Ivan's holiday Kupala: History and Traditions, rites


Ivan Kupala is an old pagan holiday, which at our ancestors was celebrated from June 21 to June 24, fell out on the day of the summer solstice. Today, the date of Kupalskaya night has shifted, it comes from 6 to 7 July.

In this article, we will look at the holiday of Ivan Kupala History, traditions that have come down to us from time immemorial. We learn why this day is looking for a fern flower with myfs and legends.

Holiday Ivan Kupala

Ivan Buy: Holiday History

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Praznik Ivan Kupala Wikipedia says that originally arises from the Eastern and Western Slavs in the era of ozivacy. It is symbolically associated with the summer solstice and the maximum bloodyness of nature. On this day, an astronomical event took place - the shortest night of the year and the longest day.

Interesting! I caught, Cupaylo or Ivanov the day - this celebration is also called.

Buying a group of four Slavic celebrations associated with the position of the daylight luminaries in heaven (along with a collage, Maslenitsa and Radochy). Completes the Russian week.

The day of Ivan Kupala was a nationwide holiday, remaining this and today: so it is celebrated in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, in the Baltic countries and in many corners of Europe. Despite some differences in titles and customs, the use of the elements of fire and water remains common to all - the main attributes of the day.

True, the date of the Kupales Celebration was shifted in the modern world - with the arrival of Christianity, she was timed to the day of the memory of John the Baptist (he came on the old calendar on June 24, and in the new one - it drops on July 7).

Therefore, it can be said that the initial astronomical value of Praznik is lost. Although to date, various organizations exist and successfully function in the Slavic lands, which open people know people about the Slavic-Vedic world and culture.

They have Ivan Kupala noted in its original date established by the ancient Slavs.

Interesting! For the first time, information about the pagan festival appears in the historical document - the Lavrentiev Chronicles (dated 1068th).

Holiday Ivan Kupala: History and Tradition

By tradition, special rituals were performed on this significant day, mystical rituals were carried out. And now the Kupal night has not lost its magic, it is deservedly considered the most mysterious in the year. The main symbols of the holiday are the elements of fire and water, as well as herbs.

The celebration of Ivan Kupala from our ancestors began in the evening of June 23. This day was called an aggraphed bathing. A fine sex representatives went to the forest to search for materials, from which the bath brooms subsequently did.

The materials served the branches of young trees (willow, birch, alder, cherry and other deciduous plants). Also, women necessarily spill wreaths.

Holiday Ivan Kupala

On Agraphene, the swimsuit girls had to be climbed into the best clothes and start walking at home fellow villagers with a request "Cleaver." To her, they were given different decorations (seelings, beads, ribbons, bracelets).

As for young people, the day before Ivan Kupalah, they went to the river, where they filled the vest with dirty water. She should have the passers-by people and the strongest, of course, girls. The same did not remain in debt, trying to hide the leisurers too. In general, guys and girls have fun on this day from the soul.

And in the evening, they were sure to wash the dew, because it was believed that it would provide good health. In addition, fortune-telling of lonely people began on the future husband. There were many different, for example, on the plantation. The plant broke out, while they sentenced such words:

"Plantain-Platterina, you grow by the road, you see old and small, show me your beloved."

They took him home with them, and at night were placed under the pillow. According to believe in that night in a dream, a potential narrowed was dressed in a dream.

In front of the day Ivan Kupala was cleaned with dirt from the wells so that the pure water was gaining. And in individual villages there were an interesting custom of ria ride. His symbolism was to attract a generous harvest in the new year.

Interesting! On the night of June 23-24, it was necessary to swim in the night: the Northern Slavs went to the bathhouse, and the southern - preferred natural reservoirs.

When the evening came, more interesting actions began to be held. They all concerned fire, water and herbs. So, when the sun was hiding behind the horizon, large bonfires were divorced on the hills.

Carefully watched the flame to go out before the onset of dawn. In some villages, people took a fire from a fire with themselves, brought in a dwelling, fueling fire from him in a homely focus. All women living near the house should have been gathering around the fire, because otherwise they could be chopped by witches.

But back to the big fires burning on natural hills. In the night of Ivan Kupala, mass guys of young people were arranged: dances were found, there were funny bathing songs.

Also a mandatory tradition - jumping through fire. But she meant not just entertainment, but had a deep sacred value: purified from negative energy, flesh, the evil, the ailments of bodily and spiritual.

To this end, they tried to burn clothes in which he was seriously sick. And here they came up with Kupalskoy fortune telling - they say, who will be able to jump above all, for that coming year will be very happy.

A couple of young men and girls should jump over the fire together, holding hands. It was believed that if in the jump they did not open hands, then the wedding is surely waiting for them. Very good sign, if the numerous sparkles began to fly away from the fire.

Interesting! The inhabitants of the Kiev province had a strict rule concerning Kupaal jumps through the flame: if the girls had already lost innocence, then this rite was banned for them. So that they do not desecrate the energy of the fire.

In some regions, the Slavs focused on Ivanov, not only lights, but also wheels, resin barrels, which symbolized Solvorka. They should have rushed from the hillock or solemnly carry on the pole.

Holiday Ivan Kupala

Ivan trained tradition: mandatory swimming in reservoirs

Remembering how the holiday of Ivan Kupala in Russia was held, it was impossible not to mention the mass bathing in rivers and lakes. The celebration of the summer solstice was preceded by the RUSIAL week, during which it was forbidden to dip in natural reservoirs.

But to Ivanov, the Day of Mermaids, Leshel and Other representatives of the unclean chosen ashore, so people had everybody bathed until the onset of Ilyin of the day. In addition, it was believed that water in the river on the day of the joons acquires amazing healing properties and this is another cause of traditional swimming.

Wreath was another of the characteristic attributes of the Kupali holiday. Girls specifically collected wild herbs and flowers for him, and then spilled beautiful wreaths. According to their tradition, lonely girls gave pretty young people.

They could still quit the river, burn on a fire, throw on a tree or home and even attributed to the cemetery. In some cases, wreaths remained and used to protect the garden and garden from the forces of the elements, harmful insects or during treatment.

Kupalskoy fortune telling with a wreath was very popular. He was conceived by the most secret desire, and then sent along the river, watching what to take into account:

  • If the wreath is silent - it means that the dream is not destined to come into life;
  • And if sailed far, far away, then it will soon come true.

Similarly, fortune telling on the narrowed:

  • If the wreath paid - it means that the girl could prepare for the wedding this year;
  • And if silent - there was still at least 12 months of loneliness.

They still followed the direction in which the wreath sailed - from the other side it was worth expecting the arrival of the future spouse.

On the night of Ivana, not only water was used, but the herbs ended with magical power.

It was believed that they receive the maximum amount of energy from the Mother Earth and Yarily-Sun. Therefore, it was necessary to collect them with the subsequent dross. Moreover, some of the varieties of herbs gathered in the day, and some in the evening day. This process as usual was accompanied by reading special prayers and conspiracies.

Search Flower Flower in Kupalskaya Night

Well, of course, listed Ivan trained tradition, you need to mention the magic fern. It was him that in the shortest night of the year they were sent to look for desperate coupling, not afraid of the tricks of unclean power. After all, she, by believing, will build a different goat, preventing breaking the cherished flower.

Interesting! The custom of the search of a fern flower is colorfully demonstrated by the work of N.V.Gogol "Evening on the eve of Ivan Kupala".

If briefly, it is believed that the flower of the fern (or otherwise the Perunov color) blooms only once a year - Kupalskaya night. And the lucky one who succeeds to break the plant will be endowed with stunning opportunities: he will learn to foresee the future, will be able to find hidden treasures, will learn to speak in animal language and open any castles.

It can be concluded that the day of Ivan Kupala was and remains the most important holiday of Slavs. And although the times have changed a lot, but the Cupal rites and rituals, fortune tells and the search for cherished Perunovoy color are still popular.

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