Who is the hermit monk, and how it differs from the monk


What is different from a monk and a priest who is a skhimnitsa? My friend's son decided to dedicate his life to Christ, and retired to a monastery. The woman was very worried for separation from the only son, and I decided to learn about monastic ordination details. Hermit - this is the last and highest stage of initiation and renunciation of the world, but first the neophyte just living at the monastery and is a novice. Why do Orthodox Christians become monks, prompting renounce the world? I will tell you about it in the article.

hermit and rassophore

The history of monasticism

In the old days they were called hermits hermits or hermits, as they first lived in the desert. In the V century hermitage was replaced by a gate, and the monks began to live in monasteries. But over time the shutter was no longer a prerequisite skhimnichestva. Hermit could distinguish by their clothes, so the name "schema" refers specifically to the clothes. Subsequently, clothes and ascetic way of life joined by vows.

Today, the Great Schema can be distinguished by a special peaked cap, called cockle.

The first monks appeared in Syria and Egypt in the IV and III centuries BC. The purpose of monasticism was the acquisition of salvation through the life of Christ . The early Christians understood literally commandments of Christ and apostles of farewell, so renounced worldly things completely. According to the first Christians, the world is filled with evil and the source of evil is mortal body. That body is susceptible to numerous temptations that can be overcome through prayer and fasting.

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Monk took the vows:

  1. non-possession (of poverty);
  2. chastity (celibacy);
  3. obedience (the rejection of his will).

vow of poverty It involves a complete rejection of any property. Monk does not belong even writing pen, he has nothing. This voluntary renunciation of all things of the world, because they are no longer needed. It lost all interest in earthly things because of their uselessness. Monk enjoys things only in extreme necessity.

Celibacy not only does away with life together with her husband (oops), but the denial of sex in general. That is only the soul, but it does not have sex important to humans.

vow of obedience It indicates that the person is no longer their own desires. There is only one desire - to constantly be with the Lord. The vow of monastic life in the monastery is realized unquestioning obedience to the abbot. However, unquestioning obedience involves not unquestioning obedience against his will, and joyful service.

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The first monks went to the caves or deserted places to live away from worldly temptations. Over time, they began to form monastic communities - monasteries. They took new members of the community and carried out them through the trials to check the hardness of the intention of life in Christ. Tests assumed complete obedience and renunciation from their own will.


Monasticism in Russia

In Russia, the monks called inocities. This is the Russian name formed from the word "other." Also monks and nuns called Chernets and Chernitz (because of the black clothes). Why did people in Russia managed to voluntarily in the monks and renounced the world? Because he lost its attractiveness and meaning for them. The first monks were hermits and wildlife, they voluntarily left people to their "paradise". The cave for them was the paradise bunks filled with grace and a special meaning.

If a person feels a special proximity to God within himself, he decides to go to the monastery for ministry. Monasticism has three dedication steps:

  1. Ryasofor (ink);
  2. Small schima;
  3. Great schima.

When the monastery dooms do not pronounce the monastery, this is the degree of novice in the monastery. Inok is preparing for a suspension to the samples, he studies God's Word and mastering the basics of monasses. The novice gets the right to carry a robe that symbolizes repentance and crying, as well as renunciation from the worldly bustle . Literally from the Greek word "Row" is translated as "Old, Lost". However, Ryasofor may not get a new name.

One of the first famous monks in Russia was Anthony Pechersky, founding Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

Small schima assumes receipt of a new spiritual name, the monk gives vows poverty (incubation), virgins and obedience. Malostech can be distinguished from the Ryasophore with the presence of a special sleeveless cape (mantle), which dresses on top of a rode. From the moment of tons, the monk gives a vow of severe asceticism.

The monk Skimnik has new holy patrons, they are much more than that of a simple believer or ryasophore.

Great Schima is the highest level of monastic initiation, which can be achieved not every monk. Great Schima implies a complete alienation from a worldly life for unity with Christ . Great schima is called the Great Angelic way. The monk pronounces the same vows, but it is obliged to perform them in a more severe form. Also, with a great schime, they give a new spiritual name.

Rev. Nile Mymotypers about monastic:

Who is the hermit monk, and how it differs from the monk 4983_3

Why are Schima called an angelic way? Because the victorious acquire the similarity of Angels, as they are completely rented from the world (as if dying for him). They chose to become similar angels, fully lose contacts with the world of people for communication with God.

Grace of Schima is referred to as the Holy Fathers by the second baptism.

Why does Shimons get a new name? Because he dies for the earthly world and is born for new - mountain. The new name of the monk hears the first time when he knew, he gives his spiritual mentor. Having received a new name, the monk is aware of themselves with a completely different person.


Skimnikov ministry

What is the difference between the obedience of samples from obedience of Ryasoforms? They have only one obedience - the spiritualism and departure of the liturgy. In a word, Greater Summy do not do anything but prayer service . Ryasofor performs various works in the monastery on a par with labor (residents living in the monastery). He passes a kind of art - an exposure test.

After the art was successfully completed, initiations begin. At first, the person will be tonsured in Inaka, then into samples. These initiations differ from each other by the number of visits given and the peculiarities of ascetic behavior. Skimniks completely leave all earthly affairs and care to devote themselves prayer. Prayer in Christianity is the highest virtue, as it allows to combine the spirit with the Lord.

Who is the hermit monk, and how it differs from the monk 4983_5

Schimons and Schimonakhin are trying in everything in all in their lives the image of Bogochelovka - Jesus Christ. This is the most important and meaningful in their lives. Everything else is fading compared to the Lord's light and his grace.

However, the period of obedience can stretch for many years, and a person may die novice. Why it happens? because Monasticism is not a choice of man, but a calling . If the abbot of the monastery does not see the vocation in a person, there will be no tonsure. A person can be completely confident in his election, but after a few years it can doubt it. Therefore, the responsibility for the posture falls on the abbot of the monastery, which should determine the truth of intentions and choosing the path of the novice.

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