How to forget the former - how to close gestalt


We are accustomed to think that only girls suffer from severe parting, but it is not. Men are often interested in how to forget the former to stop experiencing painful pain and longing on failed relationships. In this article, I share the only right ways.

Work with subconscious

Every person who appears in your life is the reflection of your subconscious installations and programs. Therefore, at the very beginning, it is necessary to analyze which lesson you will be presented specifically this girl and what can be done so that the script does not repeat in the following relationships.

how to forget the former girl

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For example:

  1. If it turned out that the girl met with you only because of money, perhaps in your subconscious there is an installation that "all women mercantile". In accordance with this program, life leads to you people who correspond to it. If you change this setting on "I am worthy of love just like that," then you will have to meet completely other young ladies.
  2. If the girl was not considered with your opinion, humiliated and insulted, it is worth working on self-esteem and the state of love for yourself. Perhaps you are not sure enough, consider yourself unattractive or stupid. Analyze and realize for what reason your relationships are so.
  3. And so, step by step to analyze all the problems in the former relationship. Determine what your subconscious programs have caused a gap. And start changing negative installations on positive.

Important: This is not about the feeling of guilt, but about responsibility. You must admit that you created your relationship yourself. They chose exactly such a girl, solved the problems in their way, they were experiencing that the emotions that will be given will. And in the same way in your power to radically change the situation.

Recommendation: Read the Book "Radical Forgiveness" Colin Tiping to heal from negative emotions and truly release the completed relationship, having ceased to suffer and blame women in all mortal sins. This may be enough if your case is not too running.

If it is not possible to cope with negative emotions, consult a psychologist. The specialist will help not just forget the former girl, but also to meet a new one in the future and build completely different, happy and harmonious relationships with it.

Physical Actions

At the second stage it is important to fill your life with active actions. This will secure the results of mental work and will return you to the real world, in which there is no pain and suffering.

How to forget former

What psychologists recommend:

  1. Ask the head to load you by work. Stay a hundred percent, do not be lazy to linger and overfulfill the plan. Labor is the best cure for sincere experiences.
  2. Take care of sports if you have never done this. Or increase the load if training for you is the usual business. It is physical hard work that it best removes negative emotions. After a heavy load, you cannot suffer, the forces will remain only to reach the bed.
  3. Try a new one. Enough reboot the subconscious views of the active recreation and entertainment, which bring you out of the comfort zone. For example, you can jump with a parachute or perform on the stage, if you have never done it. Before the start of action, you should be scared - overcome this fear.

These recommendations will help to get rid of suffering, experiences and thoughts about the former Passia. There is an additional bonus - you will become more attractive, stronger and richer if you do all points. So, a new girl will meet even easier.

Wedge Wedge

On the Internet, for example, in the themes of male forums, you can find tips like: "Caedius a new girl, and everything will remove everything!" Should I use this method? Psychologists argue that it is impossible, and I agree with them.

I can not forget the former girl

Why such a method is dangerous:

  1. There is a risk of coming on the same rake and meet a copy of the former. Life does not just send us certain people. Everyone is a teacher. And if you have not learned a lesson, you will get a teacher even more hard. That is why you first need to deal with your feelings for a former girl before finding a new "tormenting".
  2. If a new girl falls in love with you, and you still feel feelings for the old passion, then you will make an unhappy not only yourself, but also one person who is not to blame for your problems. No need to revenge all women for misconduct some one, the relationship with which failed.
  3. You will not healed your longing and sadness with a new person. This is not a medicine, but an anesthetic. Sooner or later, the period will come when they still have to sort out itself, and not run from old problems to new relations.

We summarize: first we treat your injuries, learn to be happy alone, forget the former girl. And only then begin to think about new relationships. It works only such an algorithm, although it is more complicated than just start a light imagine.

Check the video on the topic:

How to close Gestalt

It is very important to properly complete the relationship so that there are no problems in the future. In psychology, this is called the closure of Geshtalta. This means that together with the girl you put all the points above "and" and said goodbye to the world.

If your parting has passed svabno, it is very important to make these steps. But after you can already talk to the former calmly.

What to do:

  • Offer to meet or phoned.
  • Self say that you want to peacefully complete the relationship.
  • Start a conversation with gratitude. Remember the good moments and sincerely tell you "Thank you."
  • Ask forgiveness for the unpleasant moments and resentment that you have caused to her.
  • Let the girl express - let her also give his mind to the situation.
  • Peerly say goodbye and disagree.

If the girl refused to meet, you can write her a letter according to this scheme. Send it not necessarily. It is important that you mentally put the point and say everything.


  • To forget the former, first analyze that in your behavior and subconsciousness it was the cause of parting. Promise yourself no longer make mistakes. Change negative mental programs on positive.
  • Load yourself with work, sports and new hobbies.
  • Close Gestalt.
  • And enjoy life - after some time, the memories of the unsuccessful novel will be left, and you can start new, happy and harmonious relationships.

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