runes Dagaz and Soulu will attract success in achieving conceived. Rune Teivaz gives force and will to victory, gives courage and pressure, thanks to which the team wins in competitions and takes a prize place. Uruz runes help the team move in the right direction, attract power and strength. Rune Algiz protects the team from negative energy, which is directed to destabilization and defeat. Becoming begins to work since the activation (call what) and helps to achieve the desired victory without causing physical, mental or material damage to someone.

By lov_ushka.

Formulas for attracting finance

Triple Fehu.

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_20

This becomes aimed at expanding the money channel, an increase in material goods and success in the financial sector. It is best to make an amulet and wear all the time. You can burn the runes on the tree, make a stone amulet. You can draw on a dense cardboard and always carry with you (put in the wallet, make incense and wear on the neck). You can draw runes in your photo or a photo of another person. Do not forget to update the ruins of the reference, otherwise it will stop working. You can simply update your breath.


This Runic Formula constantly attracts me material benefits in the form of money from different sources. Let the Triple Runa Fekhu attracts the cash flow to me into the house.

Lottery win

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_21

To catch good luck and win the lottery, you can make a ruffy amulet. A natural stone is suitable with a written red paint formula (it is possible to draw nail polish instead of paint), a wooden cooler with scorched symbols or simply recorded on a dense cardboard. Red color is required: it activates the work of the steel. You can also draw a formula on the lottery ticket itself. Activate with breathing.

Runes used:

  • Kenaz - attracts the energy of good luck to the operator;
  • Dagaz - eliminates obstacles to winning;
  • Soulu - Enhances intuition.


Let luck accompanies me in everything, I am a magnet for good luck. This becomes will help me win (in the lottery, in the lotto, in a casino, prize - clarify). Rune Kenaz forms a good confluence of circumstances, attracts a stream of good luck to me. Rune Dagaz eliminates any obstacles to gaining good luck. Rune Soulu will exacerbate my intuition so that I score the correct combination of numbers (or specify another).

Cash vovern

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_22

This becoming suitable for those who work with information, that is, how much money from the element of air is obtained. This also includes work with customers, communication, exchange of knowledge and skills. Activation of Stava - breathing. You can visualize how the fluger is spinning in the wind.

Runes used:

  • Yera - Rune harvest, as well as multiplication of already existing;
  • Dagaz - eliminates all possible obstacles for money;
  • 2 Ansus - the dual patronage of higher forces, no obstacles will be able to stop the work of the Stava;
  • 2 Fell - double rune of wealth and material well-being.


All year round and every day the wind brings me money. This becomes attracts money to me from all sides, well-being fills my home day day.

(by rainbow cm)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_23

This becomes attracts money into a wallet, it is also called a wallet banker. Money can be any, even obtained illegally. The formula is painted on a sheet of paper (without cells and lines), activated by breathing and read the reserve. Then the drawn formula is put in his wallet between large banknotes. If only bank cards lie in the wallet, becoming in cash in the house.

Runes used:

  • Perth - symbolizes the wider and its contents;
  • Fehu - attracts financial flow;
  • Uruz - Strengthens the work of the Stava to attract money;
  • Naties - is a guarantee of cash revenues;
  • 2 Kenaz - expands financial flow at the expense of new opportunities;
  • INGUS - increases money incomes;
  • Yera - symbolizes a rich harvest, growth and development.


My wallet income increases every day, the cash flow never runs out. There are no restrictions on the receipt of money in my wallet, my incomes are constantly increasing, money without any restrictions come from the most unexpected sources.

Simple cash formula

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_24

Being consists of only two runic symbols, but has a powerful force of attraction. Draw on any kind of natural material: wood, paper, stone, skin. After activation (by breathing) put in the wallet and always wear with you.

Runes used:

  • Fehu is a symbol of material well-being and wealth, opens financial stream;
  • Algiz - protects financial well-being, stabilizes cash receipts.


With this ruled formula, I gain wealth and well-being. My finances are protected from leakage and vain spending Rooms Algiz.

Golden Dragon

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_25

Powerful source of money attracting. Become activated by breathing, then put in the wallet either in the handbag / purse. When posing visualization, it is possible to presented in the form of a dragon and release into flight.

Used runes:

  • Tayivaz - cleans the way to finance;
  • Algiz - Crested Rune, protects against any negative and unforeseen situations;
  • Evaz - locomotive that provides movement;
  • Dagaz - Runa transformation that translates you to a new financial level;
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the operator;
  • Inguses (on the sides) - a symbol of dragon wings and your new well-being;
  • Lagus - Stabilize the financial flow.


This ruffy becomes clears the path for which the money goes into my house and in my wallet. Dragon guards my finances from losses, theft and unreasonable spending. My life is transformed, filled with new meaning, new income and financial level. Since the activation of this steel, finances will flow into my life with a stable stream.

(by Arkadiya)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_26

This formula removes blocks, clears the path for the financial flow. If the channel was closed, it opens it. If the channel was not wide enough, becoming expanding it. The formula can be drawn on your body (hands) or on a sheet of unenteined paper. Also, railings are painted on those subjects that are directly related to the receipt of either the storage of money. In hand drawn in front of a short night in a row.

Runes used:

  • Woney - a feeling of happiness and pleasure from obtaining finance, financial breakthrough; executes wishes;
  • 2 Ansus - the work of elements to cleanse the money channel;
  • 2 Fehu - symbolizes double cash flow;
  • Odale - exit from the monetary crisis, removing the generic blocks for money.


Every day I rejoice in new money dear, my money channel expands, and it flows a stable cash flow. This ruffle becomes clears the money channel from blocks and obstacles that I was inherited or was formed by the wrong thoughts. Money is becoming more and more every day. I am happy and rich.

Multiplying material benefits

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_27

Becoming facilitates the stabilization of the financial situation with the trend of permanent growth in cash. The formula protects against any adverse effects from the outside, clears the path for finance. Becoming on your hand either on a non-similar piece of paper (better on dense cardboard). You can activate with breathing.

Used runes:

  • 3 Fell - tripled rune of wealth and abundance, which attracts financial prosperity in triple size;
  • 4 Teivaz - Runes protect the operator and its financial flows from negativity from the outside, contribute to the stabilization of monetary revenues. Also Tayivaz eliminates all obstacles to the admission of money


My financial affairs become more successful every day (it can be indicated that the salary increases, etc.), the cash flow flows into my life without stopping. Becoming removes all obstacles and obstacles to the receipt of money in my wallet, I enjoy abundance and well-being.

Fast money

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_28

The formula works for obtaining the desired amount within a month (or earlier, as auction). Draw on yourself (on hand before bedtime every time) either on a wooden plank, or on a dense cardboard. Activate with breathing. To wear with you.

Runes used:

  • Soulu - Rune of the powerful energy of success, which sweeps on the way all obstacles;
  • FEHU - Actually Source of wealth, cash receipts;
  • Odale - guarantees profits, success, wealth.


This becomes attractive to me a stable cash flow that helps me solve the question (call what). Money is unhindered to my account (wallet, bank card), without restrictions and delays. To such a number, I get such a sum of money on my own account.

Attraction of wealth

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_29

You can make a talisman: draw runes on a tree, stone, dense cardboard, photos. It is important that the talisman has always been with the operator (with the exception of the photo). The image of the runic symbols on the skin (on hand) is practiced. After the shower, becoming a newly drawn on the skin. Activate with breathing.

Runes used:

  • Perth - symbolizes the wallet / bank card / personal account;
  • 4 Fell - fourfoldly reinforced financial flow, abundance of material resources;
  • 4 Tayivaz is a fourfold strengthening of the cash flow, obtaining the desired.


This becomes attracted into my life streams of abundance, finance, wealth. I am a cash magnet. Money come to my wallet / bank card / personal account / in hand endless stream. I always get the desired amount of money on time, the need remained in the past. Now I am a rich wealthy man.

Sale / purchase of real estate

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_30

Runes used:

  • EVAZ - impetus for sale / buy, push, locomotive;
  • Fehu - the resulting cash, material wealth;
  • 2 Odale - guarantees a successful result, symbolizes real estate.


This Runic Having helps me to buy quickly / sell (specify that), attracts cash flows (specify the desired amount) and guarantees a successful deal.

Fast money becoming

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_31

This formula helps to quickly attract an additional amount of money (award, award, additional earnings) when the operator already has a stable source of income. Becoming can be painted on your hand (before bedtime, draw every night), portray on the card or on dense cardboard. Wear with you. You can draw a marker on your photo (then erase).

Runes used:

  • INGUS - symbolizes the direction to obtaining funds;
  • 4 Fell - Actually monetary marks;
  • 3 Soulu is a powerful energy that ensures the formula and execution of the desired.


This ruling formula attracts additional money to me, attracts positive changes in my life. I receive financial resources from unexpected additional sources, in addition to the main salary.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_32

This runic formula helps the operator to get money from the debtor. However, it is recommended to combine with the formula on the opening of the money channel. On the one hand, the operator will attract monetary signs. On the other hand, the debtor will be waging conscience. Draw in the photo of the debtor either on a piece of paper with its data (name, age, any data).

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz - strengthening the financial flow, obtaining the desired, transition of money from the debtor to the borrower;
  • 2 Kenaz - strengthening the impact on the debtor;
  • Naties - coercion, energy concentration on debt return;
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the debtor;
  • EVAZ - actually refund;
  • Fehu - money, end result.


This runery becomes affecting the debtor (name) and forces him to return to me cash in size (specify the amount). During this time (indicate the time), the debtor completely returns me money.

Golden antilop.

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_33

Formula is applied to customer business. That is, it is not used for a one-time sale of any thing. The runes act as a magnet and attract customers from different sources. The formula is drawn on the subject, which will always be near. It can be a business card or photo office. You can make a permanent talisman and recharge it from time to time: repeat the saying, activate. Authors Velya, Runava, Gray Angel.


  • The point is a person for whom the talisman is made to attract customers;
  • GEBO - symbolizes partnerships, harmony and mutual understanding between people, attracts profitable ties;
  • Bunch of mannase runes / 2Fehu / 2 Mirror Naties - attracting solvent responsible clients / partners / sponsors that need your services;
  • Ingus - Dar Over, a permanent and stable tributary of customers;
  • The runes of the second plan of Laguz / Radio / Naties / Tourisas form a compulsory stream that attracts the desired and cuts off all obstacles in its path;
  • The runes of Yera and Perth care that the operator's wallet is always filled with cash bills.


This runery becomes attracts to my life (or the name of another person) rich customers / sponsors / investors / partners. Runes are cut off any interference on the way of a powerful welfare flow, which will make my business successful and prosperous. In my wallet / bank card, solid monetary amounts are accumulated, which are constantly increasing. Becoming the Golden Antelope begins to work since the activation (call what) and creates all the conditions for the successful work of affairs, and also protects against failures associated with incorrect partnership relations. The action of the formula does not cause physical, mental or financial harm to me and my loved ones and pets.

Multiplication of capital

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_34

This formula increases the material welfare of the operator, which it would not be expressed: money, harvest, property, etc. Keeps acquired material well-being from damage and losses, takes care of the preservation of a family or joint economy. It is also with its help you can make successful purchases and sales of real estate. If you become doing to solve a particular question, then after the execution of the planned it, it is necessary to betray the fire or delete the records of the runes. If there is a mascot for permanent help, then periodically needs to be updated: read the reservation and charge.


  • Odale - attracts welfare, symbolizes the house and tradition;
  • Fehu - Rune of finance, material forms, abundance, symbolizes property;
  • Yera - symbolizes harvest.


Rune Odale attracts me (or another person) material abundance, financial flow, well-being and success helps to keep acquired from any damage. Runa Fekhu provides cash receipts, together with Ruhnu Odale contributes to the preservation of acquired material wealth. Rune Yera takes care that there is always an abundance of material means in the house, which they would not be expressed. The rune Yera stabilizes the stream of material resources attracted by the runes of the runes. Becoming starts to work since the activation (call what) and provides profits and multiplication of capital and property without harm to someone: me, my family and relatives, pets.

Success in affairs

Explosive growth in business

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_35

The formula provides a breakthrough in business, the road streams sweep all the obstacles to success.

Runes used:

  • Fehu is the energy of improving well-being, attracting cash flows and material values.
  • Hagalaz - energy of destruction, elimination of obstacles to the way, assistance in achieving intended goals;
  • Tayivaz is the energy of victory, a volitional impulse, protection against adverse external influence.


This formula attracts cash flow to me, ensures business success. I'm getting more successful every day and richer. Becoming eliminates any obstacles from my way to success, protects against external adverse effects, gives me a victory.

Opening of all roads

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_36

This becoming opens any doors, roads and directions to increase welfare, career growth and any other undertaking. It may be an increasing salary, searching for new work, just moving forward.

Runes used:

  • EVAZ - the energy of moving forward, the locomotive of the steel;
  • 2 Tourisas - eliminate all obstacles from the way, break obstacles, powerful destruction energy;
  • 2 rido - acceleration energy;
  • 2 TUR - support energy, push to promotion forward.


This runery becomes destroying all obstacles to my way to achieving the goal (called which), eliminates obstacles, including my own doubts. All doors are open before me, all the ways. I easily achieve the goal (call what). The formula brings me success and joy from victory.

(Author T-Montana)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_37

The formula helps to succeed with minimal costs, almost without effort - for nothing. For example, win the lottery, buy goods with a big discount, just get a gift or money prize. The formula is drawn anywhere: on the body, in the photo, on any carrier of natural material. Activate with breathing, after use is burned or erased. Do not forget to thank after receiving the result.

Runes used:

  • 2 WUNO - materialization of desire, pleasure and joy from obtaining;
  • Gebo - the energy of receipt.


This formula attracts good luck to me and the favor of heaven. I get everything in vain, I wish. The formula helps me to achieve the goal (call) without any effort and material (physical) costs for the time (specify the time). I am happy with the gifts of Heaven and stay in full bliss.

Apparatus employed

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_38

Becoming helps to find what matches dreams. It is the work that fully arrange in all respects. You need to describe in detail all the conditions that are necessary. Also becoming recommended to combine with the formula for opening a money channel.

Runes used:

  • Uruz - the energy of strengthening the work of the steel;
  • Tourisas - eliminates any obstacles to the goal;
  • Odale - attracts exactly the position that is mentioned in the reservation;
  • 2 Fehu - Runes show a close-up of the advantage of the operator so that they attract the attention of the employer.


This becoming helps me to find a dream job that fully suits me regarding the salary (name the amount), the working chart (call what), relationships in the team and the schedule of vacations.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_39

The formula helps to quickly advance through the career ladder. You need to put really performed tasks, do not experience fate. The turn should specify a specific position and time. For example, in which month you wish to get an increase.

Runes used:

  • Dagaz - the energy of change, symbolizes a new position;
  • 4 Tayivaz - the energy of the realization of the conceived, protection, the rune of victory;
  • 4 Soulu - Energy of Success;
  • Fehu - making profit, material values, realization of conceived.


This Runic Formula helps me to take a welcome position (specify which specifically), to obtain salary in the amount (sum) and premium in size (sum). I am accompanied by success in the conceived, during the time (specify the time) I gain a new position and occupy (such a) place.

Attracting customers

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_40

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz - business stability; protection energy;
  • 2 Fell - materialization of conceived, powerful financial flow, material benefits;
  • Mannaz - symbolizes the operator to which it works;
  • Yera - provides a circulation "Customers-money-clients".


This becomes providing me with stable earnings, endless stream of customers and money. My business flourishes and brings a stable financial result. Clients like my goods, they come to me constantly.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_41

The formula helps to achieve the desired result, eliminates all interference and barriers from the way, fills with energy and optimism. Especially helps in a business where competition is present.

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz - the energy of movement to the goal;
  • Sowlu - win, advantage, success in the performance of conceived;
  • Odale - Actually desire, goal.


This becoming helps me to achieve the goal (indicate which), eliminates all obstacles from the way, creates favorable circumstances. I enjoy my success every day.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_42

Each man's creator of his own life, but sometimes lacks forces or determination to change circumstances. In this case, the runtic becoming useful by the "Creator" from the author Wairoimo, which will help you adjust the situation at the discretion of the operator. After the execution of the intended becoming eliminated.


  • Coolel is straight and mirrored by the insight and inspire a creative approach, provide spiritual growth;
  • Kenaz straight and mirror enhances the action of the runes of the cooler and helps the operator to disclose the creative potential and express oneself fully;
  • Tayivaz gives the operator to the necessary strength of the Spirit to implement the conceived and exit the winner;
  • Berkano - the operator protects and assists in the disclosure of creative potential;
  • Naiiz - helps to control their desires and intentions;
  • Tourisas - Rune of the second plan, eliminates any obstacles to the exercise of the goal;
  • Woney - Rune of the second plan, provides psychological comfort to the operator.


This ruffle becomes revealed by my (or other person) potential opportunities for the realization of the conceived case (specify which), gives enlightenment and clear understanding of the essence of the case, inspires and protects against unreasonable actions, eliminates any obstacles from the way to achieve the goal, eliminates doubts and experiences. Becoming starts to work since the activation (call what) and ensures the realization of the planned one (indicate that) without harm to someone: me, my family and relatives, pets.

Successful interview

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_43

This formula helps with a device for work, with the help of it you can successfully pass the interview and get the desired workplace. Runes draw pictures of a person. If the photo is not, you can draw it to the sheet (unnecessary) and take with you. After the realization of the planned leaf burned on fire with gratitude for the help. Author Mo Flying.


  • Soulu helps to carry out the desired, gives success;
  • Ansus helps to focus and think through every word, gives conviction and eloquence;
  • Gebo helps to establish a trust relationship between the applicant and the employer;
  • WUNO provides a comfortable atmosphere during the interview.


Rune Soulu helps me (or another person) successfully pass the interview, gives courage and victory. Rune Ansus helps me to concentrate on the necessary thoughts, speak convincingly and eloquently, pick up the necessary words and not stuff. Rune Gebo has a boss to me, establishes between us open trusting relationships and sympathy. Rune Wüngo creates a harmonious and comfortable atmosphere during a conversation, eliminates tensions and distrust, relaxes and soothes. Beginning begins to work since the activation (call what) and helps me get a workplace without harm to someone: me, my family and relatives, pets.

Love and family

Love formulas can be applied to their body with a red marker, draw in their photos either photos of the desired object. If there is no photo, you can draw the runes on the things that belongs to the object. As a last resort, it is applied to a sheet of paper (unnecessary), which schematically draws the object of desire and name is written (you can date date). Activate with breathing, carry the candles over the flame (but not burned).

Love formula

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_44

This formula increases the appeal, helps to win the attention of the second desired partner and rolling success on the love front. More suitable for men than for women. They draw on their own photos, on the body with a red marker (on the wrist of the left hand).

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz - symbolizes passion and courage, perseverance, purposefulness;
  • Uruz - increases sexual attractiveness;
  • Gebo - Rune of the harmony of male and female start, mutually beneficial partnership.


This Runic Formula makes me attractive for women, helps to find a second half (or a partner), gives success and charm. I am a magnet for women.

AST (love)

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_45

Runes used:

  • Ansus - mutual understanding;
  • Soulu - the energy of life, love and light, embodies the most cherished dreams, lights the flame of love;
  • Tayivaz is a guaranteed result, the success of the Runic Formula.


This rune becomes attractive to me (object name). The object (name) constantly thinks about me, his thoughts are sent only to me. The rune formula lights up in (name) the flame of love and passion, fills the lust to me. Our meetings are always filled with joy and pleasure. The formula begins its action from the moment of applying and activation. Passion y (name) flares to me every day stronger and stronger.

Love communication

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_46

The formula is designed to strengthen existing relationships, feelings updates. Apply either on a shared photo or on your body, or on a sheet of paper with written names. Red marker.

Runes used:

  • Gebo - Energy of Love, Understanding between Partners;
  • Kenaz - a spark, from which the flame of love begins;
  • Veuno - joy of love and relationships.


This formula fills the object (name) of passion and love to me, revives and updates the former feelings. Our love as a gift of heaven, fills us with a new joy every day.

Return of love

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_47

This formula helps to revive the faded feelings, return to the former love. They draw on the photos of the object with a red marker, wrapping with a red cloth or paper and hide from curious eyes.

Runes used:

  • Dagaz - light at the end of the tunnel, the new heyday of the senses;
  • Kenaz - Fire of Love, Flames will defear from the spark;
  • Gebo - reciprocity.


This Runner becomes a revived relationship, restores the love relationship between me and (name). Rune Kenaz, as a magic torch, lights love and passion that brings mutual pleasure and harmony of feelings.

Happy marriage

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_48

This formula helps to keep love and trust between spouses, has a slight maligation. Applied to a joint photo with a red marker. You can apply for a wedding photo. Do not forget to update the work of the Stava to your breath and repetition of the reservation every six months.

Runes used:

  • GEBO - symbolizes strong relationships between spouses;
  • Laguz - Strengthening female attractiveness.


The force of this steel remains our marriage of destruction and divorce, strengthens mutual attractiveness and mutual trust. My female energy is enhanced every day, I am the only desired woman for your spouse. Beginning begins to work since the activation of breathing.

Female love talisman

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_49

This rune talisman is used to attract the second half of a single woman. It is necessary to draw a rune either on their photos with a red marker, or on a stone of red paint (you can lacquer for nails), well on a wooden base. To wear with you. You can draw on your body, update daily. Activate with breathing. Some women dreamed of drawn runes with their blood, but it is not necessary to do this.

Used runes

  • Kenaz - transformation energy, transformations;
  • Gebo - Success Energy, Understanding;
  • Laguz - strengthening femininity.


This ruling formula enhances my beauty and attractiveness for men, I attract male gaze to myself. Runes help me to meet your half, find mutual understanding and create a happy durable alliance. (You can also specify in your own words, only in the present time).

Runic spell

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_50

This spell is black, as it refers to the forced programming of the facility and coercion to love. The runes are drawn in the photo of the object of exposure, you can quickly draw a finger over a glass with drinking. If the object comes to visit, you can draw (toothpick) in a cup on soluble coffee and then prepare a drink. You can draw a new needle on the gingerbread and rain. Many options.

Runes used:

  • Kenaz - symbolizes desires and feelings;
  • Nature is the energy, affection, zombie.


You want only me, you need only in me.

Male love talisman

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_51

Helps to attract a partner, establish mutual understanding and harmony in love. Enhances sexual attractiveness. You can draw in the photo of the facility, on your body, make a talisman made of wood. If you need an instant effect, then the formula is drawn on non-similar paper and repeat the reservation many times in a row. Then the paper is burned, and smoke are sent to the photo of the object or its thing (at least on the ball handle, just to hold the object in the hands).

Runes used:

  • Kenaz - Runa transformation helps to attract new;
  • Gebo - Rune of Success, Association, Understanding;
  • Ingus - Strengthening attractiveness.


This Runic Formula makes me sexual and attractive in the eyes of women (or a certain person), strengthens and emphasizes my male qualities, attracts me the love of women (or a separate partner). (You can add your words, only in the present time).

Harmony in the family

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_52

The formula helps to establish mutual understanding in the family between households, gives joy from communication, allows you to take a look at the family in a new way and evaluate the advantage of communicating with native people.

Runes used:

  • Ansus - strengthens relations, grants wisdom;
  • Gebo - harmonization of relations between relatives;
  • Odale - symbolizes generic (family) relationships.


This runic formula helps to establish peace and mutual understanding between us (names), gives the joy of communication and love to each other.

Scarlet Sails

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_53

The formula is designed to search for the second half. However, if you have planned in the wife of a particular person, it became not implement your plans. It helps to find someone who is fate, not his own mind. Paintings of becoming a man photo or make a talisman that constantly carry with them. Runic characters are drawn in a mirror order represent the two halves of the pair. Author: fou-chatte.


  • Icelandic fleeces sól (salt) is shown at the bottom of Icelandic Raido (reið) - ensures success in raising its halves bless the meeting;
  • Icelandic rune Raido (reið) symbolizes for life, which helps to meet the two lovers;
  • Berkana denotes a woman;
  • teyvaz denotes a man;
  • vuno ensures successful (happy) coincidence;
  • Cano eliminates any obstacles to meeting two halves, does not allow to go astray;
  • Gebo provides full understanding and harmony between two showers;
  • óðal helps create a family, the family hearth and tradition;
  • Algiz - the protection of higher powers, which ensures successful vossoedinen6ie two halves;
  • Inguz - a happy ending, finding desired, love and harmony.


Rune becoming "Scarlet Sails" attracts to me my soul mate, and provides a quick meeting with his fate. The formula creates favorable conditions for a meeting, removes obstacles and interference. With this stava an opportunity to create a strong family, arrange a personal life and find happiness. Higher power to protect against negative energies of jealousy and anger that can spoil our plans and upset our meeting. Thanks to the energy of the rune stava dream come to life, and I find their happiness. Becoming starts from the moment of activation (name any) and help me find my destiny without harm to anyone: I, my relatives and friends, pets.

gossamer love

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_54

It became a love that will attract the favor and love of the coveted men. To impact was effective, you need to be familiar with this person. Formula can be used to start relationships and to strengthen existing feelings in a relationship, but it is not suitable for the marriage bond. It works as a sexual binding. You can draw on the photo of a person, as well as easy on a clean sheet (without lines and cells) with the written name. Becoming a need to keep up until the last relationship. After the break in relations leaf burn, written by a marker on the photo runes blur. Before omens need to magically clean person. Author Djess.


  • stanginn ISS (the cross in the center of the flight) lulls the vigilance (freezes) that the person does not realize that his charmed;
  • bunch Gebo / vuno / Kenaz creates the illusion of happiness, joy, romantic flair;
  • Rune Uruz strengthens sexual interest and attraction;
  • Rune Nautiz creates a probential impact, coercion;
  • Rune Ansess provides mutual understanding between partners.


Rune Stanginn ISS hides a guide impact, shifts vigilance (human name). Rune GEBO provides harmony in a relationship, Rune Wüngo gives joy and fills happiness, Runa Kenaz fills the flame of love in the heart (human name), Rune Uruz strengthens the attraction (name) to me. Runa Nautiz causes thirst for love to me, irreparable sexual attraction. Rune Ansus provides complete mutual understanding. This becomes starting to work since the moment of activation (to say what) and attracts to me love (human name) until I want to stop these relationships. The action of the formula does not cause physical, moral and material harm to me, my native and relatives, pets.

Love fire

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_55

This becoming designed to incite the fire of love in the heart of a man or a woman. You can also apply to a joint photo of the pair. If there is no photo, you can draw runes on a sheet of paper with written names. If the relationship becomes irrelevant, becoming burned, the runes in the photo simply erase. Saneya author.


  • Tayivaz - symbolizes a man;
  • Berkana - symbolizes a woman;
  • Gebo provides harmony and mutual understanding in a pair;
  • Ansus, a mirror - the probative power of the word;
  • Nature - forced impact, strengthening the action of Rune Ansus;
  • Assuz / Naties bunch forces an object of impact to think about a partner;
  • Yera fixes the influence effect, that is, leaves unchanged and stabilizes;
  • Kenazy fasten the flame of passion;
  • Lagus direct passion streams on a partner;
  • Woney fills the hearts with joy and happiness from mutual feelings.


This becoming incites the fire of love in the heart (the name of the person or pair) and fills the joy from meetings with me (or with each other). Rune Gebo creates harmony and complete mutual understanding in the relationship, fills them with tenderness and passion. Rune Ansause attracts thoughts and desires (name) to me, Rune Nautiz raises the thirst for love and the desire to be next to me. Let him think about my day and night, dreamed of a meeting. The runes of Kenaz and Laguz are called in (name) the irrepressible sexual attraction (human name) to me, the rune of the veuso makes the heart flour from one thought about me and fills the happiness of love. Rune Yera fixes the result of the love spell and does not provide its prolonged action. Let the power of the runes fill our relationship with the fire of passion, the power of love and tenderness. This becomes starting to work since the moment of activation (to say what) and attracts to me love (human name) until I want to stop these relationships. The action of the formula does not cause physical, moral and mental harm to me, my relatives and friends, pets.


Keeling runes need to be used very carefully, so as not to cause even greater harm to the body than is available. Before using the stoves, you need to familiarize yourself with the rule of manic cleaning. At the end of the title, it is necessary to say that becoming working for the benefit of the patient, without harming his health and health of loved ones (pets, too, mention).

Simple purification formula

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_56

The formula is painted on its own body or in the photo (of its or other person). However, it is impossible to keep cleaning too long because it can cause damage to power engineering.

Runes used:

  • Laguz - well cleans the hematopoietic system, body fluid, bone; It is also used to eliminate fears, panic attacks, doubts;
  • 2 Kenaz - eliminates all inflammatory processes, tumors and neoplasms, favorably affects the female sexual sphere; Heeping the body.


This ruffle becomes clears me (either another person) from (listing what needs to be eliminated) without harm to mental and physical health.

Cleaning negative

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_57

This formula gently eliminates the negative, harmonizes the energy, soothes the psyche. Good acts on children, does not bring side effects. You can make an amulet so that the child constantly wore him. If this is not possible, the amulet (from stone, wood) is put into the water for a while, and then a child was wash with this water.

Runes used:

  • Algiz - the energy of protection, the patronage of the gods;
  • Raido - forms a channel to remove the negative;
  • Soulu - saves energy;
  • Laguz - eliminates the negative;
  • Bernano - soothes, gently eliminates a negative impact;
  • GEBO - establishes trusting communication between mother and child.


This formula gently purifies the negative and derives it from the body of my child (name), helps to strengthen the immunity and full health restoration in a short period of time (3 days, 5 days - indicate). The formula acts safely for mental and physical health (name).

2 elements

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_58

This runic formula has a powerful impact on the negative, destroying everything in its path. Two elements - fire and water - joint efforts to clean the energy of a person from the impact of any strength. Also, the formula can be applied not only for cleaning, but also to eliminate protection.

Runes used:

  • Tayivaz is the energy of destruction, eliminating the specified negative;
  • Soulu - the energy of the fire burns out what Rune Teivaz opened;
  • Hagalaz - destruction;
  • Laguz - wash off everything that was destroyed;
  • Naties - the action turns out to be forcibly;
  • Ansus - the formula works tricky, deceiving the defense against damage.


This runic formula fully purifies my energy (or another person) from malicious effects (indicating what) for three days. The fire burns out, the water is washes off all the destroyed and destroyed without the residue. Indicate that the formula does not harm anyone.


Remove curse

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_59

Runes used:

  • Mannaz - an object of impact, man;
  • Hagalaz - energy of destruction;
  • Ansus - intellectual impact;
  • Evaz - protective weapons;
  • Fee - rapid changes;
  • Kenaz - exterminates any negative;
  • Raido is the way to destroy the negative.

This literature consists of four separate formulas. The first formula in this elite symbolizes the person himself and curse on it. The second formula cuts off the curse. The third formula symbolizes the patronage of the highest world, filling the energy of the divine spheres. The fourth formula symbolizes the path to prosperity and happiness.


This ruffy becoming completely frees me (or specify someone) from the curse (indicate which), irrevocably destroys the resistant negative on (such) the sphere of life and has the patronage of the higher forces, fills the divine energy and gives bliss.

(Author VELYA)

Fiery knut.

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_60

This becoming created to eliminate entities, subtles, demons, forces forcibly. He also destroys the consequences of their malicious activity in the person's field. The runes can be drawn in the photo, as well as on a sheet of unrecognized paper with the specified human data.

Runes used:

  • Tourisas - restores energy equilibrium;
  • Tayivaz - eliminates negative impacts;
  • KVORT - fiery cleaning;
  • Kenaz - cuts off all the ties and channels that keep entities in the person's field.


This Runic Formula works without harm to my (either another person) mental and physical health, also without harmful for the good spirits of my house and my perfumes. Becoming starts work since applying and activation up to the desired result. All spirits, hurrying entities and necroprences are cut off by the force of this steel forever without return.

(By Tony Montana)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_61

This gallbrading is used to cut off all bindings, entities, subtles, demons, dead. The reinforced formula leaves no chance for listed entities, it is expelled and destroyed. Also used when cleansing from the subclass and to break the connection with the enchanted thing.

Runes used:

  • KVORT - cleans the energy space with fire;
  • Hagalaz - has a destructive action, a hail of destruction;
  • Eyvaz - protective weapons, restores energy;
  • Tourisas - total destroying of the essence;
  • Nature - has a protective effect on human energy, forces entities to retire.


This becomes breaking all the bindings (specify the name of the entity) with me (or specify the name of another person).

(Author Language)

Having become spiritual cleansing

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_62

This formula maintains a person who has staging on the path of spiritual development, compresses all past habits and views.

Runes used:

  • Dagaz - supports human physical health, is responsible for transformation;
  • Berkano - fills in vitality and energy;
  • Soulu - inspires, inspiring, brings pleasure from spiritual.


This Runic Formula helps me to move along the path of spiritual development, supports me physically, fills the vital energy, clears from unnecessary vigorous thoughts, brings pleasure from human practitioners.

Light head

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_63

This ruffy becoming suitable for students and high school students, it helps better absorb material and successfully pass exams. It is also suitable for learning foreign languages ​​and to restore the thought process in old age. Runes draw pictures of a person either on a sheet of paper with the recorded name. You can make a mascot on solid material (tree, stone) and periodically update the action of the formula: read the saying and activate, sometimes it is enough to hold a talisman over the candle flame several times. Bagira author.


  • the point symbolizes a person;
  • Perth - saves and updates the accumulated information base;
  • Ansus helps to memorize the material, activates the activity of the brain;
  • Laguz symbolizes information flows;
  • Soulu provides the coherence of the thought process, and also fills the solar energy formula.


This becomes helps me (or the person's name) is better to memorize and understand new information, use it for its intended purpose. Runa Perth retains the knowledge gained, Rune Soulu activates the thought process and the work of the brain. With this Runic Formula, I easily remember any material easily and quickly. Becoming begins to work since the moment of activation (to say what), does not harm me and my loved ones, pets.

If there is a magic defense on a person, it must be said that becomes missing other magical impacts aimed at a person, and does not prevent the action of other rune formulas and magical rites.

Sunny whirlwind

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_64

This runic formula is cleaning, restoration and protection of man. Clears from any type of negative, as well as from the subtle of astral entities. If you make an amulet, the defense will be long-term. However, becoming not able to cope with the influence of dark spirits - demons, demons. It only relaxes their influence, but does not protect. It is characterized by the fact that it does not require additional activation: it is self-renewable. The amulets are made on a wooden basis, minerals or gems. The minerals of the solar nature of the type of amber type are especially well suited. By Izmir.


  • 4 Tourisas destroys negative programs, purifies aura;
  • 4 Naties reveals an extraneous program, suggestion;
  • 4 Uruz - transforms negative energies;
  • 4 Soulu burns the whole magic negative and fills the kiving energy;
  • Nature is inverted - in the compulsory destroying negative programs, the evil eye and gives strength to restore;
  • Icelandic Rune Salt - eliminates the negative and protects a person.


Name all drawn runes. Then pronounce a general reservation. This Runner becomes eliminating any negative, which was sent by one person or a group of people at me (or human name). The power of runes destroys the astral entities and eliminates energy information programs, as well as the impact of demons and demons. Negative leaves me, not causing physical or psychological harm to me and my loved ones. Becoming attracts positive energies that will contribute to changing my life in the direction you need. The effect of the runes do not affect the previously supplied ruins and conspiracies, do not interfere with positive magical influences. Becoming starts working since the moment of activation (to say what) until I deactivate the formula.


Protective barrier

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_65

This is a universal protective becoming, which dispels the negative directed on the operator. Also, the formula brings chaos into an organized attack of the attacker, knocks down from the way. Becoming helps without losses to withstand the attack of any power.

Runes used:

  • 2 Tourisas - a double power of the destruction of the negative;
  • teyvaz - it creates a durable and reliable shield.


This runic formula protects me from any psychological, physical and energy attacks, as well as from the outside influence of strangers. The formula provides protection against directional magical effect, destroys any magic rituals. The formula is valid for the benefit of me and my family, safe for my spiritual growth and material acquisitions. The formula starts with the moment of activation.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_66

This became used to block the negative process, for example, disease or damage, destruction or poverty, unwanted circumstances.

Runes used:

  • 2 Ansuz - start cancellation process;
  • 2 Fehu mirror - symbolize object cancellation;
  • Soule - starts the update process;
  • Inguz - positive changes;
  • Berkana - gives vitality.


Force of stava I cancel (that call). Let the power of runes filling my biofield positive changes, vitality and health. Becoming work without harm to me and my family, pets, and anyone who gets in its sphere of influence.

(Qantas Author)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_67

Mirroring magic is used to reward the aggressor: he gets a kickback.

Runes used:

  • Mannaz - the object of influence, man;
  • Ansuz - magical influence;
  • Hagalaz - the destruction of the negative;
  • teyvaz - the powerful conquering force;
  • Nauthiz - compulsion;
  • óðal - physical object property;
  • Laguz -magicheskoe effect;
  • Isa - Rune freezing, negative lock;
  • Raido - channels influences the way;
  • vuno -garmoniziruet energy;
  • Thurisaz - aggressive cuts magic;
  • Inguz - male power;
  • Hyeres - guaranteed result of the bet.


The power of the Runes, the power of my words, let the rune will become a reliable protection to me (or another person) from any negative influences from without spoiling, curses, reservation, condemnation, psychic attacks and other negative influences (added to the list). This runic becoming running in safe mode for me and my family (specify other factors themselves).


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_68

This runic becoming designed for reliable protection from magical influences. The enemy will certainly get a kickback in the attack. In addition to protecting fools the enemy's head.

Runes used:

  • Algiz - the rune of protection;
  • Thurisaz - cuts off the negative;
  • Evaz - change, the situation is changing in favor of the operator;
  • Inguz - stabilizes the result;
  • Nauthiz - has forced the action, protects;
  • Soul - filled solar power, confidence.


This ruffice becoming reliably protects me (or another person) from a negative magical and psychological influence, fooling his head and reflects the blow. I am under reliable defense, charm. This becomes good for me and my loved ones.

Dusty cape

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_69

Becoming applied to protect against excessive attention to a person when you need to go unnoticed. It also applies when you need to hide some thing from prying eyes. Women apply this becoming to devalue their husbands in the eyes of potential rivals: they become unattractive and non-substantial.

Runes used:

  • Kenaz (mirror) - deprives the object of attractiveness;
  • Soulu (mirror) and Laguz - hide the true essence of the object;
  • Mannaz - the object of concealment itself.


Under the influence of this steel, my husband (name) seems to be rivals unattractive and uninteresting. It seems to them that he is not the attention of their attention. (This is if you need to hide your husband)

Under the influence of this steel item (called what) it seems to the thieves of unworthy attention by a bass, they pass by.

(Author BANSHI)


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_70

This runic formula protects car drivers from unforeseen dangerous situations on the road, as well as from unnecessary attention of traffic cops.

Runes used:

  • 2 Algiz - Double Protection
  • Rido - path, road.


The power of this Runic formula protects me (or another person) from (listed that).

Protection of yourself and at home

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_71

This ruffy becomes works on a mirror principle: it makes an impact and sends back unchanged.

Runes used:

  • 2 Isa - stops the negative, blocks further promotion;
  • 2 Kenaz - opens the essence of things, coast of the rune;
  • Hagalaz - destructive action.


This ending with his strength protects me and my home from any negative directional impact, and also returns to the enemy of them created negative.

From envious

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_72

This formula protects the house from envious people who come to visit. The formula can be drawn over the entrance door so that it is imperceptible for incoming.

Runes used:

  • Candle together with Algiz - protection of the home focus;
  • Algiz - Rune of Divine Protection;
  • Tayivaz - creates a powerful protective field.


The power of this steel protects me and my home from the negative energy of envy, evil thoughts and unkind eyes. My house is surrounded by a fiery ring of protection that burns any negative. This formula is safe for men, my loved ones and pets.


Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_73

This becomes used to close the road to a certain person or group of people. For example, so that he does not go somewhere or did not go. You can close ways to competitors or ill-wishers, rivals and mistresses. If you are going to come unwanted guests, this formula will also block them all the ways and approaches to your home. The action of the steel is universal, the reserve determines the direction of energy of the rune. The formula has a tripled force, forming an unreasonable obstacle.

With a turn, you must certainly indicate that the action of the formula does not harm anyone. Because obstacles can be different, up to the accident on the road or serious illness.


  • EVAZ symbolizes the path, direction;
  • Hagalaz has a destructive effect;
  • Rido inverted - overlaps the path;
  • Tourisas inverted acts as a barrier.


The intention for the action of this steel can be expressed by a short phrase: "All the roads are closed and there is no way, it's not to go through / come to such a place." You can also declare. For this, they call each Rune separately and describe the task for it. If you need to block the path to another person, you can simply say: "This runic formula closes the path of Pet to Gale." Then you must certainly specify that the formula does not bring harm to anyone. After these words, you need to activate any available way. If you need to close the path for a long time, make the mascot and periodically activate it.

Author Guardian of Eternity.

Guardian guardian

Rooms and Formulas: Proven and Strong 968_74

This ruffy becoming not just destroys magic influences: it works as a discharge and returns them to the author. Also, the action of Runes the marrow on the one who sent the negative, and prevents new influences on his part. The formula protects against the introduction of astral entities - Larv and subtles. With energy exhaustion restores strength and replenishes energy. In practice, the formula is used not only to protect a person, but also the whole or family (at home). Runes draw pictures of a person or at home, you can also draw signs on the plan of the house or apartment. Suitable for amulet and a wooden plate on which you can smear or cut symbols. Sometimes the formula is drawn on the skin felt-tip pen, you can apply henna.


  • point - symbolizes the person for which it is designed to
  • Rune Soulu - fills becoming solar energy;
  • Runa Odale - is a faithful family, genus, traditions;
  • Rune Yera in the literal and mirror position fixes the result, extends the action of the steel;
  • Icelandic Lögr rune symbolizes negative magic effects;
  • Icelandic rune AK - strengthens the protection of man, family;
  • Icelandic Rune Gar symbolizes the spear of one, which cuts off any negative impact, kranny channels, vampire channels, bindings, etc.;
  • Rune Ingus fills human energy, strengthens it;
  • The yotan marrow acts on the pile, leads it in a circle and deprives the ability to think health.


This Runic Getting Takes away from me (or the name of a person, family, the genus) any magical negative and sends it back the pile. Runes are cut off any vampire bindings, channels, suction cups and locks (overlapping) paths. The formula protects against the subsidence of astral entities, unacceptable and Larv. The action of the formula is directed to the restoration of the energy resource and stabilizing the mental state (the name of the person, the kind, family). Becoming a ridder rippled, a desire to bring the negative on me (family, family), confuses thoughts and blocks intentions. Guardian's guardian works with the blessing of God Odin and under his patronage. The formula completes its work when all negative energies will be eliminated either until I stop his work.

Becoming does not cause physical, psychological, financial harm to me, my native, my pets pets and good spirits living next to us. Also, the formula does not conflict with other runic stans that I use in my practice. The action of the formula does not block the rune streams and the conspiracy words of magical rites that I use or will use in the future. Guardian begins to work since the activation (indicate which one) until I stop its action.


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