Meditation Sinelnikov - goals and objectives, life without stress


Meditating Sinelnikov is aimed at self-healing. A person eliminates negative emotions and feelings that caused diseases and becomes healthy. These are very powerful work techniques with the subconscious, which we share with you.

Objectives and objectives of healing meditation

Valery Vladimirovich Sinelnikov, the author of the book "Love your illness", claimed: The reason for all health problems are negative human emotions. Therefore, his meditation is directed, first of all, to work with feelings and emotions that lead in a little gland.

Theory and Meditation Sinelnikov

Life without stress

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The purpose of this technique is to master an effective strategy that will help all life adversity not only to overcome with the smallest losses, but also transform them into vitality.

What needs to be done with stress according to Sinelnikov:

  1. Determine what it is in your personal globility.
  2. Overcome the wrong attitude towards stress and understand that it is necessary for your development.
  3. Learn to cooperally interact with different energies of this world
  4. Be ready for stress to cope with it.

It sounds easy and simple, but in practice, work with the subconscious is more complex.

Transition from the model of the victim to the role of the owner of his life

To cope with stress and competently respond to it, it is necessary to heal from the psychotype of the "sacrifice-tyrant" and replace his model "I am the owner of my life."

Sinelniks Meditation

In the process of meditation to heal from stress, you need to change the negative settings for your subconscious on positive, more correct:

  • Invalid installation "Man exists separately from the environment. Everyone lives in itself. " Correct: "We are part of the world around. Everything is interconnected among themselves invisible feeds of the relationship. Each person reflects its inner sensations into the surrounding space. "
  • Invalid installation: "Cause of health problems - infections and viruses. A person is constantly in a state of siege and struggle. " Correct: "The person contacts all the living, inhabiting planet. He is part of the Universe, like each piece of this world. "
  • Wrong: "Man is a harmony of circumstances." That's right: "I am responsible for everything that happens around. I create all the circumstances of my life with thoughts, feelings and actions. "
  • Wrong: "Only physical actions and actions are capable of changing life." Right: "Life is an endless process of spiritual development, my thoughts are the basis of the creation of everything that happens around."
  • Wrong: "My ability is limited by circumstances." That's right: "The strength of my thoughts is capable of everything. I can drastically change your life, working with the energy of the subconscious. The universe is abundant, it is enough for all her gifts. "

Before meditation, you must definitely understand which of the installations exist in your subconscious, and then work with them.

The technique is simple - you include pleasant music, relax the body, concentrate on breathing, and then start pronounced the right installations.

Psychological Aikido

This meditation method is aimed at solving problems in specific life situations. Suppose some circumstances that are disturbed by you. You got sick, quarreled with your loved one or quarreled with someone at work. In short, negative emotions, requiring study.

Healing techniques Sinelnikov

What do we have to do:

  • Before the start of the meditation, it is necessary to "be tattered" to release steam and give the negative, to become more calm. Stand straight, we mock your elbows into the wall and rhythmically ride 100 times, breathing and exhausted air through the nose. A head can be spinning - this is normal.
  • Then proceed to meditation: close your eyes, relax and ask yourself a question: "Why do I feel these emotions?" The subconscious will tell you the answer, you will realize the true cause. Sometimes anger after a quarrel with a colleague is actually angrily aimed at himself, or a sense of guilt.
  • Mentally release the negative, repeating suitable positive affirmations.

As a result of meditation, you deeply work out the situation and do not allow such problems in the future.

In this video, you can listen to the online free meditation Valery Sinelnikov:

Fixing effect

Sinelnikov claimed: one meditations would not help. Work with the subconscious requires an integrated approach. Therefore, you should and in everyday life control your thoughts, learn to express intentionally.

The main stages of the study of negative programs:

  1. Take responsibility for everything that happens in your life. For truth, the fact that the world around us only reflects your inner world. All your thoughts, deeds and actions are causes problems or happiness. Never blame others, solve problems starting with yourself.
  2. Remember about the reflection law. If you are with sour face at the mirror, the reflection will show you a sad and tired person. But after all, you will not be able to blame the mirror in your problems? Similarly, the law of reflection works in real life. What you radiate, then you get.
  3. Control your thoughts and any negative emotion immediately replace a positive statement. Not "I'm so bad, I got sick," I am glad that I got the opportunity to relax from work. "
  4. Similarly, change behavior - instead of complaints about a girlfriend, at a meeting, make it a compliment. Do not discuss your husband who has not fulfilled promises, but tell about the new book read.
  5. Thank the universe for all the features that she sends you. Gratitude Practice is very powerful - at least before bedtime, mentally, pronounce "Thank you" to this day for interesting events, positive emotions, delicious food and support for loved ones.
  6. Practice of return - sacrifice a small percentage of revenues for charity, make gifts and help other people. You will get a multiple return, everything made will return with a hundredfold. It is important to do it sincerely and not expect anything in return.

Regular meditations and constant work with thinking are two success factors that will lead you to a happy life without disease and stress.

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