How to find a fern flower - why look


Surely you had to hear about the Fern flower. Tom the most in search of which desperate bravemen go on the night of Ivan Kupala. How to find a fern flower and is it really possible to do in principle? What is the old legend about Perunovy? I propose to find answers to the questions set in today's material.

Fern flower

Real facts about ferns

Perhaps, you should start with them. Ferns are a very ancient plant, which appeared on our planet about 400 million years ago! Then they had truly gigantic sizes. Surprisingly, the family of fern survived to the present day. It has a total of about 10,000 species.

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Can fern bloom? To respond to the question, it is worth contacting scientific data. Scientists unanimously argue that this plant refers to the tinerial (along with horses, mshami, plauna and some other species).

The reproduction of ferns occurs solely with the help of disputes or processes (that is, vegetatively). The location of the dispute in the plant is the back side of the leaflet, they are so nondescript that at first glance is not noticeable to man.

For some varieties of ferns, the ejection of the arrow with disputes reminiscent of the inflorescence is characterized, but there is no single flower. Then where did the Slav's myth come from about a magic flower? Let's deal with.

History of the appearance of legends

This exciting and beautiful story tells about Sunny God Semargle, coming by his brother to God Perun. Once the Fiery Semargl met the beautiful goddess of the night pore swimsuit. That for a long time was impregnable, but according to the result, the courting of young God gave up and herself answered him with reciprocity.

But before in love, there was a huge difficulty - the task of the semarlae was to be on the sunny throne, while the tender swimsuit rules in the dark time. In spite of everything, the young did not resist in front of the flame love and June 21 were united together. This day became known as Summer South.

After some time, two kids were born - Kostroma and caught. In honor of such a significant event, Puran's brother was present to the newly minted parents fern fern flower. Hence his second name - Perunov color. The last one had amazing properties and was called upon to give great happiness.

Flowers Ivan Kupala is a myth? Scientific explanation

Above the traditional Slavic version of the legend was described. But there is a second, more landed option. In mid-June, a large number of fireflies appear in nature, whose glow in the fern foliage was taken for a wonderful flower.

Then it becomes quite clear why not everyone is given to see Perunov color, and even more so - to rip it. Of course, because the frightened firefly ceases to emit a glow, hawkening in foliage.

In addition, it is worth noting that in nature there are also poisonous types of ferns. In hot summer weather, they produce specific evaporations in the air, which may well lead to a variety of visual or auditory hallucinations.

It seems everything, the ancient Slavic legend was broken about the granite of science? But it was not there! Ancient belief still has certain bases.

We are talking about two incredibly rare species of the plant - the grazed worker is a half-party (popular name - a key-grass) and an ordinary ugover. In reproduction, they produce something, very resembling flowers - sporangi, dropped in dry weather and popping up to Earth. So, maybe it is about these rare species and was we talking about our ancestors? And it was their searches who were made by Kupalskaya night? Answer to this question today, unfortunately, not to find.

It remains only to build guesses and perceive (or not to perceive) the legend of Perunov in the faith. If you feel about the category of "believing" - then read on. After all, we got directed directly to the process of finding a mysterious plant.

How to find a fern flower

How to find a fern flower

Suppose that Perunov color is not just a legendary, but quite a real plant. Then questions arise - where to engage in his search and why is it in principle necessary for?

According to Slavic, they believed, on the night of Ivan Kupala, exactly at 12 o'clock in the morning, a magical fire-red plant is blooming for a short moment. It radiates such a bright color that it is not allowed to withstand it.

It is believed that fern flower can only be able to find a sincere faith. In the process of the search you need to read special prayers. That lucky who is lucky to tear the Perunov color will gain unprecedented power, and will also begin to see the hidden treasures wherever they are, can open any doors. Therefore, the fern is different about the "gap-grass".

In addition, the fern in Slavs has always symbolized good luck, and according to one of the versions, a person who discovered him will learn to understand the language of plants and animals.

The difficulty of finding the heat-color is that the flower protect perfume at night. They are drunk barely blossomed buds. People believed that if anyone succeeds to get wonderful color - he would have to face many trials from the unclean. One of the versions says that the flower needs to be left where it grew up, until the onset of the morning, while the unclean forces do not lose their power.

Interesting! Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol clearly demonstrated the folk traditions associated with the flowering of fern, in their story "Night on the eve of Ivan Kupala."

When is the magic plant bloom?

According to the same dedication, it happens once for a year - at night from June 23-24 (according to the old style). What the modern calendar corresponds to the night from July 6 to July 7.

In the times of Slavic paganism in this date, our ancestors are sorry for a strong, summer sun. Subsequently, the holiday was transformed by the Orthodox Church. He received another name - Ivanov's day. Christians in the specified date make the memory of St. John the Baptist.

Interesting! One of the legends states that Perunov color is really able to see only once in 100 years.

Where to find a blooming fern?

The plant gives its preference to wet, warm places. It is best to go to look for the shores of lakes, river or swamps. Much less often, but there is a fern in the meadows. Do not forget that the magical color is reliably hiding from a person, his search is greater difficulty. And remember your safety, because the walk in deaf places can end it very sad.

Fern flower

Further actions

Imagine that the desired flower was still found. What to do then? After all, according to the legends, his bloom continues only one moment. Different sources are offered different sources: for example, to carefully hide and rather run away without regardless or neatly carry in their hands. And one more version suggests that the circle should draw around the flower and sit in it until the in the morning.

The most important condition regardless of your actions is leaving, do not turn back.

What to do with Perunov's Further, it is also incomprehensible. Most likely, it must be sued. Then, undoubtedly, he will become the most important instance of home herbarium! Although another legend advises to get rid of the plant rather, throwing it into the river, but at the same time to make his innermost desire.

What does pereunov look like?

An accurate view of a mythical flower remains unclear. According to the stories, we are talking about Aloma "fire" plant large sizes, others - describe its shade as silver, and the third - and they are called a small white flower.

The only common feature in all versions - the color is necessarily glowing. Therefore, it has become popular to refer to snamping, color-light, horizon and heat.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the blossom of fern on Ivan Kupala is a very mysterious event, which may be quite real, and maybe only the fruit of human imagination. Unfortunately, stories about lucky, found color, there are only in the literature, so it is extremely difficult to make an unambiguous conclusion here.

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