Theta Haling Meditation - who is worth trying, types of courses


Theta Hiling Meditation is based on the teachings of Wianna Stubble - a girl who has become famous for its unique spiritual practices and clairvoyance abilities. It is believed that such a way of working with consciousness helps to heal life from negative and filled with positive energy.

Who is worth trying theta Hiling meditation?

In order to start practicing, no special knowledge or experience is required. It is enough to have a desire and understand your goals. Therefore, such meditation is attractive both for newcomers in spiritual development and for "advanced users."

Features of Theta Haling

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To whom a similar spiritual practice is suitable:

  1. Everyone who dreams to expand the framework of consciousness and get out of the comfort zone to improve their life and start positive changes.
  2. Everyone who has at least the incarnations of extrasensory abilities and want to develop them. It is useful and already practicing esoterics: shamans, plate, astrologers, numerologists, healers and fortune telkam.
  3. Everyone who is interested in psychology, especially its varieties, like neuro-linguistic programming, coaching, psychotherapy.
  4. People who have their own business and who want to bring it to a qualitatively new, more successful level.
  5. Everyone who is experiencing problems in any of the spheres of life: financial, personal career.
  6. Everyone who is in finding the purpose and notorious "affairs of all life."
  7. Practitioners any other spiritual techniques for the expansion of consciousness and self-development.

Especially effectively theta Hiling meditation works on those who need practice for instant healing of their lives. Try it if you suffer from complexes, uncertainty, fears and phobias, depression.

Meditation features

Before proceeding with the practice, it is important to understand how it works and what purposes helps to achieve.

Theta Hiling Meditation for Instant Healing of Your Life

Features of the Technique of Theta Hiling:

  • You can awaken the hidden forces of your body, which are given to you from nature. This is a dormant potential that has not yet found applications.
  • You will learn to completely relax and control your consciousness in any life situations. It helps to develop awareness, teaches rejoice at the current moment and receive happiness in simple things.
  • You must believe in God, universe or other higher powers, because the religious component of meditation is very important.
  • You will healed your physical body and soul, free from negative emotions and fill the positive energy.
  • You will learn what theta rhythms of your brain are and how they work.
  • You will transfer consciousness to a qualitatively new level and learn how to get the energy from the divine stream.

During meditation, reprogramming consciousness occurs, the standard perception of reality is changing, negative blocks and clamps are eliminated, which stretch in your family from generation to generation. Replace spiritual limitations of true freedom of thoughts.

Types of Courses of Teta Hingling

It is almost impossible to master such a complex meditation independently, you will have to turn to certified coaches. Depending on the level of your spiritual development, they can offer meditation courses that are characterized by the level of difficulty.

Theta Hiling Meditation

The main stages of immersion in theta Hiling:

  1. Elementary. You are aware of and understand how much energy is already in your body. There is a complete immersion in the theta rhythms of the brain, the practices of theta state begins. Each fears and activate the internal reserves of the body to maintain youth and vital energy.
  2. Deep. Knowledge becomes more perfect, you learn to introduce the Metta Hinging techniques in everyday life. At this stage, consciousness changes dramatically, you learn to heal yourself and others from the shipment of the past, cleanse the negative and practice deep work with chakras.
  3. Manifestation of abundance. Advanced level, which teaches easy to fulfill desires and create positive energy radiation around itself. At this stage, negative beliefs and installations are removed and programming for success in all life spheres.
  4. Intuitive anatomy. At this stage there is a complete and deep study of the body at the DNA level. You learn to literally scan your body, understand different internal vibrations, transform energy.
  5. Life game. The final stage in which you learn to implement hidden potential and activate it at full power.

Watch the video about theta Hiling meditation to open energy channels:

Results of regular practices

If you are firmly embedded in your life the Method of the Teta Haling, you can achieve the following results:

  • Take into yourself, the power of your consciousness, in your abilities. Vera will also appear in love and miracles, programming will be programmed on a positive way.
  • Run the processes of self-knowledge, as a result of which the gift of clairvoyance can develop. Learn to hear intuition and correct the foreboding.
  • Learn to help not only yourself, but also others. You will be able to "scan" the body of an outsider and determine which problems exist in his aura.
  • Get skills to work with negative attitudes and limiting beliefs. Decide all sorts of problems in relationships with others.
  • You will have every chance of becoming a happy, successful and harmonious person who knows what he wants from life, and reaches it.

Positive results can touch absolutely any sphere of your life. Many practitioners confirm this. But it is important to understand that the effectiveness depends primarily on how much you are ready for change and actions.

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