Practice of conscious dreams: how to enter the OS


The practice of conscious dreams allows a person to cope with different psychological problems, improve its physical condition, produce valuable ideas and much more. How to learn to enter the OS and manage them - try to understand the material below.

Conscious dreams: what is it?

Conscious dreams (Abbreviated OS) should be distinguished from astral or psychedelic travel. The difference between the conscious dream and is usual is that in the first case there is a day consciousness. That is, in fact a person sleeps, but it is capable of thinking critically, control the actions performed in a dream.

Practice of conscious dreams

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It sounds unrealistic, however, the phenomenon of the OS has long and seriously studied by scientists. And if earlier scientifically did not recognize them, referring to the category of fiction, now, with the opening of different phases of sleep, the situation has changed dramatically.

Today Conscious dreams are quite confirmed scientific fact . Researchers are studying their features.

American psycho-physiologist doctor Stephen Laberg became one of the first who began to understand the issue of OS from the position of science . It was also the first experiment, which confirmed the presence of conscious activities from a sleeper person.

Features of conscious dreams

Let's talk about distinctive features that distinguish the OS. So, according to Paul Toli - a German psychologist, a researcher of this topic and the author of the book "Announced Dreaming" There are 7 basic "symptoms", the fact that you are experiencing a conscious dream, namely:
  • You are aware that you sleep, you dream dream;
  • You have to influence the events of sleep;
  • Thinking in a dream is preserved clear;
  • You feel great to remember your real life;
  • able to distinguish odors, tastes, sounds, touch;
  • Aware that exactly happens with you;
  • able to fix the sealing events in the chronological sequence.

True, it is necessary to add here to add that the aforementioned Stephen Laberge, which is the founder of the OS scientific study method, is confident that the participant of a conscious dream may not be able to control what is happening.

He talks about the difference of dreams: There are usual when we manage to change the development of events, and there are conscious, but their plot develops regardless of our wishes.

How to change your life with the OS?

Conscious dreams are beautiful in that they are preserved absolutely all sensations from real life.

You can enjoy the taste of your favorite dish or kissing with a pretty stranger. But although many people seek to use the OS to implement their sexual fantasies or for the purpose of entertainment, this is not limited to.

In fact, such horses have great potential:

  • Allow to solve psychological problems (eliminate fears, phobias, find a solution of different tasks). Suppose a person is panicly afraid of heights. Then in the process of the OS, he begins to work on his fear, gradually overcoming it without consequences for himself.
  • Successfully treat nightmares.
  • Help generate new creative ideas. The fact is that in a conscious dream, a person "communicates" with all aspects of his personality, as a result of which often experiences an attack of creative inspiration. Therefore, the practice of such dreams will be useful to poets, writers, musicians, artists experiencing creative stagnation.
  • We train and develop different skills, ability, than provide personal growth, increase the quality of life.

In general, we dealt with the positive aspects of the OS. It remains to understand how to get into a conscious dream, what should I do for this?

Stephen Labers

How to enter the recognized dream: types of methods

There are different types of methods of entering the OS. Consider the most popular of them:
  • Methods of direct entry . In this case, a person is included in a conscious dream of wakefulness. Plus such methods - they can be treated for help regardless of the time of day. The practitioner closes his eyes, performs special equipment and enters the OS. Direct entry implies the occupation of a comfortable position, the cover of the eyelids and their relaxation with the subsequent control of their physical population.

A significant minus of such methods is quite complex for beginners.

  • Ways of indirect entry . Techniques for entering the OS are performed in the border state between sleep and wakefulness. That is, a person to go to bed, reaches the state of half daisy and in it begins to perform special techniques to achieve conscious sleep. Plus of these methods - relative simplicity. Minus - a great risk to fall asleep until the morning.
  • Method of pure awareness . It is considered the most natural. In this case, awareness occurs already in the process of sleep. True, this method is very difficult, it turns out not at all even experienced practitioners.

How to get into an informed dream:

To understand how to do it correctly, you need to, first of all, understand different phases of sleep. In most cases, the sleep cycle begins a slow-film phase, which lasts about 90 minutes. It was characterized by a feeling of falling, the loss of primary and secondary consciousness.

To preserve the awareness, it is necessary to go into the shortwall phase (at this stage the primary consciousness is activated, sleeping sees a dream). During the night, there are a change of about 5 sleep cycles, and dreams in their duration can vary from 5 to 60 minutes.

Scientists have established that it is best to enter a conscious sleep in the middle of the 4th cycle - when the stage of slow, but the short sleep phase has not yet begun. On average, it comes 5-6 hours after falling asleep.

Interesting! To determine the phases of sleep, use the wrist tracker with a special sensor.

Use one of the following techniques.

  1. WBTB. (Reduction from English Wake-back-to-Bed). Translated means "wake up and lie again." You will need to wake up 60 minutes before usual. Then you need to get up and wander from half an hour to an hour (very good if you read information on the OS topic during this time). Then go to bed again. According to the results of scientific research WBTB Increases OS chances from 15 to 20 times.
  2. WSIB (Reduction from English Wake-Stay-in-Bed). Translated as "wake up, but do not get up." This method is designed for people who experience difficulties with re-falling asleep after the activity period.

Therefore, you will need to just wake up before the deadline, a quarter of an hour to lie down, remembering the details just seen sleep. At the same time set up that I will definitely survive the OS.

Practice of conscious dreams

How to extend awareness: Technique Stephen Laberzhe "Rotation"

It helps to slow down the accommodation OS, making it more rich. Technique "Rotation" implies the following actions:
  1. Make sure that the dream gradually disappears (everything begins with the disappearance of visual visions, and ends with the disappearance of tactile sensations).
  2. Then begin to rotate like a yula.
  3. In the process of rotation, repeat yourself that at the end of the cycle you will definitely see sleep.
  4. After completing to rotate, check your condition to make sure you sleep or not.

According to the assurances of Stephen himself, its method can be applied with equal success both beginners and experienced practitioners. He himself says that in 85 percent of cases with the help of the rotation technique, it was returned to the OS.

Technique "Incubation of an informed dream"

Her authorship also belongs to Stephen Labing. The purpose of the implementation is to program the plot of your conscious dream (time, place, circumstances, a specific question). The method is produced in 5 stages:

  1. You clearly formulate your intention, write it on a piece of paper. Suppose "I want to see Disneyland."
  2. After that, go to bed.
  3. Falling asleep, visualize a dream associated with your request theme. Concentrate mentally only on this image.
  4. Entering the OS, once again formulate your intention.
  5. When the goal was achieved, you woke up, remember and write down the plot of your conscious sleep (to help for further practices).

Tips for successful entry in OS

They will help you in working on informed dreams.

  1. Meditate before falling asleep. Even in the absence of additional actions, the chances of surviving OS multiple times will increase.
  2. More sleep - and the larger number of hours you will spend in a dream, the only better. Ideally, it should be 24 hours a day, then the probability of the OS will rise almost to 100%. Of course, this Council is not always possible to implement in the realities of the modern world, and not all people will be able to sleep for so long. But if you have the opportunity, then try.
  3. Think more on this topic: Read the appropriate literature, communicate with like-minded people. Thoughts about conscious dreams will help easier to enter the right state.
  4. Before the departure to sleep, consciously tune in to the fact that you will definitely see a conscious dream. Believe in this setting, eliminating any doubts. But start practicing self-sucking on the OS no earlier than 60 minutes before falling asleep. Otherwise, your desire will not be so strong.
  5. Remember your night vision. In the morning, immediately awaken, do not jump off the bed, and mentally go through all the details you have seen at night. If you wish, you can even begin to keep a special dream diary.
  6. Find a serious motivation, why do you need OS. If you just want to praise, for some time you can motivate yourself such a goal, but not for a very long time. Think that in yourself you could change with the help of a conscious dream? Get rid of obsessive phobias, reveal new talents or improve your definite skills?
  7. Permanently practicing. If you want to often experience the experience of conscious dreams, then without regular efforts in this direction can not do. Therefore, do not be lazy and do not relax, but practice.
  8. Refuse to eat heavy food (oily, fried) 4 hours before sleep. Also under the strict ban is alcohol, psychedelic substances, because they strongly change consciousness.

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