Taoist Practices for Women - Exercises for Disclosure Sexuality


How to become the most desirable man for your beloved man? A woman looks like a flower that fascinates with her beauty and gives a unique fragrance of love. How to reveal the mysterious potential of attractiveness, charm and sexuality? Women's Taoist practices developed by Eastern Masters Tao helps in this. Please note: in every woman there is a non-painted sexual potential. It is not necessary to work out, it needs to be revealed in itself!

Taoist practices

Beginning practice

To learn how to work with Daoist practices, which every woman will give a magic inner transformation, you need to master the ability to concentrate on the same image and learn visualization. These are two main skills that will be required for classes.

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Taoist wise men argue that the main life task of each woman is the ability to accumulate and save energy. It is necessary to spend the accumulated energy only on your loved ones and relatives, supporting family comfort and comfort. This is different from the European mentality of truth, but it is in it that there is a grain of wisdom - to live a happy life filled with joy.

Secrets Dao.

What is the secret of Taoist practices for women? It is based on several statements:

  1. Ability to love yourself.
  2. Regular breast massage for disclosure of sexuality.
  3. The ability to "breathe" the ovaries.
  4. The ability to thank myself for everything.

Consider these items in detail.

Taoist Practices for Women

Love for me

Not every woman knows how to love himself, many look in the mirror and quietly hate their body and face. This is a very big misconception! It is necessary to enjoy your body, even disadvantages. How can this be achieved? Just imagine that you are the only woman all over the world and can not be more beautiful.

Come to the mirror and smile your own image. You are the only woman on Earth, and your beauty is a beauty standard. Funny belly or hips are too big? It is not scary at all, but just beautiful. After all, it is you! Start love yourself from this second and do not stop doing it never.

Enjoy your belly, hips, hands, face, hair - they are the only in the world! Love yourself in front of the mirror, while taking a shower or bath. Plesh yourself with cosmetics, use the baths of aromatic gels and foams. Love yourself with the whole soul, admire yourself. At the same time, it does not matter what other people think about your beauty and what they look.

You have extra 10 kg, and they spoil your beauty? Not true, beauty they do not spoil - you are the most beautiful woman on the ground. But these kilograms spoil your health, so they need to get rid of them. Do not allow that something can spoil your beauty - this will only lead to low self-esteem and complexes.

Breast massage for women

Massage breast

Why do you need to do breast massage yourself? Because he normalizes women's health, and sexuality depends on women's health. Sexual can only be a completely healthy woman. Also, the breast massage normalizes the monthly cycle, from which health and sexuality depends. How to make a massage?

Important! Exercises are necessary with great love for yourself, otherwise they will not bring the result.

Take one breast in the palm (cover it with palm) and take 9 times the rotational movements along the clockwise arrow. The central part of the palm should cover the nipple. Now slightly push the palm on the chest together with the exhalation of the air - I exhale and press it out. So 10 times with each breast. Then start performing exercises with ovaries.

Breath of ovarian

How can I breathe ovaries if they have no respiratory agencies? If there is no, then you can imagine. Just imagine that your ovaries have a small spout through which the air is inhaled. This little trick will help you to adjust the exercise process. The second version of the presentation: Your vagina is a nose, and the ovaries are light. Inhale the vaginal air and feel like it fills both ovaries.

Practice progress:

  1. Sit on the edge of the sofa or chair, breaking the legs slightly (they should not touch each other).
  2. Put the palms on the feet with the back side and relax. Feel the heat that fills your body: this is a warmth of love for yourself and the world.
  3. Put your palms on your ovaries - to the right and left.
  4. Make soft massage movements with palms, feel the filling of ovaries with warmth and energy.
  5. Start breathing the ovaries - clean air comes in the breath in them, in exhalation - dirty. Do it at least 90 times in a row, and better - 180 times. When performing breathing, strain and relax the abdominal muscles: in the breath of the belly inflates, it is squeezed on exhale.
  6. Put your palms on the navel and start making circular movements in different directions - clockwise / counterclockwise.
  7. Complete the practice of gratitude to the Universe and yourself for happiness to be a woman.

How often do you need to practice this exercise? Ideally - every morning and evening. After exercise, you must feel that every cell of your body shines health, love and beauty. You radiate love that is inside you. You are the love of the world! Keep this feeling all day. After a while you will notice positive changes within yourself and outside.

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