Holiday of righteous John Kronstadt in 2021


Holy righteouss in all centuries helped Orthodox Christians to live the life of wisely on the Word of God. Such righteous belongs to St. John. The feast of the righteous John Kronstadt is held annually in different days, they are marked in the church calendar. What helps Saint John? He also freed thousands of people from drunkenness during his life, and after his death continues to assist. The son of our neighbor was constantly in the cock, and only the hot prayers of the father, John, made a miracle: a man completely freed against dependence.

In 1990, the Russian Orthodox Church was canonized St. John Kronstadt, ranked with the saints.

An honorable day was installed - January 2, December 1 and June 14.

Holiday of righteous John Kronstadt

Short life

Ivan Ilich Sergiev was born in the Arkhangelsk province in 1829 on November 1 (according to a new style). Since on the birthday of the boy was honored by the memory of the righteous John Rylsky, the newborn was correctly called his name. Since the child was born very weak, he was quickly dubbed: they were afraid that he would die unresolved. However, after baptism, the baby is cloud not by day, but by the clock, and quickly went on amendment. Parents realized that John was elected by God for a special mission.

John's father sang Psalms on church liturgy, so he always took her son. The boy liked the church atmosphere so much that he preferred reflections on God and prayer to ordinary children's fun. In the six-year-old age, John began to learn a diploma, but could not master the teaching. Despite the hard teachings, he continued to attend school and prayed hard to God so that he gave him an understanding. And one day, as a paddy slept from the eye of the child: he began to understand everything, and the study began to be easy.

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John successfully graduated at first the parish school, and then the spiritual seminary. After the end of the Archangelian spiritual seminary, John was enrolled in the St. Petersburg spiritual seminary for the execution account. There he received a degree of candidate of theology. Since during his studies, his beloved Father died, John all earned (in the office) money sent Mother.

After graduation, John became engaged to the daughter of a priest of the Cathedral of Kronstadt and got there the place cleric. However, the marriage with Elizabeth was inherently fictitious: the couple agreed to keep her virginity, and all his strength to give service to the Lord. The whole life of Saint John took place in Kronstadt, so he was given the name of St. John of Kronstadt.


At that time he reigned in Kronstadt hunger, poverty and immorality. St. John received the mission of serving God, he became an ardent preacher of the word of God for the salvation of perishing souls. Father John was not limited to preaching in the liturgy, he took an active part in the life of his parishioners, was interested in their living conditions. His father John was handing out salary to the needy, currently leaving only what is needed. Saint so loved the people that came to visit the sick and contagious even did not hesitate to help them. How many times he came home without clothes and footwear, because it gave everything to the poor.

For assistance saint I took nothing in return, only asked for one thing: that people do not forget the Lord.

At St. John opened the gift of miracles, and his prayer place of healing from the most terrible and even fatal diseases. People were healed even by the letter of St. John, as many do not have the means to get to Kronstadt. Many lost souls on the path of truth, stop getting drunk and beating his household. Certificates of exemption from drunkenness were thousands: the prayers of the people of St. John left the demons of drunkenness and debauchery.

About miracles saint soon learned the whole of Russia, people have tried to get an appointment with the priest - overcame the hundreds and thousands of kilometers in the hope of help. And in the post office opened a special department for handling letters and telegrams to the Holy Father. John also sent huge sums of money to charity, which he distributed to the needy. If we compare with the current cash rate, the Holy Father through the hands of billions of rubles were held annually. Charitable funds Saint John built a church, an orphanage, Sunday school, shops. Also, two monasteries were built - male and female.

John of Kronstadt Memorial Day

Despite the large sums of money, the Holy Father led a modest life of an ascetic in a small room. Now this room can see everyone: there is a museum. Workday father started at 3am. At 4 o'clock it is already expected by many pilgrims, seeking to attain wise counsel, and receive a blessing. After a hard day's work in the church Father John went to St. Petersburg to the sick and needy, and returned late at night. Sometimes, as in the dream it was no more time.

John Kronstadtsky was called the "All-Russian Batyushka", since it was sought to get from all over our homeland from all over the corners.

Since those who want to confess in their sins were too much, John's father introduced a common repentance: people out loud expressed their sins, some even shouted. Sometimes confession lasted at 12 o'clock: so many people wishing to repent and take the Holy Communion.

When John Kronstadt came to Kharkov, a large crowd of people gathered in front of the cathedral to the cathedral - 60,000 people. Sometimes the honor of the saint reached the absurd. So, after the sermon in Riga, the Padyushki ripped into pieces, as everyone wanted to leave me with him. But most of all believed in the miraculous power of healing everything, which he touched.

Despite his employment, the Holy Father managed to keep a diary, where he recorded his thoughts and observations. According to the records of this diary, a book called "My Life in Christ" was drawn up. This is a very valuable book for every believer, as it teaches the right life in Christ, true ministry. The book became desktop for many thousands of Orthodox. It is impossible to simply read and close: each time the words of the Holy Father are opened in a new semantic value. The book can be reread the whole life, and every time you will definitely open a new truth.

Also, the Holy Father had a gift of witness and prophecy. Many events predicted to them have already come true, other predictions expect their turn to be fulfilled and incarnate into reality. Thus, the Holy Father believed in a special spiritual mission of Russia and Orthodoxy, called the Orthodox Church of a single saving.

Saint John knew in advance about his death, was ready for her and peacefully soiled on 12/20/1908 in old style (according to the new 2nd January 2). More than 10,000 people were attended at the funeral of John, during wires and burial miracles of healing from serious ailments. Military and military banners took part in the funeral. All the way from Kronstadt to the monastery in St. Petersburg were wearing crying believers who came to spend his beloved father on the last path. It was truly nudio love.

John Kronstadt

What helps

Prayer in front of the icon of the righteous John Kronstadt relieves the praying and its relatives from grave destructive dependencies, immoral behavior, disbelief and heresy. You need to read prayers, canon, akathist John. If you read hard, you can listen canon and akathist in audio recordings.

Holy Righteous assists and assistance in:

  • deliverance from any dependencies;
  • acquiring and strengthening faith;
  • strengthening marriages;
  • relief from diseases;
  • successful studies and session;
  • Finding the true meaning of life.

What helped the Holy Father in Life, in that he helps and after his death. The relics of John rest in the John Monastery on Karlovka (St. Petersburg).

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