When the cuckoo has a birthday and what is a rite


In the May Days celebrate the holiday Kump - the birthday of the cuckoo. In this holiday, unmarried girls and those who have had no children took part in this holiday. On this day, it was possible to hold a unique ritual of the idle - to curtain with a close person, a relative soul. In different parts of Great Rus, the holiday had its own special features, but one remained common - this is a kum.

With the coming of Christianity, the holiday was transformed into reverence of female Mironositz and was timed to the Trinity Days. We've learned from his girlfriend about the cuckoo. At first I did not believe, but then I was convinced that this holiday celebrated our ancestors quite seriously.

In the article, I will tell you what is happening on this day, and what kind of rites can be spent independently.

when the cuckoo has a birthday

Baptism of cuckoo

Guess when cuckoo has a birthday? This day falls at the end of May - on last Sunday. Our ancestors conducted a symbolic rite of baptism of cuckoo and coupling.

Girls and women exchanged crosses and robbed among themselves. After that, they called Kumami, became relatives. The girls gathered in birch groves, brought with them the scrambled and arranged the walk.

Interesting the custom of this holiday: sometimes the idle lasted just a week, and sometimes she continued all his life.

Why was the holiday called baptism? Because by the tradition of the girl were located either around the birch, or around the plant called the crunch of tears. Since this plant resembled a cross, then the holiday began to call - to baptize the cuckoo.

The girls exchanged with each other crosses, which symbolized a strong friendship. On the second day, the crosses returned back to each other - collaborated. Turning birch twigs, girls kissed through the resulting wreaths and gave each other gifts.

During the festivities on the day of the cuckoo, a pair of girls swallowed birch brazes and woven multicolored ribbons in them. This rite was called "Motus." Mothek mobbed for themselves and all their close relatives.

Mothek left until the next day, and then cut and carried to the river. There was a fortune telling about their future: the girl will marry this year or not. If the stuff is tone, then be a wedding.

Cuckoo Day

Funeral cuckoo

After baptism, the cuckoo symbolic funeral was performed on the third day. What did this work mean? In the Russian people, the image of the cuckoo was associated with the dead people, perhaps because of her dreary voice.

Bird, as it were, symbolized longing for the departed. Also, the cuckoo could predict a close death with his kica. This bird is the only one of all feathered, which does not curb the nest and throws his eggs. The symbolic funeral rite of the girl as it were to get rid of these negative aspects of life.

Also, young girls (10-12 years old) said goodbye to the world of childhood and were dedicated to adulthood. This was the sacral meaning of the funeral of his childhood in the image of the cuckoo.

The cuckoo doll was done by all the rules for creating ritual windows: without knife, needles and scissors. The fabric was needed to tear up. Since most often the clothes on the doll were made of burlap, it was not worth breaking it.

Sometimes cucks did from plant components: spruce, rowan, cherry and other tree breeds. Sometimes it symbolized simply a bouquet of herbs and colors: the cricks of the tears were included in the obligatory order.

The cuckoo was put in the improvised Gulgarian: sometimes his role was performed simply a box of food. Sometimes a doll was just hiding without funerals: got rid of the streets, insignificant, lack of their nest (at home).

What is the birthday cuckoo

Unmarried day

Cukushkin Holiday celebrated unmarried girls and childless women, and widow took part in the celebration (optional). The widow often led the holiday, organized all the actions of the participants.

These days, the girls dreaming of getting married, conducted a special rite with birch branches. It was necessary to rip two twigs from a tree and get around the trunk three times around the trunk along the trunk (as the hour arrow goes). Then the girl woven their curl and red ribbon in these twigs. It was necessary to say such words:

Birch twigs we talk, a squeezed in my house. How to fade leaves, it will be time for him to marry him. Amen.

The pigtail was homework and hid under the bed for 40 days. After that time burned.

There was a different rite of marriage - with a ribbon from their underwear. The girl cut out the ribbon and walked with her to birch in the field. There she tied a ribbon to a branch and asked for a good groom's mother. Then she went home without looking back.

Exactly 3 days later it was necessary to return to the ribbon, untie her and hide it in the house to his marriage.

Guess when the cuckoo has a birthday

Divination on the Cukushkin day

The most popular fortunate was the definition of the parties where the narrowed was lived. For this, the girl came to the field and began to spin. Spinned until they fell from the legs. In the direction of his head, they defined the direction where the groom arrived from. If suddenly, under his head, the stick turned out, it served as a familiar to refuse to offer a hand and heart: the husband will beat.

What is the birthday born? This holiday falls on the last Sunday of May.

In the evening, there was another fortune telling on the narrowed. It was necessary to run to the river and dial the water. Then the girl took the wedding carriage of his relative and the wax candle. It was necessary to drip the wax candle in the ring, which lay on the bottom of a waters with water.

Drip until the candle started to smoke. Then the candle was quenched, the wax was taken out and interpreted. You could see the face of the narrowed and even numbers, how old is the girl will marry.

On this day, you can pay on the narrowed and other methods, for example, on tarot cards or through a mirror corridor.

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