Self-sufficiency: what is his features, examples


How often we do not think at all about what we are talking. At worst, we think about how to correctly formulate your thoughts according to the rules of Russian grammar, without paying any attention to the energy component of words, proposals and the whole text. And very in vain, because words are of great strength, which is clearly evidenced by self-suggestion. What is it and how does it work in our lives? Let's rather understand!

Self-pressure: What is it?

Self-pressure - what is?

Wikipedia finds that self-sucking is a suggestion by a person who has the most defined images, thoughts, feelings.

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Most likely, you paid attention to that some text (or a book), although they are written from the position of compliance with all the rules of spelling, they are read quite enough, "do not go." And others, on the contrary, grab literally "on the fly." Moreover, for all people, these "complex" and "simple" texts differ markedly.

What does it depend on? Here there is a mysterious and fully studied suggestion phenomenon: constantly repeating some phrases, we are at the level of unconscious, regardless of our desire, put them in the hidden areas of the brain. And then perceive information with the participation of these phrases as a more easy, understandable and familiar.

It is on this that the principle of the impact of advertising seeking to inspire us to buy that or another product or thing. It is amenable to such an influence, afterwards very often we discover that the purchase was not very necessary, but no money for it is no longer possible ...

Indeed, words are of great strength. No wonder there is a people's saying "The word wounds, the word treats." And sometimes even kills! Therefore, it is so important to keep track of your expressions and even for thoughts, because they make our lives that it is.

What power is self-sufficient

In a person's life, not very pleasant events, both small and sufficiently serious, interfering to enjoy life in full, occur. And, unfortunately, we rarely strive to cope with them on their own, preferring to believe that the world around will become our Savior.

Therefore, we are listening and take note of the recommendations of your close environment, relatives, authoritative psychologists. We read all sorts of thematic articles, watch video, etc. And also - stuffing themselves with antidepressants and are still waiting for us when promised happiness will fall apart. Of course, everything described above has its own effect, but it does not always go only for advantage.

Is it possible to learn how to get rid of problems without using medicines that do not listen to everyone around, but simply inspiring the necessary information? Even official medicine confirms that you can! This phenomenon is widely known in it and is called the "placebo effect".

Placebo effect Popular in medicine

What is placebo? This effect is based on a targeted or unconscious suggestion by the doctor that a specific factor (medication, method of operation) can bring the desired result.

Practice shows that the person's faith is actually capable of real wonders, and the placebo itself does not have any influence on patients! In the case when the patients are morally configured to the fact that the drug normalizes their condition, their indicators begin and truth to change for the better. The most important thing is sincere faith in their thoughts.

Placebo phenomenon has many documented confirmations. For example, you can recall the Italian physician Fabrizio Benedetti. The doctor treated Parkinson's disease from his patients, but introduced them intravenously not a medicine with a dopamine content, but a solution of the sole salt. Of course, patients did not know about it and were confident that these therapy were held.

The results of the Fabrizio experiment were stunning: people reacted to the salt solution in the same way as to the medication, because they themselves inspired themselves, which is really treated! With its sensational experience, Dr. Benedetti was able to prove that the introduction of a solution of the patient's patients under the influence of patients's brain caused the production of dopamine, in which those who have Parkinson syndrome need.

Similar results achieved other doctors, conducting experiments with anesthesia, rheumat therapy, steaks in the stomach and even oncology!

It becomes just scary to think about how we affect our body and health! But thanks to such amazing opportunities of our brain, we have a chance to inspire positive attitudes and programs that will change your life for the better. How to do it, consider further.

Self-pressure in psychology: examples

The use of self-adhesive techniques with therapeutic goals is gaining its most popular in Europe in the past century. A lot of interesting information on this issue was proposed by specialists Kue, Bodouen and Pierce.

Separately, talk about Emile Coue - French psychologist and pharmacist who became famous all over the world due to the success of his clinic auto-suggestion (Nantes, France). He began as a modest pharmacist, later insights into the psychophysiology, and offered a whole system of their own concepts about self-hypnosis.

Healing System Emile Coue was called "introspection school with the help of a conscious self-hypnosis."

The doctor argued that an arbitrary self-hypnosis should be done without any violence against him. Similar is the method of suggestion. It is important to implement it as simple as possible, without effort.

Emile Coue photos

To resort to this method? You need to choose for themselves the language that is most important (for example: "I am healthy (healthy)"). Then repeat it twice a day - in the morning, only to wake up, and in the evening, about to go to sleep. Pronouncing it should be so that you are clearly heard his words.

Coue believed that the latter condition is indispensable. Number of repetitions of exemplary formulations reaches twenty times. Say the monotonous tone of the statement, not concentrating their attention on what they say. The expert spoke about the need to completely install the mechanical repetition, believing that through the organs of hearing it will penetrate into the unconscious area, where to start operating.

In this process, you may encounter a loss of attention. For its concentration Cue gives advice to use a cord, which is applied to the number of knots, how many times you repeat the phrase. Enumerates these nodules like beads in the pronunciation of the time, then you will not go astray from the account.

pronounce on the time a formulation you will be able to in about 15-20 minutes. Cue advised to use the statement:

"Getting better and better every day in every way I am."

This formula has the general character. Although Cue urged monotonous pronunciation phrases while maintaining the same accent, he believed that the need to emphasize the semantic group "in all respects." This is due to the fact that the person performing the practice in remote areas of the brain can be hidden thoughts like the following:

"I believe that self-suggestion will help me in every way, but it is unlikely that something can be done to my liver."

The doctor recommended that as soon as you feel the deterioration of the general state of health, privacy, close his eyes and quickly repeat the assertion

"My illness disappear, disappear, disappear ..."

A few more similar workouts are eliminated from nervous disorders or physical pain. Also, in addition to the general formulas, various specialized installations can be detected to treat specific diseases.

Self-pressure is very useful

Another specialist - Ruhah allocates short self-adhesive formulas, programming our subconscious to fulfill the specifically set task. For example, if a person wants to believe in himself, he should repeat the installation:

"I can, I can, I can."

If you want to cope with the speech defect:

"My speech is a quick and free, remains calm."

You can use even more specpated verbal formulas.

For example, considering the group dependence on alcohol or narcotic substances, it is worth trying such a suggestion:

"I finally decide to cope with the harmful habit. No matter how my friends persuaded me, I would not give in to their persuasion, my decision remains unchanged. "

The process of self-imposition of the listed formulas remains the same as in the case of the general formula of KUE. They should be pronounced in the morning and evening hours, and if necessary, throughout the day. Make it all the same monotonous voice, pre-retired in a quiet place, where no one disturbs.

And it is important that you use the most simple, "children's", as Kue called them, formulas. After all, they are not intended for our consciousness, not for the critical "I", but only as a presentation, a program for an unconscious "I". And for him, the best effect will be observed as once from the "children's" formulations simplified to a minimum.

In conclusion

You can sum up the results of the article:

  • Self-alumination is a huge force that allows a person to heal even from serious diseases and make his life as you want to see.
  • Performing self-sucking, it is necessary to use the simpler options for the wording, not complicating them.
  • It is important to be regular - to engage in self-sufficiency every day in the morning and in the evening to get the right action.

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